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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2008-09-06
层 3    =Back= =Next=




Round 1

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    22    0    slightly wounded
2    我的大神    2    front    28    2    slightly wounded
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    49    2    in perfect health
4    雷斯    2    right side    21    3    slightly wounded
5    丫小小    2    center    6    23    in perfect health
6    Angelbird    2    back    9    21    in perfect health
7    Nyx    2    back    9    12    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    21    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    11    30    in perfect health
11    雨飞    2    back    4    8    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精1    2    front    10    10    ready
2    地精2    2    front    10    10    ready
3    地精3    2    front    10    10    ready
4    地精4    2    front    10    10    ready
5    地精5    2    front    10    10    ready
6    地精6    2    front    10    10    ready
7    地精7    2    front    10    10    ready
8    地精8    2    front    10    10    ready
9    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
10    地精弓箭手2    1    center    10    10    ready
11    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
12    地精弓箭手4    1    center    10    10    ready
13    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
14    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     Nyx uses 阅读 (1 MP/复印页:新手躲避) on     themselves

     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     泽克 looks around in boredom and waits.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/17)    我的大神 (2): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1    地精1 attacks (剑术/20)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/17): success
2 [+2] cutting damage

Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/20)    我的大神 (4): critical success
7 piercing damage

Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1    地精5 attacks (剑术/17)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/23): failed

Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1    地精4 attacks (剑术/22)    我的大神 (2): critical success
5 cutting damage

Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1    地精2 attacks (剑术/16)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/27): failed

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/13/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精5 (2): critical success
7 crushing damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    雨飞 attacks (杖击/0/魔法杖)    地精5 (11): failed

Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/16)    我的大神 (5): critical success
9 piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/13)    我的大神 (2): critical success - struck down
8 piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精7 attacks (剑术/11)    Ro (近程闪避/17): failed

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/12)    萨尔之怒 (2): critical success
7 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/24)    Ro (3): critical success
8 piercing damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精6 attacks (剑术/27)    Ro (近程闪避/20): success
1 [+2] cutting damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精3 attacks (剑术/21)    Ro (近程闪避/20): success
0 [+1] cutting damage

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    小小丫 attacks (杖击/6/祝福之杖)    地精5 (5): success - struck down
8 crushing damage

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    地精8 attacks (剑术/14)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/15): failed

Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带)    Ro +12 HP

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    丫小小 attacks (钝器攻击/3/木棒)    地精7 (6): failed

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    泽克 attacks (杖击/5/祝福之杖)    地精7 (7): failed

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    Angelbird attacks (杖击/3/祝福之杖)    地精7 (2): good success
9 crushing damage

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    雷斯 attacks (肉搏/31/小型角斗士拳套)    地精4 (4): critical success - struck down
14 crushing damage

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    Ro attacks (剑术/13/轻剑)    地精2 (4): critical success
8 cutting damage

Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1    萨尔之怒 attacks (斧技/5/野蛮人手斧)    地精1 (8): failed

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 2

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    25    0    in perfect health
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    40    2    slightly wounded
4    雷斯    2    right side    21    3    slightly wounded
5    丫小小    2    center    6    23    in perfect health
6    Angelbird    2    back    9    21    in perfect health
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    20    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    11    30    in perfect health
11    雨飞    2    back    4    9    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精1    2    front    10    10    ready
2    地精2    2    front    2    10    ready
3    地精3    2    front    10    10    ready
4    地精4    2    front    0    10    struck down
5    地精5    2    front    0    10    struck down
6    地精6    2    front    10    10    ready
7    地精7    2    front    1    10    ready
8    地精8    2    front    10    10    ready
9    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
10    地精弓箭手2    1    center    10    10    ready
11    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
12    地精弓箭手4    1    center    10    10    ready
13    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
14    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     泽克 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 recovers 1 mp.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/19)    Ro (4): critical success
9 piercing damage

Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1    地精3 attacks (剑术/12)    Ro (近程闪避/11): success
1 [+2] cutting damage

Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1
     地精7 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.

Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1
     地精2 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    地精8 attacks (剑术/15)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/5): critical success
0 [+1] cutting damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    雨飞 attacks (杖击/13/魔法杖)    地精8 (11): success
6 crushing damage

Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/23)    Ro (2): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1    地精6 attacks (剑术/10)    Ro (近程闪避/13): failed

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/18)    萨尔之怒 (6): critical success
7 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/26)    萨尔之怒 (2): critical success
6 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/8)    萨尔之怒 (5): good success
5 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精1 attacks (剑术/21)    萨尔之怒 (近程闪避/5): critical success
1 [+1] cutting damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/5)    萨尔之怒 (4): success
6 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/17/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精1 (6): critical success
2 crushing damage

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带)    Ro +10 HP

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    泽克 attacks (杖击/8/祝福之杖)    地精3 (1): critical success
7 crushing damage

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    Angelbird attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖)    地精8 (5): failed

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    丫小小 attacks (钝器攻击/3/木棒)    地精6 (2): good success
5 crushing damage

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    雷斯 attacks (肉搏/39/小型角斗士拳套)    地精8 (8): critical success - struck down
7 crushing damage

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    小小丫 attacks (杖击/6/祝福之杖)    地精1 (10): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    萨尔之怒 attacks (肉搏/11)    地精1 (1): critical success
5 crushing damage

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    Ro attacks (剑术/8/轻剑)    地精1 (1): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 3

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    20    0    slightly wounded
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    15    2    wounded
4    雷斯    2    right side    21    3    slightly wounded
5    丫小小    2    center    6    23    in perfect health
6    Angelbird    2    back    9    21    in perfect health
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    20    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    11    30    in perfect health
11    雨飞    2    back    4    10    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精1    2    front    0    10    struck down
2    地精2    2    front    2    10    fled
3    地精3    2    front    3    10    ready
4    地精6    2    front    5    10    ready
5    地精7    2    front    1    10    fled
6    地精8    2    front    0    10    struck down
7    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
8    地精弓箭手2    1    center    10    10    ready
9    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
10    地精弓箭手4    1    center    10    10    ready
11    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
12    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     泽克 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 recovers 1 mp.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/22)    萨尔之怒 (2): critical success
5 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/15)    萨尔之怒 (6): critical success
4 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    地精3 attacks (剑术/17)    Ro (近程闪避/9): good success
3 [+1] cutting damage

Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/19)    Ro (5): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/13/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精3 (2): critical success - struck down
7 crushing damage

Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1    雨飞 attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/7/11 MP)    地精6 (11): failed

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/7)    萨尔之怒 (5): success - struck down
8 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/12)    Ro (5): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/27)    Ro (5): critical success - struck down
7 piercing damage

Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1    雷斯 attacks (肉搏/28/小型角斗士拳套)    地精6 (10): critical success - struck down
11 crushing damage

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    小小丫 attacks (杖击/5/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/17): failed

Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1    Angelbird attacks (杖击/2/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手5 (近程闪避/11): failed

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 attacks (匕首格斗/4/普通的手术刀)    地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/26): failed

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    丫小小 attacks (钝器攻击/2/木棒)    地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/11): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    泽克 attacks (杖击/8/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手6 (近程闪避/20): failed

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 4

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    0    0    struck down
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    0    2    struck down
4    雷斯    2    right side    21    3    slightly wounded
5    丫小小    2    center    6    23    in perfect health
6    Angelbird    2    back    9    21    in perfect health
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    21    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    11    30    in perfect health
11    雨飞    2    back    4    0    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精3    2    front    0    10    struck down
2    地精6    2    front    0    10    struck down
3    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
4    地精弓箭手2    1    center    10    10    ready
5    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
6    地精弓箭手4    1    center    10    10    ready
7    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
8    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     泽克 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/20)    雷斯 (3): critical success
6 piercing damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/5)    雷斯 (6): failed

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/4)    雷斯 (3): success
4 [+1] piercing damage

Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/5/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精弓箭手4 (8): failed

Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/6)    雷斯 (6): failed

Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/16)    雷斯 (5): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/23)    雷斯 (6): critical success - struck down
6 piercing damage

Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1    泽克 attacks (杖击/2/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/1): good success
6 crushing damage

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 attacks (匕首格斗/8/普通的手术刀)    地精弓箭手5 (近程闪避/16): failed

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    雨飞 attacks (杖击/3/魔法杖)    地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/18): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    丫小小 attacks (钝器攻击/7/木棒)    地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/8): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    Angelbird attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手5 (近程闪避/13): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    小小丫 attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手3 (近程闪避/15): failed

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 5

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    0    0    struck down
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    0    2    struck down
4    雷斯    2    right side    0    3    struck down
5    丫小小    2    center    6    23    in perfect health
6    Angelbird    2    back    9    21    in perfect health
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    21    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    11    30    in perfect health
11    雨飞    2    back    4    1    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
2    地精弓箭手2    1    center    4    10    ready
3    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
4    地精弓箭手4    1    center    10    10    ready
5    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
6    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     泽克 looks around in boredom and waits.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/11)    丫小小 (3): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/22)    丫小小 (1): critical success - struck down
6 piercing damage

Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/27)    Angelbird (3): critical success
8 piercing damage

Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/26)    泽克 (5): critical success
9 piercing damage

Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/32/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精弓箭手4 (10): critical success
2 crushing damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/19)    泽克 (3): critical success - struck down
6 piercing damage

Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/3)    Nyx (8): failed

Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1    雨飞 attacks (杖击/12/魔法杖)    地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/22): failed

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带)    Angelbird +6 HP

Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1    小小丫 attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手1 (近程闪避/11): failed

Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1    Angelbird attacks (杖击/3/祝福之杖)    地精弓箭手6 (近程闪避/23): failed

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 6

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    0    0    struck down
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    0    2    struck down
4    雷斯    2    right side    0    3    struck down
5    丫小小    2    center    0    23    struck down
6    Angelbird    2    back    7    21    slightly wounded
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    20    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    9    25    in perfect health
10    泽克    2    back    0    30    struck down
11    雨飞    2    back    4    2    in perfect health

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
2    地精弓箭手2    1    center    4    10    ready
3    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
4    地精弓箭手4    1    center    8    10    ready
5    地精弓箭手5    1    center    10    10    ready
6    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

     俯卧撑 recovers 1 mp.

     雨飞 recovers 1 mp.

Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/10)    Angelbird (1): critical success
6 piercing damage

Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/6)    雨飞 (0): critical success - struck down
8 piercing damage

Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/13)    Angelbird (5): critical success - struck down
7 piercing damage

Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/18)    小小丫 (4): critical success - struck down
9 piercing damage

Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/7)    Nyx (10): failed

Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/2)    俯卧撑 (3): failed

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    Nyx ranged attacks (投石攻击/23/学者投石环索,一小把 石块)    地精弓箭手5 (10): critical success
6 crushing damage

Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1    俯卧撑 attacks (匕首格斗/10/普通的手术刀)    地精弓箭手6 (近程闪避/27): failed

层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 7

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    0    0    struck down
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    0    2    struck down
4    雷斯    2    right side    0    3    struck down
5    丫小小    2    center    0    23    struck down
6    Angelbird    2    back    0    21    struck down
7    Nyx    2    back    9    11    in perfect health
8    俯卧撑    2    back    8    21    in perfect health
9    小小丫    2    back    0    25    struck down
10    泽克    2    back    0    30    struck down
11    雨飞    2    back    0    3    struck down

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
2    地精弓箭手2    1    center    4    10    ready
3    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
4    地精弓箭手4    1    center    8    10    ready
5    地精弓箭手5    1    center    4    10    ready
6    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready
     俯卧撑 looks around in boredom and waits.

Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/15)    俯卧撑 (5): critical success
5 piercing damage

Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/17)    俯卧撑 (1): critical success - struck down
8 piercing damage

Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/14)    Nyx (6): critical success
6 piercing damage

Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1    地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/17)    Nyx (10): good success - struck down
6 piercing damage

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    Ro    2    front    0    0    struck down
2    我的大神    2    front    0    2    struck down
3    萨尔之怒    2    front    0    2    struck down
4    雷斯    2    right side    0    3    struck down
5    丫小小    2    center    0    23    struck down
6    Angelbird    2    back    0    21    struck down
7    Nyx    2    back    0    11    struck down
8    俯卧撑    2    back    0    21    struck down
9    小小丫    2    back    0    25    struck down
10    泽克    2    back    0    30    struck down
11    雨飞    2    back    0    3    struck down

    Name    Level    Position    hitpoints    manapoints    Condition
1    地精弓箭手1    1    center    10    10    ready
2    地精弓箭手2    1    center    4    10    ready
3    地精弓箭手3    1    center    10    10    ready
4    地精弓箭手4    1    center    8    10    ready
5    地精弓箭手5    1    center    4    10    ready
6    地精弓箭手6    1    center    10    10    ready

The defenders were victorious.

Ro receives 27 and finds 8.
我的大神 receives 27 and finds 7.
萨尔之怒 receives 27 and finds 5.
雷斯 receives 27 and finds 7.
丫小小 receives 27 and finds 6.
Angelbird receives 27 and finds 2.
Nyx receives 27 and finds 3.
俯卧撑 receives 27 and finds 7.
小小丫 receives 27 and finds 6.
泽克 receives 27 and finds 2.
雨飞 receives 27 and finds 6.


Teirdal 养成率10%
只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2008-09-06
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2008-09-06
XIAZHI 你的射手要改设置了
限300 字节
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