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存稿向。不要点zam的链接,因为现在的zam是2.0后的天赋树。转帖的初衷也是因为这篇翻译稿里的天赋树是用图片保存的,没有了1.9的天赋树系统,现在英文原帖已经几乎没有用了。 ps蛋疼,搞了会发现官方论坛上有人转帖过了。。。直接复制了。。。 英文原帖 http://forums.riftgame.com/rift-general-discussions/classes-telara/class-guides/rogue-guides/328303-zyzyxs-rogue-bible.html贴吧翻译 http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1846264622 原文作者:Zyzyx 译者:_____Metaphor 原文出自美服官方论坛 目录: 1.0 –介绍 1.0.1 -暴击最高限度 1.0.2 - Planar Attunement是什么? 1.1 -单刷/练级/aoe灵魂树搭配 1.2 -近战输出搭配 1.2.1 -没有synergy crystal(增益水晶)的近战搭配 1.2.2 - 2 piece hk(4 piece tier 1) synergy crystal的近战搭配 1.2.3 - 4 piece hk synergy crystal的近战搭配 1.3 -远程输出搭配 1.3.1 -没有synergy crystal的远程搭配 1.3.2 - 2 piece hk(4 piece tier 1) synergy crystal远程搭配 1.3.3 - 4 piece hk synergy crystal 远程搭配 1.4 –bard诗人 1.5 – Tank 1.6-PVP 1.7 – 升级搭配 1.0 – 介绍 灵魂简介 Assassin:典型的隐身和刺杀盗贼。这与WOW中的贼很像。 Bard:扮演团队治疗和辅助的角**lade Dancer:与WOW贼相似。 Marksman:拥有各种加速的远程高输出灵魂树。 Nightblade:有适量远程技能,以及特别的偷袭方式。 Ranger:可召唤宠物。与WOW猎人相似。 Riftstalker:贼T灵魂树。超强减伤,拥有瞬移技能。简直无与伦比! Saboteur:当你觉得一切安好时忽然挂掉,没错,这就是**干的!一如既往的独一无二! 1.0.1 - Crit cap information CRIT CAP(这段不太懂,原文留下给大神翻译吧) 1187 crit rating = crit cap, this number is not affected by % increases, only crit rating from dex, gear, and dex buffs. In a raid you get 40+52+52 crit rating from dex buffs +5% of your unbuffed dex. This puts the crit cap at 1043 - 0.05*dex. After you hit the crit cap of 1187, it takes 5x as much crit rating to get 1% crit, which makes crit almost worthless, and decreases the value of dex, however, dex is still better than str even after the crit cap. 1187暴击率=暴击最高限度。这个数据不受百分比影响,只受敏捷、装备以及敏捷buff影响。在团队里你可以得到40+52+52以及+5%敏 捷得来的暴击率加成,暴击最高限度会变为1043-0.05*敏捷。你达到1187点暴击率后,需要5倍于原来暴击率才能提高1%暴击,这使得暴击几乎无 用从而减低敏捷的价值,然而,此时敏捷仍然比力量要好些。 -52来自法师Archon的敏捷BUFF -52来自盗贼bard的Anthem of Power -40来自物品Powersurge Vial(蓝色品质为35点) -5%来自盗贼bard的Resonance. 1.0.2 - Planar Attunemnt是什么? Planar attunement(传说中的PA版面)是50级后使用经验提升角色的途径。 首先,按U进入PA版面。按J可进入Ceremony of Attunement。点击进入后可体验到一场不错的单人冒险并给你第一个PA等级。每次你升级时可获得100PA点,这些点数可花在7种PA树上。 Earth –锤、剑专精。耐力 Air -匕首、弓专精。敏捷 Fire -剑、枪专精。力量 Water -斧、锤专精。敏捷 Life -弓、枪专精。耐力 Death -.斧、匕首专精。力量 War - Various pvp abilities. Valor and vengeance.强化PVP技能,韧性,复仇。 如果你是PVP玩家,毋庸置疑应该优先点War版面。但PVE玩家呢?武器专精可以使你得到很大的提升,因此,这应该是优先考虑到的一点。 比如: 如果你喜欢匕首和弓,我建议 Air > Death > Life 如果你习惯剑和枪,那么Fire > Earth > Life 作为输出型盗贼,我建议武器专精>敏捷>力量>耐力。 Tank盗贼我建议优先点出air版面的Lightning Glyph,然后点Water的敏捷,之后点Earth与life的耐力。 1.1 -Solo / farming / aoe grinding spec http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=0M...IzR0zz.xVdhzzM blade dancer synergy crystal 有synergy crystal 的blade dancer 宏: CP Builder: #show Puncture suppressmacrofailures cast Puncture cast Precision Strike cast Quick Strike cast Keen Strike cast expose weakness cast reprisal cast poison malice AoE: #show rift disturbance suppressmacrofailures cast phantom blow cast rift disturbance cast twin strike cast expose weakness cast reprisal cast poison malice Blinks: #show Shadow Assault suppressmacrofailures cast Shadow Assault cast Shadow Blitz cast Shadow Stalk Buffs 包括: combat preparation Planebound resiliance baneful touch lethal poison leeching poisons stalker phase 多用闪现增加伤害以及跑得快。别忘记多用flash of steel。确保怪死的时候有5个连击点,然后用治疗。任何时候都用compound attack。其实对单体目标可用deadly strike增加dps,但是要多设置一个热键。 在aoe时用weapon barrage来沉默远处的法师怪. 1.2 - 近战输出 1.2.1 - 没有synergy crystal的近战输出 spec: 29sin/22bd/15mm 使用Blade dancer的 synergy crystal 宏: Cp builder:#show Precision strikesuppressmacrofailurescast backstabcast Puncturecast Precision Strikecast quick strikecast keen strikecast swift shotcast expose weaknesscast Poison Malicecast Blade Tempocast Cut and Run Finisher:#show Compound Attacksuppressmacrofailurescast Compound Attackcast rapid fire shotcast Hasted shot AOE:#show Twin Strikesuppressmacrofailurescast Twin strikecast fan out 1.2.2 - 2HK(4 piece tier 1) synergy crystal 的近战 Blinkblade(rs/sin/bd) Guide Spec: 27sin/20rs/19bd 默认2点combat efficiency,可改为1点如果你喜欢嗑药tablet 。单我宁可少3%的敏捷来省下嗑药的钱。 宏: Macros:Hoko Button™ #show Backstabcast Backstabcast Puncturecast Precision Strikecast Quick Strikecast Keen Strikecast Expose Weaknesscast Blade Tempocast Poison Malice Blink Macro (note it changed due to the first 2 blinks giving 2cps)#show Shadow Assaultcast Shadow Assaultcast Shadow Blitzcast Shadow Stalk AoE Macro#show Rift Disturbancecast Shadow Blitzcast Rift Disturbancecast Twin Strike(rift disturbance 现在可能会因为其不给予连击点而造成DPS的损失,但它可攻击比twin strike更多的目标,留不留取决于你) 热键: Deadly Strike, Flash of Steel, Shadow Shift, Weapon BarrageRotation: keep shadow buffs up, spam hoko button to deadly dance as usual, getting 2cps will be confusing, but im sure a new optimum rotation will arise, if not, who cares, ignore the extra cp and play as normal (what i do anyways as going from 4-6cps is rarely a dps loss). May keep keen strike on bar to use at 4cps tho, probably a dps gain in most situations. I like to start fight with shadow shift>flash of steel, jumping forward 35m in 1 second is very cool! AoE rotation is simple, spam aoe button and deadly strike, keep up shadow assault but ignore shadow stalk, having 5 seconds of no buff is fine, since you want to shadow blitz off cooldown anyways. Nightblade Guide - 表面上和assasin/rs 很相似,实际上更简单些 Build : - 49nb/17sin HK Nightblade Crystal 宏 1: #show Puncture cast Dusk to Dawn cast Puncture cast Dusk Strike cast Twilight Force cast Fiery Chains cast Primal Strike cast Fiery Spike cast expose weakness Ebon Fury Button #show Ebon Fury cast Puncture cast Dusk Strike cast Ebon Fury cast Twilight Force NB Finisher #show Scourge of Darkness cast Scourge of Darkness cast Blazing Strike cast flame thrust AoE madness #show Fiery Chains cast Fiery Chains cast Weapon Flare cast Fiery Spike 32sin/20rs/14mm HK assasin synergy crystal 宏: Opener(from stealth) #show shadow stalk cast shadow stalk cast jagged strike cast expose weakness AoE = 狂按fan out Spam macro: #show Backstab cast Puncture cast Backstab cast Savage Strike cast Swift Shot cast Poison Malice cast Cut and Run Blink macro: #show Shadow Assault cast Shadow Assault cast Shadow Blitz cast Shadow Stalk Annihilate/EW macro: #show Annihilate cast Annihilate cast Expose Weakness 1.3 - 远程输出搭配 Range Specs 注意:使用远程灵魂树时务必使用 whetstones 来增强远程DPS。如果你没有吟唱降为0的synergy crystal ,empowered shot 不应放在宏内! Saboteur搭配 使用saboteur synergy crystal http://rift.zam.com/en/stc.html?t=0M...Rsqqrqkkk.V.-6 此网页下翻,后面的评论里有写明,不过都是英文的,留给大神翻译,有实用宏 宏: #show Chemical Bomb suppressmacrofailures cast Time Bomb cast Fragmentation Bomb cast Chemical Bomb Incrim macro(focus the boss): #show incriminate suppressmacrofailures target (tanks name) cast incriminate target @focus 单体伤害循环: Spike x5 > Detonate(anihilation bomb冷却完成时可代替Detonate) > Caltrops charge x1 > Macro x3 (carpet bomb触发时 > anihilation bombx4 ) *重复* AoE 循环: Caltrops x5 > Detonate( anihilation bomb instead of detonate if it is up) > Shrapnel charge x1 > Macro x3 (carpet bomb触发时 > anihilation bombx4 ) *重复* 1.3.1 - 没有synergy crystal的远程搭配 Ranger Guide Spec: 34rng/17sin/15mm 宏: Sozu Button #show Crippling Shot petattack petcast Rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor Lash cast Crippling Shot cast Quick Shot cast Expose Weakness AoE #show Rain of Arrows petattack petcast Rend petcast Razor Lash petcast Bloodied ** cast Rain of Arrows (it is spammable now, no reason to even get trick shot, use fan out for when stuff dies too fast) Starter #show Shadow Fire petattack petcast Rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor lash cast Expose Weakness cast Shadow Fire Finisher #show Rapid Fire Shot petattack petcast Rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor lash cast Rapid Fire Shot cast Head Shot cast Expose Weakness Pet Control #show Quick Shot petpassive cast Crippling Shot cast Quick Shot cast Expose Weakness 51 marksman/13nb/2rs - DPS与mm/ranger 差不多,依然无脑。 51mm/13nb/2rs 装备Marksman synergy crystal 宏: Finisher #show Rapid Fire Shot suppressmacrofailures cast Rapid Fire Shot cast Hasted Shot cast empowered shot AOE #show Lightning Fury suppressmacrofailures cast Lightning Fury cast Fan Out 注意:在拿到MM 4pc HK crystal之后使用这个循环 Opener (stealth Dark malady + swiftshot x3 > finisher 宏) Swift Shot x 5 -> RFS (finisher 宏) ES -> Strafe (5 ticks) -> Bulls Eye -> Deadeye Shot ES -> Quick Reload -> Strafe (5 ticks) -> RFS (finisher 宏) ES -> Swift Shot x 3 -> Bulls Eye -> Deadeye Shot 循环 ES -> Swift Shot x 3 -> Hasted Shot / RFS (finisher宏) 冷却完成时,在ES之后使用Strafe , Quick Reload一样. 1.3.2 - 2 piece hk(4 piece tier 1) synergy crystal远程搭配 51ranger/15marksman - 1.8中输出最高的树 使用Ranger Synergy crystal Spec: 51ranger/15marksman/0sin Builder #show shadow fire cast feral aggression cast shadow fire cast Splinter shot cast crippling shot cast piercing shot cast quick shot petcast rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor Lash petattack Finisher: #show Rapid Fire Shot suppressmacrofailures cast Rapid Fire Shot cast Head Shot petcast Rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor lash AOE #show Trick Shot suppressmacrofailures cast shadow fire cast Trick shot petcast Rend petcast Bloodied ** petcast Razor lash Buffs: Virulent Poison Electrified Munitions Predatory Instincts Raptor Pet 使用Ranger Synergy crystal 51mm/15ranger 宏: Builder #show shadow fire suppressmacrofailures cast piercing shot cast shadow fire cast splinter shot cast crippling shot cast quick shot Finisher #show Rapid Fire Shot suppressmacrofailures cast Rapid Fire Shot cast Head Shot AOE #show Lightning Fury suppressmacrofailures cast shadow fire cast Lightning Fury cast Fan Out 1.3.3 - 4 piece hk synergy crystal 远程搭配 Marksman/ranger 51marksman / 14 ranger guide / 1 riftstalker - 最好的marksman dps搭配 51mm/14ranger/1rs 4 piece blighted ranger crystal -> HK 2 piece ranger crystal -> 4 piece HK marksman crystal Builder 宏- #show swift shot suppressmacrofailures cast empowered shot cast Crippling Shot cast piercing shot cast swift shot Finisher 宏 - #show rapid fire shot cast Rapid Fire Shot cast hasted shot cast empowered shot #show Lightning Fury cast shadow fire cast Lightning Fury cast Fan Out 循环 - ShadowFire > Quick Shot > Builder 宏 > Head Shot Quick Shot > Strafe > Finisher 宏 Quick Shot > Builder 宏 > Builder 宏 > Builder 宏 > Finisher 提示 - 1. Shadow Fire持续25秒但CD为20秒,按CD使用会损失DPS。 2. Quick Shot 在每个循环前使用来附加流血dot,我也在每次strafe前使用。 3. 使用strafe后再跑路,它会受到standing still被动的伤害加成。 4. 如果boss乱窜,使用barbed shot,同时它也是**越货必备神技哦亲~ 1.4 - 诗人 简介 Fanfares: 有3个fanfares来提供团队buff。 在开战前或有人被战复时使用。 Motifs: 有5个motifs。保证团队身上的motifs不断。 Cadence: 这是你主要的连击点builder技能,可治疗。攒满5个连击点后使用需要的coda终结。 Codas: Jeopardy = 这是你最重要并需要一直保持的debuff。Wild growth, illuminate, 和spotter's orders 会覆盖它.,so,好好和队友沟通哦~ Wild growth 是法师cloro持续10秒的buff。 Restoration = 治疗5位队友大约1000-2000血量 Distress/Cowardice = AOE+debuff。法师archon有和这俩技能差不多且瞬发、持续时间长的技能。 然而有很多小弟的BOSS就要尽快使所有小弟都有这个dubuff。 BARD 搭配: 普通的nb/rs build: 最普通的搭配。最大化cadence的治疗量/伤害 新的 10mm/5rs build 这种搭配依赖于fire power来提升治疗量,但由于其过于依赖暴击(暴击仅发生在cadence的第一次伤害),并不是特别推荐。可它确实在1.6火得跟孙扬一样。 15bd build 这个搭配有blade dancer的打断,但是由于其苦逼的射程,对站位要求比较高。 15ranger build 这种风格的诗人主要依赖piercing shot的减甲效果。使用ranger的增益水晶增强DPS,宏如下: #show crippling shot cast piercing shot cast shadow fire cast Splinter shot cast crippling shot cast quick shot 用hradshot作为终结技来保持bestial fury的状态。这种加点更倾向于dps/辅助,治疗略逊一筹。 1.5-Tank 这个貌似木有。。。 1.6-PVP nb/rs 搭配:很受欢迎。 Marksman搭配—我更喜欢51mm/13nb的搭配(上面已放出),然而很多混迹战场的贼喜欢44mm/22rs,毕竟eradicate是最强力的PVP技能之一。51assasin搭配—很完美的gank搭配,爆发极高。(在codex偷旗更是屡试不爽) 武器附加状态使用leeching poison 和 lethal poison。对付牧师时切换成Debilitating poison 宏: #show Puncture suppressmacrofailures cast Puncture cast backstab cast savage strike cast quick shot cast expose weakness cast serpent strike cast poison malice #show Final ** suppressmacrofailures cast Final ** cast Head shot 搬运工搭配---whitefall运旗时相当好用哦~ 1.7– 升级 5-30级 LV5: 10级: 15级: 20级: 25级 30级: 宏: Builder: #show crippling shot cast shadow fire cast crippling shot cast quick shot Finisher: #show Rapid Fire shot cast Rapid Fire Shot cast Head shot 35-50级时使用bladedancer/riftstalker/assasin. 35级: 40级: 45级: 50级: