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乌鸦之田 战报 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2008-09-13


层 1    =Back= =Next=






Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 15 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 49 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 55 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 大乌鸦1 1 front 9 5 ready
2 大乌鸦2 1 front 9 5 ready
3 渡鸦1 1 front 6 5 ready
4 渡鸦2 1 front 6 5 ready
5 渡鸦3 1 front 6 5 ready
6 渡鸦4 1 front 6 5 ready
7 渡鸦5 1 front 6 5 ready
8 渡鸦6 1 front 6 5 ready
9 渡鸦7 1 front 6 5 ready
10 渡鸦8 1 front 6 5 ready
11 渡鸦9 1 front 6 5 ready
12 渡鸦10 1 front 6 5 ready
13 渡鸦11 1 front 6 5 ready
14 渡鸦12 1 front 6 5 ready
15 渡鸦13 1 left side 6 5 ready
16 渡鸦14 1 left side 6 5 ready
17 渡鸦15 1 left side 6 5 ready
18 渡鸦16 1 left side 6 5 ready
19 渡鸦17 1 left side 6 5 ready
20 渡鸦18 1 left side 6 5 ready
21 渡鸦19 1 left side 6 5 ready
22 渡鸦20 1 left side 6 5 ready
23 渡鸦21 1 left side 6 5 ready
24 渡鸦22 1 left side 6 5 ready

  灼眼Shana uses 祝福 (2 MP/圣水) on  ricely


  炎发 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  书染孤烟 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  ricely uses 圣武士光环 (圣武士的神圣护身符) on  themselves


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 4 mp.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/24/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 渡鸦6 (近程闪避/9): critical success - struck down
6 cutting damage


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/50/轻型 灵巧 短弓,地精箭) 渡鸦9 (远程回避/30): good success - struck down
13 piercing damage
2 poison damage


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/22/打猎用标枪) 渡鸦22 (近程闪避/14): good success - struck down
24 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/31/13 MP) 渡鸦3 (5): critical success - struck down
9 lightning damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦14 attacks (抓/6) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/16/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦21 attacks (抓/23) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/34/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/31/火把) 渡鸦1 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
20 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦20 attacks (抓/20) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/30/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/17/10 MP) 渡鸦19 (5): critical success - struck down
7 lightning damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦11 attacks (抓/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/53/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦7 attacks (抓/11) 走为上 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 大乌鸦1 attacks (抓/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/34): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦4 attacks (抓/16) 走为上 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/38/曲匕) 渡鸦7 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
12 cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/23/火把) 渡鸦4 (近程闪避/2): critical success - struck down
19 fire damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦13 attacks (抓/5) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/37/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦15 attacks (抓/8) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/19/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦5 attacks (抓/16) 走为上 (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦2 attacks (抓/22) ricely (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/37/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 渡鸦8 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦17 attacks (抓/23) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/28/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/7/普通的手术刀) 渡鸦2 (近程闪避/20): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦12 attacks (抓/11) ricely (盾牌格挡/59/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 大乌鸦2 attacks (抓/9) 走为上 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks with magic (神圣火焰/16/6 MP/圣水) 渡鸦12 (1): critical success - struck down
6 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦16 attacks (抓/14) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/36/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦18 attacks (抓/14) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/30/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/10/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 渡鸦2 (近程闪避/20): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦10 attacks (抓/13) ricely (盾牌格挡/39/简易的 木制 盾): failed


层 1    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 15 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 38 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 18 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 42 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 大乌鸦1 1 front 9 5 ready
2 大乌鸦2 1 front 9 5 ready
3 渡鸦1 1 front 0 5 struck down
4 渡鸦2 1 front 6 5 ready
5 渡鸦3 1 front 0 5 struck down
6 渡鸦4 1 front 0 5 struck down
7 渡鸦5 1 front 6 5 ready
8 渡鸦6 1 front 0 5 struck down
9 渡鸦7 1 front 0 5 struck down
10 渡鸦8 1 front 0 5 struck down
11 渡鸦9 1 front 0 5 struck down
12 渡鸦10 1 front 6 5 ready
13 渡鸦11 1 front 6 5 ready
14 渡鸦12 1 front 0 5 struck down
15 渡鸦13 1 left side 6 5 ready
16 渡鸦14 1 left side 6 5 ready
17 渡鸦15 1 left side 6 5 ready
18 渡鸦16 1 left side 6 5 ready
19 渡鸦17 1 left side 6 5 ready
20 渡鸦18 1 left side 6 5 ready
21 渡鸦19 1 left side 0 5 struck down
22 渡鸦20 1 left side 6 5 ready
23 渡鸦21 1 left side 6 5 ready
24 渡鸦22 1 left side 0 5 struck down

  ricely uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/58/打猎用标枪) 渡鸦16 (近程闪避/21): critical success - struck down
18 piercing damage


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/58/曲匕) 大乌鸦1 (近程闪避/31): good success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/34/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 渡鸦10 (远程回避/9): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦2 attacks (抓/16) 走为上 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦5 attacks (抓/24) ricely (盾牌格挡/47/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/8/轻远足杖) 渡鸦11 (近程闪避/5): good success
4 crushing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦21 attacks (抓/19) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/35/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦13 attacks (抓/10) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/45/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/17/13 MP) 大乌鸦2 (3): critical success
3 lightning damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 大乌鸦2 attacks (抓/10) ricely (盾牌格挡/68/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/12/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 渡鸦11 (近程闪避/13): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/36/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 渡鸦5 (近程闪避/23): good success - struck down
8 cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦14 attacks (抓/4) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/44/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/26/火把) 渡鸦2 (近程闪避/14): good success - struck down
12 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦18 attacks (抓/18) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/22/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦20 attacks (抓/20) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/29/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/22/10 MP) 渡鸦17 (2): critical success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/55/火把) 渡鸦11 (近程闪避/23): critical success - struck down
14 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 渡鸦15 attacks (抓/4) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/43/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1
  渡鸦17 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/6/普通的手术刀) 大乌鸦2 (近程闪避/39): failed


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/20/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 大乌鸦2 (近程闪避/17): success - struck down
9 cutting damage


层 1    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 11 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 31 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 20 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 36 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 大乌鸦1 1 front 0 5 struck down
2 大乌鸦2 1 front 0 5 struck down
3 渡鸦2 1 front 0 5 struck down
4 渡鸦5 1 front 0 5 struck down
5 渡鸦10 1 front 0 5 struck down
6 渡鸦11 1 front 0 5 struck down
7 渡鸦13 1 left side 6 5 ready
8 渡鸦14 1 left side 6 5 ready
9 渡鸦15 1 left side 6 5 ready
10 渡鸦16 1 left side 0 5 struck down
11 渡鸦17 1 left side 2 5 fled
12 渡鸦18 1 left side 6 5 ready
13 渡鸦20 1 left side 6 5 ready
14 渡鸦21 1 left side 6 5 ready

  ricely uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on  Nalun


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/50/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 渡鸦20 (远程回避/26): good success - struck down
23 piercing damage


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/24/曲匕) 渡鸦14 (近程闪避/5): critical success - struck down
9 cutting damage


Initiative 23
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/41/打猎用标枪) 渡鸦18 (近程闪避/21): good success - struck down
12 piercing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks with magic (神圣火焰/33/6 MP/圣水) 渡鸦15 (3): critical success
4 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1
  渡鸦15 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints and the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/28/火把) 渡鸦13 (近程闪避/24): success - struck down
21 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/24/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 渡鸦21 (近程闪避/2): critical success - struck down
12 cutting damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 7 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 34 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 16 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 43 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 渡鸦13 1 left side 0 5 struck down
2 渡鸦14 1 left side 0 5 struck down
3 渡鸦15 1 left side 2 5 fled
4 渡鸦18 1 left side 0 5 struck down
5 渡鸦20 1 left side 0 5 struck down
6 渡鸦21 1 left side 0 5 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



ricely receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 8.
走为上 receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 11.
Nalun receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 20.
玖流 receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 20.
final-fantasy receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 14.
FlyingWithoutWings receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 18.
LockednLoaded receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 15.
primal-fantasy receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 9.
书染孤烟 receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 24.
灼眼Shana receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 13.
炎发 receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 17.
貧血 receives 78 and 1.6 and finds 9.
走为上 finds 轻远足杖  
Nalun finds 矢
Nalun finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
FlyingWithoutWings finds 微弱的 瓶装治疗药水
LockednLoaded finds 以铁盖帽处理过的 一盒吹箭
primal-fantasy finds 普通的rashon神圣荣誉勋章
primal-fantasy finds 简易 珍珠耳环
书染孤烟 finds 矢
书染孤烟 finds 一袋黑火药
灼眼Shana finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
炎发 finds 箭
貧血 finds 简易 象牙项链

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2008-09-13
层 2    =Back= =Next=



Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 7 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 34 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 16 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 43 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 籽鸦(愤怒的)1 2 front 11 5 ready
2 籽鸦(愤怒的)2 2 front 11 5 ready
3 籽鸦1 2 right side 11 5 ready
4 籽鸦2 2 right side 11 5 ready
5 籽鸦3 2 right side 11 5 ready
6 籽鸦4 2 right side 11 5 ready
7 稻草人 6 center 88 40 ready
8 籽鸦5 2 center 11 5 ready
9 籽鸦6 2 center 11 5 ready
10 籽鸦7 2 center 11 5 ready
11 籽鸦8 2 center 11 5 ready
12 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 2 center 11 5 ready
13 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 2 center 11 5 ready
14 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 2 center 11 5 ready
15 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 2 center 11 5 ready
16 籽鸦(愤怒的)7 2 center 11 5 ready
17 籽鸦(愤怒的)8 2 center 11 5 ready
18 籽鸦9 2 back 11 5 ready
19 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
20 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 ready
21 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 ready
22 渡鸦1 1 behind group 6 5 ready
23 渡鸦2 1 behind group 6 5 ready

  书染孤烟 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  ricely uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/23/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 籽鸦2 (近程闪避/3): critical success
6 cutting damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 attacks (抓/26) 走为上 (近程闪避/42): failed


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)2 attacks (抓/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/10): success
1 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 attacks (啄/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/28): failed


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)7 attacks (啄/24) 走为上 (近程闪避/26): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦7 attacks (啄/13) 走为上 (近程闪避/57): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)8 attacks (啄/12) 走为上 (近程闪避/37): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)1 attacks (啄/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/38): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 attacks (啄/3) 走为上 (近程闪避/19): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦2 attacks (抓/25) 玖流 (近程闪避/43): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/45/轻型 灵巧 短弓,地精箭) 渡鸦1 (远程回避/11): critical success - struck down
25 piercing damage
2 poison damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦3 attacks (啄/29) 玖流 (近程闪避/32): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/40/曲匕) 籽鸦4 (近程闪避/4): critical success
9 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦11 attacks (抓/24) ricely (盾牌格挡/47/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦1 attacks (抓/17) Nalun (盾牌格挡/25/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1
  籽鸦4 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/3/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 籽鸦(愤怒的)1 (近程闪避/19): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦9 attacks (啄/20) 走为上 (近程闪避/28): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/13/10 MP) 渡鸦2 (2): critical success
2 lightning damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/24/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 籽鸦(愤怒的)1 (近程闪避/16): good success - struck down
19 cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/2/轻远足杖) 籽鸦(愤怒的)2 (近程闪避/26): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/48/打猎用标枪) 籽鸦(愤怒的)2 (近程闪避/9): critical success - struck down
21 piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 2 稻草人 attacks (钝器攻击/26) ricely (盾牌格挡/38/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦8 attacks (啄/12) 走为上 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 attacks (啄/17) ricely (盾牌格挡/35/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/30/13 MP) 渡鸦2 (3): critical success - struck down
11 lightning damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦5 attacks (啄/12) ricely (盾牌格挡/60/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/42/火把) 籽鸦(愤怒的)7 (近程闪避/22): good success
9 fire damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦6 attacks (抓/19) ricely (盾牌格挡/51/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦12 attacks (抓/20) 走为上 (近程闪避/38): failed


Initiative 4
Action 2 of 2 稻草人 attacks (混乱攻击/20/2 MP) ricely (盾牌格挡/30/简易的 木制 盾): failed
走为上 (近程闪避/26): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/15/普通的手术刀) 籽鸦8 (近程闪避/7): good success
3 cutting damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦10 attacks (抓/21) 走为上 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/20/火把) 籽鸦8 (近程闪避/23): failed


层 2    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 3 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 68 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 16 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 23 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 18 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 37 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 籽鸦(愤怒的)1 2 front 0 5 struck down
2 籽鸦(愤怒的)2 2 front 0 5 struck down
3 籽鸦1 2 right side 11 5 ready
4 籽鸦2 2 right side 5 5 ready
5 籽鸦3 2 right side 11 5 ready
6 籽鸦4 2 right side 2 5 fled
7 稻草人 6 center 88 38 ready
8 籽鸦5 2 center 11 5 ready
9 籽鸦6 2 center 11 5 ready
10 籽鸦7 2 center 11 5 ready
11 籽鸦8 2 center 8 5 ready
12 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 2 center 11 5 ready
13 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 2 center 11 5 ready
14 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 2 center 11 5 ready
15 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 2 center 11 5 ready
16 籽鸦(愤怒的)7 2 center 2 5 ready
17 籽鸦(愤怒的)8 2 center 11 5 ready
18 籽鸦9 2 back 11 5 ready
19 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
20 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 ready
21 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 ready
22 渡鸦1 1 behind group 0 5 struck down
23 渡鸦2 1 behind group 0 5 struck down

  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 33
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/25/曲匕) 籽鸦3 (近程闪避/8): critical success
10 cutting damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1
  籽鸦(愤怒的)7 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦5 attacks (啄/19) 走为上 (近程闪避/28): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦8 attacks (啄/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/28/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/44/打猎用标枪) 籽鸦5 (近程闪避/3): critical success - struck down
21 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦6 attacks (抓/11) 走为上 (近程闪避/45): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/29/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 籽鸦(愤怒的)8 (远程回避/3): critical success - struck down
20 piercing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 attacks (啄/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/41/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦2 attacks (抓/3) Nalun (盾牌格挡/27/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦11 attacks (啄/15) 走为上 (近程闪避/44): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦10 attacks (啄/17) ricely (盾牌格挡/36/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/10/13 MP) 籽鸦2 (1): critical success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/30/火把) 籽鸦8 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/8/轻远足杖) 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 (近程闪避/17): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 2 稻草人 socially attacks (嘲笑/27/2 MP) ricely (37): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1
  籽鸦3 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 attacks (抓/11) 走为上 (近程闪避/43): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 attacks (啄/26) 走为上 (近程闪避/41): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/7/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦1 attacks (抓/12) 玖流 (近程闪避/59): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦9 attacks (啄/6) 走为上 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/20/火把) 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 (近程闪避/18): success - struck down
18 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦7 attacks (啄/7) 走为上 (近程闪避/11): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/37/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 (近程闪避/17): good success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/37/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 籽鸦2 (近程闪避/16): critical success - struck down
8 cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 2 of 2 稻草人 attacks (钝器攻击/49) 走为上 (近程闪避/41): success
9 [+4] crushing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/20/10 MP) 籽鸦1 (5): critical success
8 lightning damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 attacks (抓/24) 走为上 (近程闪避/32): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 走为上 +9 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦12 attacks (啄/18) 走为上 (近程闪避/49): failed


层 2    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 4 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 16 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 20 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 31 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 籽鸦1 2 right side 3 5 ready
2 籽鸦2 2 right side 0 5 struck down
3 籽鸦3 2 right side 1 5 fled
4 稻草人 6 center 88 36 ready
5 籽鸦5 2 center 0 5 struck down
6 籽鸦6 2 center 11 5 ready
7 籽鸦7 2 center 11 5 ready
8 籽鸦8 2 center 8 5 ready
9 籽鸦(愤怒的)3 2 center 0 5 struck down
10 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 2 center 11 5 ready
11 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 2 center 11 5 ready
12 籽鸦(愤怒的)6 2 center 0 5 struck down
13 籽鸦(愤怒的)7 2 center 2 5 fled
14 籽鸦(愤怒的)8 2 center 0 5 struck down
15 籽鸦9 2 back 11 5 ready
16 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
17 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 ready
18 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 ready

  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 28
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/31/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 籽鸦8 (远程回避/9): critical success - struck down
19 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦12 attacks (啄/21) ricely (盾牌格挡/27/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦11 attacks (啄/17) 走为上 (近程闪避/45): failed


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/34/打猎用标枪) 稻草人 (0): critical success
5 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦1 attacks (啄/7) Nalun (盾牌格挡/34/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/8/轻远足杖) 籽鸦6 (近程闪避/2): critical success
4 crushing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/33/曲匕) 籽鸦1 (近程闪避/11): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦9 attacks (啄/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/40/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/15/10 MP) 籽鸦7 (5): critical success
6 lightning damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/26/火把) 稻草人 (0): critical success
18 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/56/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 籽鸦6 (近程闪避/6): critical success - struck down
17 cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/13/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 2 稻草人 socially attacks (侮辱/26/3 MP) ricely (39): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/10/火把) 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 attacks (啄/23) 走为上 (近程闪避/26): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/19/13 MP) 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 (4): critical success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/11/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 稻草人 (0): critical success
3 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 2 of 2 稻草人 attacks (混乱攻击/29/2 MP) ricely (盾牌格挡/53/简易的 木制 盾): failed
走为上 (近程闪避/24): success


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 attacks (抓/20) ricely (盾牌格挡/29/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦7 attacks (抓/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/46/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦10 attacks (抓/12) ricely (盾牌格挡/49/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/14/普通的手术刀) 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 (近程闪避/15): failed


层 2    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 5 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 9 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 22 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 25 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 籽鸦1 2 right side 0 5 struck down
2 稻草人 6 center 62 31 ready
3 籽鸦6 2 center 0 5 struck down
4 籽鸦7 2 center 5 5 ready
5 籽鸦8 2 center 0 5 struck down
6 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 2 center 11 5 ready
7 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 2 center 7 5 ready
8 籽鸦9 2 back 11 5 ready
9 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
10 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 ready
11 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  ricely uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/28/曲匕) 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 (近程闪避/11): critical success - struck down
19 cutting damage


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/44/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 (远程回避/7): critical success - struck down
19 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/41/打猎用标枪) 稻草人 (0): critical success
3 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/16/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 籽鸦7 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦12 attacks (抓/9) 走为上 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/2/轻远足杖) 籽鸦7 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦10 attacks (抓/8) ricely (盾牌格挡/26/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/32/火把) 籽鸦7 (近程闪避/2): critical success - struck down
16 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦11 attacks (抓/9) 走为上 (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦9 attacks (啄/8) ricely (盾牌格挡/53/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/7/普通的手术刀) 稻草人 (0): critical success
0 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/7/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 稻草人 (0): critical success
2 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks (杖击/12/火箭之 轻型 野榉坚固手杖) 稻草人 (0): critical success
0 [+3] crushing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/17/10 MP) 稻草人 (0): critical success
2 lightning damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 2 稻草人 socially attacks (侮辱/21/3 MP) 走为上 (24): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/43/火把) 稻草人 (0): critical success
18 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/15/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 稻草人 (0): critical success
5 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 2
Action 2 of 2 稻草人 socially attacks (侮辱/17/3 MP) ricely (37): failed


层 2    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 1 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 16 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 2 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 32 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 稻草人 6 center 32 25 ready
2 籽鸦7 2 center 0 5 struck down
3 籽鸦(愤怒的)4 2 center 0 5 struck down
4 籽鸦(愤怒的)5 2 center 0 5 struck down
5 籽鸦9 2 back 11 5 ready
6 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
7 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 ready
8 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 ready

  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/53/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 稻草人 (0): critical success
5 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/23/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 稻草人 (0): critical success
1 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦10 attacks (啄/16) ricely (盾牌格挡/61/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 籽鸦9 attacks (啄/16) 走为上 (近程闪避/41): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/41/曲匕) 稻草人 (0): critical success
2 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/12/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 稻草人 (0): critical success
3 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/36/火把) 稻草人 (0): critical success
11 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/31/13 MP) 稻草人 (0): critical success
2 lightning damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/30/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 稻草人 (0): critical success
3 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/32/火把) 稻草人 (0): critical success - 被毁
8 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/33/打猎用标枪) 籽鸦9 (近程闪避/30): success - struck down
17 piercing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/7/魔法杖) 籽鸦11 (近程闪避/8): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1
  籽鸦11 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1
  籽鸦12 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/3/轻远足杖) 籽鸦10 (近程闪避/26): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy attacks (匕首格斗/15/普通的手术刀) 籽鸦10 (近程闪避/23): failed


层 2    =Back= =Next=


Round 6



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 2 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 5 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 26 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 稻草人 6 center 0 25 被毁
2 籽鸦9 2 back 0 5 struck down
3 籽鸦10 2 back 11 5 ready
4 籽鸦11 2 back 11 5 fled
5 籽鸦12 2 back 11 5 fled

  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/43/打猎用标枪) 籽鸦10 (近程闪避/26): good success - struck down
23 piercing damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 3 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 8 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 33 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 籽鸦10 2 back 0 5 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



ricely receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 53.
走为上 receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 33.
Nalun receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 17.
玖流 receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 46.
final-fantasy receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 47.
FlyingWithoutWings receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 38.
LockednLoaded receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 39.
primal-fantasy receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 55.
书染孤烟 receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 35.
灼眼Shana receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 40.
炎发 receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 38.
貧血 receives 96 and 1.6 and finds 52.
走为上 finds 一小把 石块
Nalun finds 冰晶
玖流 finds 冰晶
final-fantasy finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
FlyingWithoutWings finds 以铁盖帽处理过的 一盒吹箭
primal-fantasy finds 微弱的 瓶装治疗药水
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2008-09-13
层 3    =Back= =Next=






Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 3 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 19 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 8 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 33 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗1 1 front 10 5 ready
2 强盗2 1 front 10 5 ready
3 强盗3 1 front 10 5 ready
4 强盗4 1 front 10 5 ready
5 强盗5 1 front 10 5 ready
6 强盗6 1 left side 10 5 ready
7 强盗7 1 left side 10 5 ready
8 强盗8 1 left side 10 5 ready
9 强盗9 1 left side 10 5 ready
10 强盗10 1 left side 10 5 ready
11 强盗11 1 right side 10 5 ready
12 强盗12 1 right side 10 5 ready
13 强盗13 1 right side 10 5 ready
14 强盗14 1 right side 10 5 ready
15 强盗15 1 right side 10 5 ready
16 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 10 5 ready
17 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
18 带短弓的强盗3 2 center 10 5 ready
19 带短弓的强盗4 2 center 10 5 ready
20 带短弓的强盗5 2 center 10 5 ready
21 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 10 5 ready
22 带短弓的强盗7 2 center 10 5 ready
23 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 10 5 ready
24 带短弓的强盗9 2 center 10 5 ready
25 带短弓的强盗10 2 center 10 5 ready
26 带短弓的强盗11 2 center 10 5 ready
27 带短弓的强盗12 2 center 10 5 ready
28 带短弓的强盗13 2 center 10 5 ready
29 带短弓的强盗14 2 center 10 5 ready
30 带短弓的强盗15 2 center 10 5 ready
31 强盗头子 3 center 22 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 大吃一顿 (大袋食物) on  themselves


  炎发 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  书染孤烟 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 30
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/41/打猎用标枪) 强盗6 (1): critical success - struck down
13 piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/42/轻型 灵巧 短弓,地精箭) 带短弓的强盗9 (13): critical success - struck down
24 piercing damage
2 poison damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/25/曲匕) 强盗15 (5): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/40/火把) 强盗4 (2): critical success - struck down
10 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗8 ranged attacks (箭术/15) ricely (远程回避/13): success
0 [+8] piercing damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/37/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 强盗2 (10): critical success - struck down
14 cutting damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗12 ranged attacks (箭术/11) ricely (远程回避/34): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/32/13 MP) 强盗1 (3): critical success - struck down
11 lightning damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/3/轻远足杖) 强盗3 (6): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/29/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗14 (2): critical success
9 cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗1 ranged attacks (箭术/22) ricely (远程回避/21): success
0 [+5] piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗12 attacks (钝器攻击/1) Nalun (盾牌格挡/48/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗8 attacks (匕首格斗/10) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/46/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗7 attacks (匕首格斗/4) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/34/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗7 ranged attacks (箭术/14) 走为上 (5): critical success
6 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗14 ranged attacks (箭术/18) 走为上 (10): good success
6 [+2] piercing damage
腰布 -1 HP


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/32/火把) 强盗5 (11): critical success - struck down
14 fire damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗10 ranged attacks (箭术/18) ricely (远程回避/30): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 强盗9 attacks (钝器攻击/16) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/21/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 走为上 +10 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子 ranged attacks (箭术/12) 貧血 (7): good success
2 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/5/魔法杖) 强盗3 (6): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 强盗11 attacks (匕首格斗/10) 玖流 (近程闪避/36): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1
  强盗14 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗2 ranged attacks (箭术/23) ricely (远程回避/27): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗3 ranged attacks (箭术/18) 走为上 (3): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗5 ranged attacks (箭术/12) 走为上 (9): success
1 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 强盗13 attacks (钝器攻击/9) 玖流 (近程闪避/36): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 强盗10 attacks (钝器攻击/3) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/28/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗13 ranged attacks (箭术/14) ricely (远程回避/37): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 强盗3 attacks (钝器攻击/4) 走为上 (近程闪避/24): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗15 ranged attacks (箭术/18) 走为上 (2): critical success
8 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗4 ranged attacks (箭术/4) ricely (远程回避/23): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗6 ranged attacks (箭术/23) 走为上 (12): good success
3 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗11 ranged attacks (箭术/12) ricely (远程回避/24): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 4 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 51 6 slightly wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 7 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 23 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 45 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗1 1 front 0 5 struck down
2 强盗2 1 front 0 5 struck down
3 强盗3 1 front 10 5 ready
4 强盗4 1 front 0 5 struck down
5 强盗5 1 front 0 5 struck down
6 强盗6 1 left side 0 5 struck down
7 强盗7 1 left side 10 5 ready
8 强盗8 1 left side 10 5 ready
9 强盗9 1 left side 10 5 ready
10 强盗10 1 left side 10 5 ready
11 强盗11 1 right side 10 5 ready
12 强盗12 1 right side 10 5 ready
13 强盗13 1 right side 10 5 ready
14 强盗14 1 right side 1 5 fled
15 强盗15 1 right side 0 5 struck down
16 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 10 5 ready
17 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
18 带短弓的强盗3 2 center 10 5 ready
19 带短弓的强盗4 2 center 10 5 ready
20 带短弓的强盗5 2 center 10 5 ready
21 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 10 5 ready
22 带短弓的强盗7 2 center 10 5 ready
23 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 10 5 ready
24 带短弓的强盗9 2 center 0 5 struck down
25 带短弓的强盗10 2 center 10 5 ready
26 带短弓的强盗11 2 center 10 5 ready
27 带短弓的强盗12 2 center 10 5 ready
28 带短弓的强盗13 2 center 10 5 ready
29 带短弓的强盗14 2 center 10 5 ready
30 带短弓的强盗15 2 center 10 5 ready
31 强盗头子 3 center 22 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/65/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗3 (1): critical success - struck down
23 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/34/曲匕) 强盗11 (7): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/21/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗13 (11): good success
6 cutting damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/42/打猎用标枪) 强盗8 (4): critical success - struck down
20 piercing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子 ranged attacks (箭术/22) 貧血 (10): good success
2 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/33/13 MP) 强盗3 (1): critical success
6 lightning damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗12 ranged attacks (箭术/25) ricely (远程回避/35): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗11 ranged attacks (箭术/9) ricely (远程回避/21): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗15 ranged attacks (箭术/8) ricely (远程回避/29): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/26/10 MP) 强盗7 (2): critical success
7 lightning damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗4 ranged attacks (箭术/27) 走为上 (8): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗12 attacks (匕首格斗/2) 玖流 (近程闪避/15): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗13 attacks (钝器攻击/12) Nalun (盾牌格挡/15/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 强盗10 attacks (匕首格斗/4) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/37/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/4/轻远足杖) 强盗3 (3): success
3 [+1] crushing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗14 ranged attacks (箭术/18) ricely (远程回避/27): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗10 ranged attacks (箭术/10) ricely (远程回避/17): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/35/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 强盗3 (10): critical success - struck down
19 cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗1 ranged attacks (箭术/6) ricely (远程回避/37): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 走为上 +7 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/12/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 带短弓的强盗12 (9): success
9 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗5 ranged attacks (箭术/26) 走为上 (4): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗7 ranged attacks (箭术/13) 走为上 (9): success
7 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 强盗9 attacks (钝器攻击/11) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/34/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗2 ranged attacks (箭术/16) 走为上 (3): critical success
2 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗6 ranged attacks (箭术/19) ricely (远程回避/29): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/28/火把) 带短弓的强盗1 (13): good success - struck down
20 fire damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗13 ranged attacks (箭术/19) 走为上 (5): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗8 ranged attacks (箭术/16) 走为上 (6): critical success
3 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1
  强盗7 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 ricely heals with 治愈之手 (4 MP) 走为上 +1 HP


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 1 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 36 6 wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 16 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 0 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 17 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 43 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗3 1 front 0 5 struck down
2 强盗7 1 left side 3 5 fled
3 强盗8 1 left side 0 5 struck down
4 强盗9 1 left side 10 5 ready
5 强盗10 1 left side 10 5 ready
6 强盗11 1 right side 0 5 struck down
7 强盗12 1 right side 10 5 ready
8 强盗13 1 right side 4 5 ready
9 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 0 5 struck down
10 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
11 带短弓的强盗3 2 center 0 5 struck down
12 带短弓的强盗4 2 center 10 5 ready
13 带短弓的强盗5 2 center 10 5 ready
14 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 10 5 ready
15 带短弓的强盗7 2 center 10 5 ready
16 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 10 5 ready
17 带短弓的强盗10 2 center 10 5 ready
18 带短弓的强盗11 2 center 10 5 ready
19 带短弓的强盗12 2 center 1 5 ready
20 带短弓的强盗13 2 center 10 5 ready
21 带短弓的强盗14 2 center 10 5 ready
22 带短弓的强盗15 2 center 10 5 ready
23 强盗头子 3 center 22 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 阅读 (1 MP/复印页:新手躲避) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/35/曲匕) 强盗13 (6): critical success - struck down
12 cutting damage


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/28/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗11 (5): critical success
8 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子 ranged attacks (箭术/22) 貧血 (14): good success
4 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/21/13 MP) 强盗9 (5): critical success - struck down
12 lightning damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/14/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 带短弓的强盗7 (10): success - struck down
11 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗10 ranged attacks (箭术/24) 走为上 (10): critical success
5 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/8/魔法杖) 带短弓的强盗12 (3): critical success - struck down
5 crushing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗6 ranged attacks (箭术/13) 走为上 (9): success
5 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗15 ranged attacks (箭术/9) ricely (远程回避/15): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗14 ranged attacks (箭术/18) ricely (远程回避/38): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗2 ranged attacks (箭术/12) 走为上 (4): critical success
6 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/46/火把) 带短弓的强盗13 (3): critical success - struck down
14 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 强盗12 attacks (匕首格斗/11) Nalun (盾牌格挡/15/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/33/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗12 (5): critical success
5 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/36/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 带短弓的强盗10 (5): critical success - struck down
18 cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/27/火把) 带短弓的强盗2 (5): critical success - struck down
21 fire damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗4 ranged attacks (箭术/18) 走为上 (14): success
3 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) 走为上 +23 HP


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/23/打猎用标枪) 强盗10 (2): critical success - struck down
21 piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) 走为上 +11 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1
  带短弓的强盗11 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗8 ranged attacks (箭术/9) ricely (远程回避/29): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗5 ranged attacks (箭术/13) ricely (远程回避/29): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 2 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 52 6 slightly wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 3 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 23 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 11 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 39 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗9 1 left side 0 5 struck down
2 强盗10 1 left side 0 5 struck down
3 强盗12 1 right side 5 5 ready
4 强盗13 1 right side 0 5 struck down
5 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 0 5 struck down
6 带短弓的强盗4 2 center 10 5 ready
7 带短弓的强盗5 2 center 10 5 ready
8 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 10 5 ready
9 带短弓的强盗7 2 center 0 5 struck down
10 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 10 5 ready
11 带短弓的强盗10 2 center 0 5 struck down
12 带短弓的强盗11 2 center 2 5 fled
13 带短弓的强盗12 2 center 0 5 struck down
14 带短弓的强盗13 2 center 0 5 struck down
15 带短弓的强盗14 2 center 10 5 ready
16 带短弓的强盗15 2 center 10 5 ready
17 强盗头子 3 center 22 13 ready

  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 1 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/29/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗12 (5): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/47/曲匕) 强盗头子 (近程闪避/27): good success
13 cutting damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/33/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗5 (2): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/40/打猎用标枪) 带短弓的强盗14 (13): critical success - struck down
18 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/8/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 带短弓的强盗8 (13): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/14/13 MP) 带短弓的强盗6 (5): critical success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗4 ranged attacks (箭术/27) 走为上 (6): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗8 ranged attacks (箭术/21) ricely (远程回避/27): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/8/轻远足杖) 强盗头子 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子 ranged attacks (箭术/23) 貧血 (12): good success
4 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/2/魔法杖) 带短弓的强盗6 (10): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 走为上 +11 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/28/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 带短弓的强盗15 (2): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/26/火把) 带短弓的强盗4 (7): critical success - struck down
11 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/30/火把) 带短弓的强盗8 (9): critical success
7 fire damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗6 ranged attacks (箭术/16) 走为上 (3): critical success
2 [+1] piercing damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 3 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 58 6 slightly wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 17 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 6 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 5 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 35 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗12 1 right side 0 5 struck down
2 带短弓的强盗4 2 center 0 5 struck down
3 带短弓的强盗5 2 center 0 5 struck down
4 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 6 5 ready
5 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 3 5 ready
6 带短弓的强盗14 2 center 0 5 struck down
7 带短弓的强盗15 2 center 0 5 struck down
8 强盗头子 3 center 9 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


Initiative 30
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/15/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗6 (10): good success - struck down
16 [+2] piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/48/打猎用标枪) 带短弓的强盗8 (5): critical success - struck down
20 piercing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/38/曲匕) 强盗头子 (近程闪避/11): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 4 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 59 6 slightly wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 16 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 9 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 12 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 35 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 带短弓的强盗6 2 center 0 5 struck down
2 带短弓的强盗8 2 center 0 5 struck down
3 强盗头子 3 center 0 13 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



ricely receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 15.
走为上 receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 13.
Nalun receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 27.
玖流 receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 14.
final-fantasy receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 18.
FlyingWithoutWings receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 19.
LockednLoaded receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 7.
primal-fantasy receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 26.
书染孤烟 receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 25.
灼眼Shana receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 8.
炎发 receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 18.
貧血 receives 76 and 1.6 and finds 7.
ricely finds 小袋霰弹
玖流 finds 一小瓶水
final-fantasy finds 黑火药
FlyingWithoutWings finds 子弹
LockednLoaded finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
LockednLoaded finds 小飞刀
书染孤烟 finds 大袋食物
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2008-09-13
4层 空的
只看该作者 粪坑  发表于: 2008-09-13
层 5    =Back= =Next=







Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 5 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 60 6 slightly wounded
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 15 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 8 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 15 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 35 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 杀人犯1 3 front 15 10 ready
2 杀人犯2 3 front 15 10 ready
3 杀人犯3 3 front 15 10 ready
4 杀人犯4 3 front 15 10 ready
5 杀人犯5 3 front 15 10 ready
6 杀人犯6 3 front 15 10 ready
7 杀人犯7 3 front 15 10 ready
8 杀人犯8 3 left side 15 10 ready
9 杀人犯9 3 left side 15 10 ready
10 杀人犯10 3 left side 15 10 ready
11 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 24 20 ready
12 杀人犯11 3 right side 15 10 ready
13 杀人犯12 3 right side 15 10 ready
14 杀人犯13 3 right side 15 10 ready
15 带弩的强盗1 3 center 21 13 ready
16 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 10 5 ready
17 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
18 带短弓的强盗3 2 center 10 5 ready
19 带弩的强盗2 3 back 21 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  炎发 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  书染孤烟 uses 魔法盾 (4 MP) on  themselves


  ricely uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on  themselves


  灼眼Shana uses 祝福 (2 MP/圣水) on  ricely


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  走为上 heals 1 hp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 7 mp.


  强盗头子(愤怒的) uses 暴怒 (7 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 28
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/33/曲匕) 杀人犯13 (近程闪避/24): success
8 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/27/打猎用标枪) 杀人犯9 (近程闪避/8): critical success - struck down
24 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/36/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 杀人犯12 (近程闪避/15): critical success
10 cutting damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 2 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/32) 玖流 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/10/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 杀人犯5 (近程闪避/19): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/36/轻型 灵巧 短弓,地精箭) 带短弓的强盗3 (3): critical success - struck down
9 piercing damage
2 poison damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗2 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/37) 貧血 (7): critical success
11 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯11 attacks (匕首格斗/23) Nalun (盾牌格挡/29/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗1 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/20) 貧血 (12): good success
0 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯7 attacks (匕首格斗/13) 走为上 (近程闪避/23): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/27/火把) 杀人犯4 (近程闪避/2): critical success
13 fire damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗1 ranged attacks (箭术/15) 走为上 (13): success
6 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯5 attacks (匕首格斗/26) 走为上 (近程闪避/23): success
1 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/44/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 杀人犯4 (近程闪避/25): good success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯13 attacks (匕首格斗/11) Nalun (盾牌格挡/11/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯12 attacks (匕首格斗/15) Nalun (盾牌格挡/42/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) 貧血 +12 HP


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯3 attacks (匕首格斗/20) 走为上 (近程闪避/44): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/4/魔法杖) 杀人犯1 (近程闪避/37): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (火箭术/39/11 MP/硫磺灰) 杀人犯5 (10): critical success
9 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 2 of 2 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/23) Nalun (盾牌格挡/41/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗2 ranged attacks (箭术/19) ricely (远程回避/21): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯1 cunningly attacks (偷袭/7) ricely (3): critical success
走为上 (5): success
Nalun (8): failed
玖流 (6): success
final-fantasy (1): critical success
FlyingWithoutWings (4): good success
LockednLoaded (12): failed
primal-fantasy (3): critical success
书染孤烟 (13): failed
灼眼Shana (24): failed
炎发 (24): failed
貧血 (4): good success


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 走为上 +15 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯10 cunningly attacks (偷袭/6) ricely (3): good success
走为上 (4): good success
Nalun (2): critical success
玖流 (2): critical success
final-fantasy (5): success
FlyingWithoutWings (16): failed
LockednLoaded (29): failed
primal-fantasy (12): failed
书染孤烟 (24): failed
灼眼Shana (18): failed
炎发 (15): failed
貧血 (1): critical success


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯8 attacks (匕首格斗/7) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/35/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯6 attacks (匕首格斗/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/45): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯2 attacks (匕首格斗/10) ricely (盾牌格挡/45/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/26/火把) 杀人犯2 (近程闪避/35): failed


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 1 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 14 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 7 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 23 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 7 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 36 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 杀人犯1 3 front 15 10 ready
2 杀人犯2 3 front 15 10 ready
3 杀人犯3 3 front 15 10 ready
4 杀人犯4 3 front 0 10 struck down
5 杀人犯5 3 front 6 10 ready
6 杀人犯6 3 front 15 10 ready
7 杀人犯7 3 front 15 10 ready
8 杀人犯8 3 left side 15 10 ready
9 杀人犯9 3 left side 0 10 struck down
10 杀人犯10 3 left side 15 10 ready
11 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 24 13 ready
12 杀人犯11 3 right side 15 10 ready
13 杀人犯12 3 right side 5 10 ready
14 杀人犯13 3 right side 7 10 ready
15 带弩的强盗1 3 center 21 13 ready
16 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 10 5 ready
17 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
18 带短弓的强盗3 2 center 0 5 struck down
19 带弩的强盗2 3 back 21 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:法力恢复歌谣,普通木笛) on  灼眼Shana


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 1 mp.


  炎发 recovers 9 mp.


  强盗头子(愤怒的) uses 暴怒 (7 MP) on  themselves


  杀人犯5 suffers 6 hp damage.


Initiative 35
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/22/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗1 (3): critical success - struck down
17 piercing damage


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 2 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/24) Nalun (盾牌格挡/34/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗1 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/23) 貧血 (13): good success
2 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/20/曲匕) 杀人犯12 (近程闪避/13): good success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/21/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 杀人犯13 (近程闪避/24): failed


Initiative 13
Action 2 of 2 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/24) 玖流 (近程闪避/23): success
12 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗2 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/28) 貧血 (13): good success
3 [+4] piercing damage
简易 皮手套 -1 HP


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯7 attacks (匕首格斗/15) 走为上 (近程闪避/20): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/22/火把) 杀人犯3 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) 玖流 +10 HP


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯8 attacks (匕首格斗/10) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/15/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯13 cunningly attacks (偷袭/18) ricely (5): critical success
走为上 (4): critical success
Nalun (4): critical success
玖流 (6): critical success
final-fantasy (3): critical success
FlyingWithoutWings (12): good success
LockednLoaded (17): success
primal-fantasy (7): critical success
书染孤烟 (19): failed
灼眼Shana (15): success
炎发 (24): failed
貧血 (1): critical success


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/36/打猎用标枪) 杀人犯8 (近程闪避/23): good success
14 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/12/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 杀人犯3 (近程闪避/12): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯10 attacks (匕首格斗/16) final-fantasy (长柄武器攻击/31/打猎用标枪): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/10/10 MP) 杀人犯10 (5): good success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 玖流 +2 HP


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/22/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 杀人犯2 (近程闪避/16): success
13 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1
  杀人犯2 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 带短弓的强盗2 ranged attacks (箭术/13) ricely (远程回避/12): success
0 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯1 attacks (匕首格斗/14) ricely (盾牌格挡/40/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/24/13 MP) 杀人犯6 (4): critical success
3 lightning damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/26/火把) 杀人犯7 (近程闪避/24): success
11 fire damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯6 attacks (匕首格斗/5) ricely (盾牌格挡/45/简易的 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯3 cunningly attacks (偷袭/17) ricely (6): critical success
走为上 (3): critical success
Nalun (11): good success
玖流 (4): critical success
final-fantasy (3): critical success
FlyingWithoutWings (12): success
LockednLoaded (36): failed
primal-fantasy (2): critical success
书染孤烟 (5): critical success
灼眼Shana (2): critical success
炎发 (20): failed
貧血 (3): critical success


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯11 attacks (匕首格斗/18) 玖流 (近程闪避/30): failed


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 2 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 13 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 0 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 23 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 3 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 31 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 杀人犯1 3 front 15 10 ready
2 杀人犯2 3 front 2 10 fled
3 杀人犯3 3 front 15 10 ready
4 杀人犯5 3 front 0 10 struck down
5 杀人犯6 3 front 12 10 ready
6 杀人犯7 3 front 4 10 ready
7 杀人犯8 3 left side 1 10 ready
8 杀人犯10 3 left side 11 10 ready
9 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 24 6 ready
10 杀人犯11 3 right side 15 10 ready
11 杀人犯12 3 right side 0 10 struck down
12 杀人犯13 3 right side 7 10 ready
13 带弩的强盗1 3 center 21 13 ready
14 带短弓的强盗1 2 center 0 5 struck down
15 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 10 5 ready
16 带弩的强盗2 3 back 21 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 阅读 (1 MP/复印页:新手躲避) on  themselves


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 1 mp.


  炎发 recovers 9 mp.


  强盗头子(愤怒的) uses 奇袭 (1 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 34
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/45/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带短弓的强盗2 (5): critical success - struck down
23 piercing damage


Initiative 33
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/42/曲匕) 强盗头子(愤怒的) (近程闪避/17): critical success
7 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/32) 玖流 (近程闪避/43): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗2 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/35) 貧血 (6): critical success
10 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/0/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 杀人犯7 (近程闪避/33): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks with magic (火箭术/32/11 MP/硫磺灰) 杀人犯6 (10): critical success
8 fire damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1
  杀人犯8 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯3 attacks (匕首格斗/14) 走为上 (近程闪避/50): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯13 attacks (匕首格斗/15) 玖流 (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/29/火把) 杀人犯7 (近程闪避/17): good success - struck down
10 fire damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) 貧血 +12 HP


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 貧血 +14 HP


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯1 cunningly attacks (偷袭/13) ricely (7): good success
走为上 (2): critical success
Nalun (11): success
玖流 (6): good success
final-fantasy (5): critical success
FlyingWithoutWings (14): failed
LockednLoaded (22): failed
primal-fantasy (10): success
书染孤烟 (12): success
灼眼Shana (18): failed
炎发 (4): critical success
貧血 (1): critical success


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/40/火把) 杀人犯1 (近程闪避/22): good success
14 fire damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/2/魔法杖) 杀人犯3 (近程闪避/11): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/40/打猎用标枪) 杀人犯10 (近程闪避/12): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/23/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗头子(愤怒的) (近程闪避/19): success
7 [+5] cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/41/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 杀人犯6 (近程闪避/25): good success - struck down
12 cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯11 attacks (匕首格斗/19) Nalun (盾牌格挡/36/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗1 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/18) 貧血 (10): good success
6 [+4] piercing damage


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 3 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 14 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 3 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 23 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 1 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 41 3 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 杀人犯1 3 front 1 10 ready
2 杀人犯3 3 front 15 10 ready
3 杀人犯6 3 front 0 10 struck down
4 杀人犯7 3 front 0 10 struck down
5 杀人犯8 3 left side 1 10 fled
6 杀人犯10 3 left side 0 10 struck down
7 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 10 5 ready
8 杀人犯11 3 right side 15 10 ready
9 杀人犯13 3 right side 7 10 ready
10 带弩的强盗1 3 center 21 13 ready
11 带短弓的强盗2 2 center 0 5 struck down
12 带弩的强盗2 3 back 21 13 ready

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  ricely


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 2 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 1 mp.


  炎发 recovers 9 mp.


  强盗头子(愤怒的) uses 奇袭 (1 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 31
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/56/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 带弩的强盗1 (远程回避/12): critical success - struck down
24 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/41/曲匕) 杀人犯13 (近程闪避/23): good success - struck down
10 cutting damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/49/打猎用标枪) 杀人犯3 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
24 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/27/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 强盗头子(愤怒的) (近程闪避/19): success
7 [+5] cutting damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 强盗头子(愤怒的) attacks (剑术/38) 玖流 (近程闪避/47): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 炎发 attacks (杖击/6/火箭之 轻型 野榉坚固手杖) 杀人犯1 (近程闪避/12): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on  Nalun


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 primal-fantasy heals with 急救 (1 MP) 貧血 +6 HP


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 带弩的强盗2 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/10) 貧血 (8): success
0 [+8] piercing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/35/火把) 杀人犯1 (近程闪避/26): success - struck down
20 fire damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/4/轻远足杖) 带弩的强盗2 (近程闪避/20): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 ricely attacks (钝器攻击/27/火把) 带弩的强盗2 (近程闪避/25): success
8 fire damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 杀人犯11 attacks (匕首格斗/27) Nalun (盾牌格挡/39/轻型的 木制 圆盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/43/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 带弩的强盗2 (近程闪避/28): good success - struck down
19 cutting damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 书染孤烟 attacks (杖击/9/魔法杖) 强盗头子(愤怒的) (近程闪避/16): failed


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 4 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 10 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 19 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 6 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 10 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 杀人犯1 3 front 0 10 struck down
2 杀人犯3 3 front 0 10 struck down
3 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 3 4 ready
4 杀人犯11 3 right side 15 10 ready
5 杀人犯13 3 right side 0 10 struck down
6 带弩的强盗1 3 center 0 13 struck down
7 带弩的强盗2 3 back 0 13 struck down

  FlyingWithoutWings uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:法力恢复歌谣,普通木笛) on  themselves


  灼眼Shana uses 祝福 (2 MP/圣水) on  ricely


  ricely recovers 1 mp.


  FlyingWithoutWings recovers 4 mp.


  primal-fantasy recovers 1 mp.


  书染孤烟 recovers 3 mp.


  灼眼Shana recovers 2 mp.


  炎发 recovers 9 mp.


  强盗头子(愤怒的) uses 奇袭 (1 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 LockednLoaded ranged attacks (箭术/39/轻型 灵巧 短弓,箭) 强盗头子(愤怒的) (远程回避/27): success - struck down
17 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 Nalun attacks (斧技/28/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/42): failed


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 final-fantasy attacks (长柄武器攻击/32/打猎用标枪) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/26): success
14 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 FlyingWithoutWings attacks (剑术/8/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/22): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 走为上 attacks (斧技/27/勇敢的伐木工人斧) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/28): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 玖流 attacks (匕首格斗/26/曲匕) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 灼眼Shana attacks (杖击/3/轻远足杖) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/12): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 貧血 attacks (钝器攻击/25/火把) 杀人犯11 (近程闪避/22): success - struck down
20 fire damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 ricely 4 front 37 5 in perfect health
2 走为上 4 front 69 6 in perfect health
3 Nalun 3 left side 35 10 in perfect health
4 玖流 4 left side 15 7 in perfect health
5 final-fantasy 4 right side 30 2 in perfect health
6 FlyingWithoutWings 4 center 21 11 in perfect health
7 LockednLoaded 4 center 15 6 in perfect health
8 primal-fantasy 4 center 8 20 in perfect health
9 书染孤烟 4 center 8 9 in perfect health
10 灼眼Shana 4 center 16 24 in perfect health
11 炎发 4 center 11 19 in perfect health
12 貧血 4 back 47 3 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 强盗头子(愤怒的) 4 right side 0 3 struck down
2 杀人犯11 3 right side 0 10 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



ricely receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 40.
走为上 receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 50.
Nalun receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 46.
玖流 receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 47.
final-fantasy receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 53.
FlyingWithoutWings receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 47.
LockednLoaded receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 41.
primal-fantasy receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 47.
书染孤烟 receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 57.
灼眼Shana receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 47.
炎发 receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 38.
貧血 receives 90 and 1.6 and finds 33.
ricely finds 大袋食物
ricely finds 冰晶
Nalun finds 皮手套  
玖流 finds 冰晶
FlyingWithoutWings finds 乐谱:法力恢复歌谣
LockednLoaded finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
primal-fantasy finds 黑火药
炎发 finds 新鲜的毛地黄
貧血 finds 矢
貧血 finds 皮凉鞋
只看该作者 粪坑边缘  发表于: 2008-09-13
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