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爬虫的侵袭 战报 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2008-09-11

1F较强的近战攻击2F 略 3F注意队伍后面会出现2只蚂蚁直接打后排,建议优先干掉,4F蚁后会使用一次全体攻击酸性魔法 一次性造成20-40伤害以及每回合-4HP的DOT和近战防御-25%的DEBUFF,从前排开始往后算6个人都会受到该魔法的攻击,所以前中侧翼最好站HP高于30的角色,后排站血少的职业以免被秒,抗魔技能可以防御该攻击,4级法师出抗魔技能,不过我们队伍里的法师点到了4还是运气不好被秒了。之后就是攻击前排的近战攻击了,ROLL地在40-60之间。详细情况请参照下面的战报
战报: 潜水艇陆战队

yesterday 20:23 - 爬虫的侵袭
层 3    =Back= =Next=



Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 7 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 54 0 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 37 4 in perfect health
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 26 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 16 26 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 27 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 军蚁1 3 front 23 18 ready
2 军蚁2 3 front 23 18 ready
3 军蚁3 3 front 23 18 ready
4 军蚁4 3 front 23 18 ready
5 军蚁5 3 front 23 18 ready
6 军蚁6 3 front 23 18 ready
7 军蚁7 3 front 23 18 ready
8 军蚁8 3 front 23 18 ready
9 触角蚁1 2 right side 15 14 ready
10 触角蚁2 2 right side 15 14 ready
11 剑蚁1 3 back 20 11 ready
12 剑蚁2 3 back 20 11 ready
13 剑蚁3 3 back 20 11 ready
14 剑蚁4 3 back 20 11 ready
15 触角蚁3 2 behind group 15 14 ready
16 触角蚁4 2 behind group 15 14 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  ang


  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  触角蚁1 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 33


  触角蚁2 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 15


  触角蚁3 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 24


  触角蚁4 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 37


Initiative 37
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁4 attacks (啮咬/34) Gold (匕首格斗/17/匕首): good success
9 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 33
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁1 attacks (啮咬/7) no limmy (盾牌格挡/39/轻骑士盾): failed


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/35/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 触角蚁4 (远程回避/23): good success
7 piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁3 attacks (啮咬/10) -40°C (12): failed


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 军蚁3 attacks (肉搏/9) boboo (盾牌格挡/20/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁4 attacks (啮咬/21) boboo (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 军蚁6 attacks (肉搏/17) boboo (盾牌格挡/48/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 军蚁4 attacks (肉搏/20) drowdancer (近程闪避/12): good success
6 [+1] crushing damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁3 attacks with magic (酸性射线/26/4 MP) drowdancer (12): good success
9 acid damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/12/魔法杖) 军蚁2 (近程闪避/7): good success
7 crushing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁1 attacks with magic (酸性射线/6/4 MP) lhao2 (7): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/19/尖头矛) 军蚁6 (近程闪避/23): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 军蚁7 attacks (肉搏/18) lhao2 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/27/普通兽人斧) 军蚁6 (近程闪避/5): critical success
11 cutting damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁2 attacks (啮咬/9) no limmy (盾牌格挡/14/轻骑士盾): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/39/鼠人弹弓,一小块泥土) 触角蚁3 (远程回避/23): good success
9 crushing damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 军蚁2 attacks (肉搏/11) lhao2 (近程闪避/32): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁2 attacks (啮咬/8) drowdancer (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/34/战争大锤) 军蚁5 (近程闪避/23): success
15 crushing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 军蚁8 attacks (肉搏/15) boboo (盾牌格挡/43/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/11/魔法杖) 军蚁4 (近程闪避/5): good success
8 crushing damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 军蚁1 attacks (肉搏/15) drowdancer (近程闪避/33): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/37/短柄斧) 触角蚁4 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
8 cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) Gold +8 HP


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/52/战争大锤) 触角蚁1 (近程闪避/19): critical success
12 crushing damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +8 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +3 HP


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 军蚁5 attacks (肉搏/8) lhao2 (近程闪避/43): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 2 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 50 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 37 4 in perfect health
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 26 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 军蚁1 3 front 23 18 ready
2 军蚁2 3 front 16 18 ready
3 军蚁3 3 front 23 18 ready
4 军蚁4 3 front 15 18 ready
5 军蚁5 3 front 8 18 ready
6 军蚁6 3 front 12 18 ready
7 军蚁7 3 front 23 18 ready
8 军蚁8 3 front 23 18 ready
9 触角蚁1 2 right side 3 11 ready
10 触角蚁2 2 right side 15 11 ready
11 剑蚁1 3 back 20 7 ready
12 剑蚁2 3 back 20 11 ready
13 剑蚁3 3 back 20 7 ready
14 剑蚁4 3 back 20 11 ready
15 触角蚁3 2 behind group 6 11 ready
16 触角蚁4 2 behind group 0 11 struck down

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 3 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  触角蚁1 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 21


  触角蚁2 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 5


  触角蚁3 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 33


Initiative 33
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁3 attacks (啮咬/8) -40°C (8): failed


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁1 attacks (啮咬/6) no limmy (盾牌格挡/14/轻骑士盾): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁4 attacks with magic (酸性射线/17/4 MP) drowdancer (6): critical success
9 acid damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 军蚁6 attacks (肉搏/25) lhao2 (近程闪避/33): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 军蚁2 attacks (肉搏/19) lhao2 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 军蚁1 attacks (肉搏/15) drowdancer (近程闪避/34): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁1 attacks with magic (酸性射线/29/4 MP) drowdancer (16): good success
8 acid damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/26/尖头矛) 军蚁6 (近程闪避/6): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 军蚁8 attacks (肉搏/13) boboo (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 军蚁7 attacks (肉搏/14) boboo (盾牌格挡/17/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/28/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 触角蚁3 (远程回避/39): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁2 attacks with magic (酸性射线/20/4 MP) drowdancer (9): good success
1 acid damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/38/战争大锤) 军蚁5 (近程闪避/17): good success - struck down
14 crushing damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/59/战争大锤) 触角蚁1 (近程闪避/24): critical success - struck down
18 crushing damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/10/魔法杖) 军蚁7 (近程闪避/7): success
7 crushing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +12 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +2 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/30/普通兽人斧) 军蚁8 (近程闪避/2): critical success
17 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 军蚁3 attacks (肉搏/23) boboo (盾牌格挡/44/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁2 attacks (啮咬/32) no limmy (盾牌格挡/30/轻骑士盾): success
7 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 军蚁4 attacks (肉搏/21) lhao2 (近程闪避/34): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/35/短柄斧) 触角蚁3 (近程闪避/18): good success - struck down
8 cutting damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/13/魔法杖) 军蚁1 (近程闪避/29): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +5 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁3 attacks (啮咬/16) lhao2 (近程闪避/29): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 3 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 48 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 30 4 slightly wounded
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 25 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 军蚁1 3 front 23 18 ready
2 军蚁2 3 front 16 18 ready
3 军蚁3 3 front 23 18 ready
4 军蚁4 3 front 15 18 ready
5 军蚁5 3 front 0 18 struck down
6 军蚁6 3 front 0 18 struck down
7 军蚁7 3 front 16 18 ready
8 军蚁8 3 front 6 18 ready
9 触角蚁1 2 right side 0 8 struck down
10 触角蚁2 2 right side 15 8 ready
11 剑蚁1 3 back 20 3 ready
12 剑蚁2 3 back 20 7 ready
13 剑蚁3 3 back 20 7 ready
14 剑蚁4 3 back 20 7 ready
15 触角蚁3 2 behind group 0 8 struck down

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 3 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  触角蚁2 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 21


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/36/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 剑蚁2 (远程回避/15): critical success
12 piercing damage


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 触角蚁2 attacks (啮咬/12) no limmy (盾牌格挡/17/轻骑士盾): failed


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 军蚁3 attacks (肉搏/8) lhao2 (近程闪避/29): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 军蚁4 attacks (肉搏/11) lhao2 (近程闪避/24): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/45/战争大锤) 触角蚁2 (近程闪避/27): good success
14 crushing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁1 attacks (啮咬/12) drowdancer (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 军蚁7 attacks (肉搏/13) lhao2 (近程闪避/22): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/17/尖头矛) 军蚁4 (近程闪避/6): critical success - struck down
16 piercing damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/13/魔法杖) 军蚁8 (近程闪避/10): success - struck down
7 crushing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 军蚁2 attacks (肉搏/26) boboo (盾牌格挡/22/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+7] crushing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/40/普通兽人斧) 军蚁3 (近程闪避/26): good success
13 cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +9 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 军蚁1 attacks (肉搏/18) boboo (盾牌格挡/35/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁4 attacks with magic (酸性射线/8/4 MP) drowdancer (16): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁3 attacks with magic (酸性射线/19/4 MP) drowdancer (8): critical success
7 acid damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁2 attacks with magic (酸性射线/15/4 MP) lhao2 (9): good success
3 acid damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +6 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) lhao2 +3 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/44/战争大锤) 军蚁7 (近程闪避/14): critical success - struck down
17 crushing damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/19/短柄斧) 军蚁3 (近程闪避/14): success - struck down
17 cutting damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/17/魔法杖) 军蚁1 (近程闪避/25): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 4 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 53 0 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 30 4 slightly wounded
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 24 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 军蚁1 3 front 23 18 ready
2 军蚁2 3 front 16 18 ready
3 军蚁3 3 front 0 18 struck down
4 军蚁4 3 front 0 18 struck down
5 军蚁7 3 front 0 18 struck down
6 军蚁8 3 front 0 18 struck down
7 触角蚁2 2 right side 1 5 ready
8 剑蚁1 3 back 20 3 ready
9 剑蚁2 3 back 8 3 ready
10 剑蚁3 3 back 20 3 ready
11 剑蚁4 3 back 20 3 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 3 hp damage.


  lhao2 suffers 3 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  触角蚁2 uses 机警 (3 MP): Initiative 23


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 23
Action 1 of 1
  触角蚁2 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁1 attacks (啮咬/11) lhao2 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/35/普通兽人斧) 军蚁2 (近程闪避/20): good success - struck down
16 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁4 attacks (啮咬/8) drowdancer (近程闪避/23): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/44/战争大锤) 军蚁1 (近程闪避/25): good success
20 crushing damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁3 attacks (啮咬/15) boboo (盾牌格挡/52/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +7 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) lhao2 +6 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/27/尖头矛) 军蚁1 (近程闪避/14): good success - struck down
9 piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/36/战争大锤) 剑蚁4 (近程闪避/15): critical success
12 crushing damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/13/魔法杖) 剑蚁4 (近程闪避/18): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 剑蚁2 (近程闪避/23): success - struck down
10 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) no limmy +8 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/34/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 剑蚁1 (远程回避/8): critical success
11 piercing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/19/魔法杖) 剑蚁4 (近程闪避/8): critical success
6 crushing damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 5 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 57 0 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 41 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 38 4 in perfect health
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 23 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 军蚁1 3 front 0 18 struck down
2 军蚁2 3 front 0 18 struck down
3 触角蚁2 2 right side 1 2 fled
4 剑蚁1 3 back 9 3 ready
5 剑蚁2 3 back 0 3 struck down
6 剑蚁3 3 back 20 3 ready
7 剑蚁4 3 back 2 3 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  lhao2 suffers 3 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/41/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 剑蚁4 (远程回避/6): critical success - struck down
11 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 剑蚁3 attacks (啮咬/20) drowdancer (近程闪避/5): critical success
7 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/24/战争大锤) 剑蚁1 (近程闪避/29): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/46/普通兽人斧) 剑蚁1 (近程闪避/4): critical success - struck down
15 cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/5/魔法杖) 剑蚁3 (近程闪避/6): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/37/尖头矛) 剑蚁3 (近程闪避/18): good success
13 piercing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/45/战争大锤) 剑蚁3 (近程闪避/18): critical success - struck down
14 crushing damage
0 holy damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 6 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 50 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 38 4 in perfect health
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 26 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 26 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 23 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 剑蚁1 3 back 0 3 struck down
2 剑蚁3 3 back 0 3 struck down
3 剑蚁4 3 back 0 3 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



boboo receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 8.
drowdancer receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 25.
lhao2 receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 20.
no limmy receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 11.
ang receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 12.
lhao receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 20.
lovesandra receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 31.
野火烧不尽 receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 26.
-40°C receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 11.
Gold receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 33.
Nana receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 30.
饕餮 receives 90 and 1.8 and finds 13.
boboo finds 小瓶冒泡的绿色液体
lhao2 finds 乐谱:躲闪飞弹之歌
no limmy finds 复印页:平民攻击指南
no limmy finds 圣水
lovesandra finds 黑火药
-40°C finds 圣水
Gold finds 大蒜面包
Nana finds 冰晶
饕餮 finds 复印页:平民攻击指南



层 3    =Back= =Next=


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Aino   无畏的boboo 高山矮人 圣武士 等级4 103     441      1602   16:10              
城镇传报员: "长铁链角斗无敌的武器,狂减BOSS防御!开荒必备!1天到期!"
城镇传报员: "装有两把燧石手枪的 雅各人靴子拍卖有售,只挂1天!"
城镇传报员: "紫水晶之 镰刀拍卖中:优秀的副手匕首,按等级回魔"
城镇传报员: "木侏儒吹管:吹管+1,先攻权+3,拍卖最后一天……"
城镇传报员: "剑客们注意了 拍卖所现有绝世好剑古斯塔夫切肉刀出售 敬请关注MIB01的商品"
城镇传报员: "射手法师们注意了,拍卖所现有 地精箭 暗魔法纲要出售 有需要的敬请关注MIB01的商品"  
战报: 潜水艇陆战队

yesterday 20:23 - 爬虫的侵袭
层 4    =Back= =Next=



Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 6 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 50 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 38 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 4 left side 38 4 in perfect health
5 ang 4 center 6 53 in perfect health
6 lhao 3 center 25 26 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 8 51 in perfect health
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 26 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 23 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 60 30 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  drowdancer


  boboo recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 53
Action 1 of 1 蚁后 attacks with magic (强酸球/49/30 MP) boboo (11): critical success
20 acid damage
drowdancer (6): critical success
32 acid damage
lhao2 (7): critical success
36 acid damage
no limmy (1): critical success
17 acid damage
ang (30): good success - struck down
12 acid damage
lovesandra (抗魔/43): success - struck down
29 acid damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/23/鼠人弹弓,一小块泥土) 蚁后 (远程回避/42): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/22/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 蚁后 (远程回避/59): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/40/普通兽人斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/37): success
8 [+5] cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/20/尖头矛) 蚁后 (近程闪避/40): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/20/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/52): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) lhao2 +8 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/40/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/49): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) lhao2 +10 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/28/短柄斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/38): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) boboo +6 HP


层 4    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 24 1 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 4 front 18 0 wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 20 3 wounded
4 no limmy 4 left side 21 4 wounded
5 ang 4 center 0 53 struck down
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 0 51 struck down
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 22 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 52 0 ready

  boboo suffers 1 hp damage and recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 4 hp damage.


  lhao2 suffers 4 hp damage.


  no limmy suffers 4 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 蚁后 attacks (啮咬/69) lhao2 (近程闪避/12): critical success
3 piercing damage
5 acid damage


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/44/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 蚁后 (远程回避/38): success
7 [+5] piercing damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/25/普通兽人斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/46): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/31/尖头矛) 蚁后 (近程闪避/49): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/31/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/36): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/16/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/57): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +13 HP


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) lhao2 +7 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/31/短柄斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/42): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +10 HP


层 4    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 23 2 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 4 front 37 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 15 3 wounded
4 no limmy 4 left side 17 4 wounded
5 ang 4 center 0 53 struck down
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 0 51 struck down
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 21 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 45 0 ready

  boboo suffers 1 hp damage and recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 4 hp damage.


  lhao2 suffers 4 hp damage.


  no limmy suffers 4 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 蚁后 attacks (啮咬/54) lhao2 (近程闪避/34): good success - struck down
19 piercing damage
5 acid damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/25/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/52): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) boboo +7 HP


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +14 HP


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/36/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/13): critical success
18 crushing damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/49/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 蚁后 (远程回避/39): success
3 [+5] piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/36/普通兽人斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/50): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/30/短柄斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/37): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) no limmy +11 HP


层 4    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 29 3 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 4 front 47 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 0 3 struck down
4 no limmy 4 left side 24 4 slightly wounded
5 ang 4 center 0 53 struck down
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 0 51 struck down
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 20 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 24 0 ready

  boboo suffers 1 hp damage and recovers 1 mp.


  drowdancer suffers 4 hp damage.


  no limmy suffers 4 hp damage.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 31
Action 1 of 1 蚁后 attacks (啮咬/44) boboo (盾牌格挡/40/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+7] piercing damage
4 [+1] acid damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/25/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/32): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/19/普通兽人斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/16): success
14 [+5] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) no limmy +11 HP


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) boboo +7 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) boboo +6 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/50/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 蚁后 (远程回避/38): success
5 [+5] piercing damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/30/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/41): failed


层 4    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 37 4 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 43 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 0 3 struck down
4 no limmy 4 left side 31 4 slightly wounded
5 ang 4 center 0 53 struck down
6 lhao 3 center 25 25 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 0 51 struck down
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 19 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 5 0 ready

  boboo heals 1 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 31
Action 1 of 1 蚁后 attacks (啮咬/40) drowdancer (近程闪避/22): good success
0 [+1] piercing damage
5 acid damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/29/普通兽人斧) 蚁后 (近程闪避/32): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 -40°C is unable to do anything.


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +2 HP


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (钝器攻击/32/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/51): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Nana heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) drowdancer +10 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (钝器攻击/28/战争大锤) 蚁后 (近程闪避/48): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/39/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 蚁后 (远程回避/26): good success - struck down
10 piercing damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 4 front 38 5 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 4 front 50 0 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 0 3 struck down
4 no limmy 4 left side 31 4 slightly wounded
5 ang 4 center 0 53 struck down
6 lhao 3 center 25 26 in perfect health
7 lovesandra 4 center 0 51 struck down
8 野火烧不尽 3 center 11 0 in perfect health
9 -40°C 4 back 10 34 in perfect health
10 Gold 4 back 15 25 in perfect health
11 Nana 3 back 18 18 in perfect health
12 饕餮 4 back 55 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 蚁后 12 left side 0 0 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



boboo receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 78.
drowdancer receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 47.
lhao2 receives 24 and finds 20.
no limmy receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 55.
ang receives 24 and finds 21.
lhao receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 64.
lovesandra receives 24 and finds 8.
野火烧不尽 receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 41.
-40°C receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 68.
Gold receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 42.
Nana receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 44.
饕餮 receives 120 and 4.8 and finds 54.
boboo finds 子弹
boboo finds 轻远足杖  
drowdancer finds 乐谱:微量治愈之歌
no limmy finds 复印页:法力回复技巧
no limmy finds 象牙戒指  
野火烧不尽 finds 大蒜面包
-40°C finds 优良 象牙臂章  
Nana finds 亮黄色草药精粹
饕餮 finds 复印页:平民攻击指南
饕餮 finds 冰晶



层 4    =Back= =Next=

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2008-09-11
强酸球算什么魔法属性?  圣水能抗不?
只看该作者 粪坑  发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 粪坑边缘  发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 前排围观  发表于: 2008-09-11

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2008-09-11
推倒 你们那个fs除了抗磨4 智力 意志都是多少?
只看该作者 9 发表于: 2008-09-11
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2008-09-11
引用第5楼xiazhi于2008-09-11 17:27发表的  :
3团的进度真快啊!!! [表情]

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