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[角色]卡塔吸血鬼之迷 [复制链接]

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EQ 龙族 精灵 洛奇 仙境传说
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游戏 电脑 动漫 音乐
只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2012-04-27
光之追随者 cle
Vybr nec
shoobind shd
只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2012-04-27

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2012-04-27
EQ 龙族 精灵 洛奇 仙境传说
DNF 洛奇英雄传
游戏 电脑 动漫 音乐
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2012-04-27
回 kuqiniao 的帖子
kuqiniao:应该开了吧.毕竟是露卡琳版本的.对话要英文.昨晚麻烦你一晚在POSKY了.害人的攻略啊. (2012-04-27 13:44) 

光之追随者 cle
Vybr nec
shoobind shd
只看该作者 粪坑  发表于: 2012-04-27
EQ 龙族 精灵 洛奇 仙境传说
DNF 洛奇英雄传
游戏 电脑 动漫 音乐
只看该作者 粪坑边缘  发表于: 2012-04-27
回 Reinhard 的帖子
Reinhard:应该开了,至少猫咪盾都能做了 (2012-04-27 14:25) 

可是我hi npc他说的关键字是Vampyires,输入没反应,吸血鬼英文是vampires,也输入了,还是没反应
光之追随者 cle
Vybr nec
shoobind shd
只看该作者 前排围观  发表于: 2012-04-27
只看该作者 7 发表于: 2012-04-28
只看该作者 8 发表于: 2012-04-28
关于卡塔卡斯特里姆忠诚荣誉盾牌任务,楼主看这里 zam的这个任务页面

You say, 'Hail, Phenic Dionicas'

Phenic Dionicas says 'Greetings adventurer. I am Phenic Dionicas, Magistrate of the Loyalist Combine Empire. I hope the [vampyres] did not cause you troubles on your journey here.

You say, 'What vampyres?'

Phenic Dionicas says 'Aye, the vampyres of the Coterie of the Eternal Night. I was among the first to ever [discover] the vampyre threat when I was just a young boy freshly initiated into the [Validus Custodus].'

You say, 'What discover?'

Phenic Dionicas says 'I was on a routine trade route patrol through the tenebrous mountains and the grimling forest when we were attacked by a pack of the vile undead. The creatures that attacked us wore the garments of Shadow Haven merchants and nearly my entire patrol was slain by their claws and fangs. Only [Heratius Grolden] and myself made it back to the safety of Katta Castellum alive and shortly after I was the only survivor of the attack.'

You say, 'What is the Validus Custodus?'

Phenic Dionicas says 'The Validus Custodus is the army of the Loyalist Empire. It was formerly known as the Tsaph Katta Militia when the city of Katta Castellum was still being erected upon the cliffs that it now stands. As the city grew and the duties of the militia expanded the governors and magistrates of the time met in council and the Validus Custodus was formed. My father Galin Dionicas was elected the first Commander and Chief of the Validus Custodus. Commander Galin was slain in his sleep the very same night that Heratius body was stolen from the graveyard by the vile Coterie of the Eternal Night. Their deeds shall not go unpunished.'

You say, 'Who is Heratius Grolden?'

Phenic Dionicas says 'Heratius Grolden was a boyhood friend of mine and a brave legionnaire in the Validus Custodus. He was buried with honor in the graveyard of Katta Castellum. Several nights after his burial Heratius' grave had been dug up and his body was missing. I suspect and fear that the Coterie of the Eternal Night returned for him to make him one of their own. I pray to whatever gods are listening that some day we are able to [track down the defilers]!'

You say, 'I will track down the defilers.'

Phenic Dionicas says 'It has been several decades since the first group of vampyres that are responsible for the death of Heratius Grolden were encountered. I have been watching for signs of their origins since that time to little avail. What we do know is that they wore the apparel of merchants from Shadow Haven. How and why they were turned into the bloodsucking creatures they became is still a mystery and shrouded in many rumors. Take this official request form to the merchant records keeper in Shadow Haven and he may be able to provide you with records of any merchant caravans that departed for Katta Castellum within a reasonable time before the attacks and never returned.'

Go to Shadow Haven and search out Record Keeper Ajar at /loc 45, 160. Give him the official request.

You say, 'Hail, Record Keeper Ajar'

Record Keeper Ajar says 'Greetings friend Human! I'm afraid I am quite busy with all the transactions that occur and shipments that come and go from the city but if you have an official request form for some information from our library of records I will gladly assist you.'

Record Keeper Ajar says 'So you were sent by the Magistrates of Katta Castellum I see. It isn't very often we get requests for records as old as these.' Ajar shuffles through several books on a cluttered shelf and a few minutes later procures the records and begins writing down the requested information. 'Here are the names that have been requested by Magistrate Dionicas. You can assure him when you deliver this record that it is quite accurate.'

You gain experience!!

Go back to Phenic and give him the Old Merchant Records. He will give you a Badge of Service.

Phenic Dionicas says 'Most interesting. One of the names on this list I recognize. The alchemist [Valdanov Zevfeer]. Nathyn Illuminious would know more of Valdanov. Present this badge to Nathyn so that he knows you have been sent by the Magistrates to inquire about this issue and question him about the alchemist.'

Your faction standing with Concilium Universus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got worse.
You gain experience!!

You say, 'Who is Valdanov Zevfeer?'

Phenic Dionicas says 'Valdanov Zevfeer was a traveling alchemist and magical reagent peddler that used to occasionally visit Katta Castellum. At one point before the initial vampyre attacks he decided to remain in Katta Castellum for a while with the wealthy Katta citizen Nathyn Illuminious. Apparently that decision saved his life as according to the records you have provided the caravan he arrived with never completed the return trip to Shadow Haven. That is as much as I know about the individual as he primarily kept to himself during his stay here.'

Wait until Nathyn Illuminious spawns in his house and give him the Badge of Service.

You say, 'Hail, Nathyn IIIuminious '

You say, 'Who is Valdanov Zevfeer?'

Nathyn IIIuminious says 'Valdanov Zevfeer was a talented alchemist from Shadow Haven with whom I had many dealings. He would bring me components for my enchantment research from all the various environments here on Luclin. Since Valdanov had been such a valuable aid to me in the past I decided to return the favor and allowed him residence within my abode and helped to further fund his research as long as he assisted me in my own enchantment studies. He has since left to continue to pursue his own interests and I have not heard from him in [quite some time].'

You say, 'What is quite some time?'

Nathyn IIIuminious says 'Valdanov departed many years ago. He had become dangerously obsessive with his research of vampyre physiology and the effects of various alchemical formulae on the undead creatures. His obsession began when a traveler arrived in Katta Castellum speaking of a Vah Shir vampyre. Valdanov began leaving the safety of the city frequently in search of this undead Vah Shir and for questionable alchemical reagents with which he insisted on testing on [captured vampyres] being studied by the Magus Conlegium.'

You say, 'What captured vampyres?'

Nathyn IIIuminious says 'After an unfortunate mishap with an escaped vampyre in the city the Magus Conlegium and the Validus Custodus declared that no vampyres shall ever again enter the city of Katta Castellum and only their ashes or blood may be studied under the careful observation of the Magus Conlegium. I am very sorry but I have some pressing business I must attend to and I'm afraid I have nothing more to offer. You may take this information back to Magistrate Phenic as he has requested.'

Nathyn gives you a "Report of Nathyns Questioning." Take it back to Phenic.

Phenic Dionicas says 'So Valdanov had an interest in a Vah Shir vampyre?!! Perhaps we should seek out this Vah Shir and find more clues. Take these orders to Legionnaire Falion during his next shift at the Tenebrous Mountains Gate, he will question any travelers that pass by about this mysterious Vah Shir. Should you locate the Vah Shir Vampyre attempt to present him with your Badge of Service for questioning, he just may agree to cooperate rather than anger the Validus Custodus.'

Your faction standing with Concilium Universus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got worse.
You gain experience!!

Wait till Legionnaire Falion spawns in the Tenebrous Mountains zone at the Katta Castellum entrance.

You say, 'Hail, Legionnaire Falion'

Legionnaire Falion says 'Greetings traveler! You look like you're still breathing and have your blood running through your veins so I suppose you may seek shelter behind the mighty walls of Katta Castellum.'

Hand him Phenic's orders. Make sure you have a nice 50's-level group together for the upcoming battle.

Legionnaire Falion says 'A Vah Shir vampyre!! Isn't that disturbing! How are you supposed to spot its pale skin under all that fur! Come to think of it I've heard that a strange Vah Shir has occasionally been spotted heading towards the villages of the Coterie of the Eternal Night here in the Tenebrous Mountains. This may be the Vah Shir you are seeking. I will be sure to question any arriving travelers if they have spotted him.'

Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Nathyn Illuminious got worse.
Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.
You gain experience!!

Now go find Kerzar. You can follow the wall to the left past the vampyre castle if you have no tracker. When you find him, give him your badge of service.

Kerzar Clawtore says 'You've been sent by the Validus Custodus to question me!! You mortals are more foolish than I had presumed! The only information I have for you is the fact that you are about to face your death!!'

You gain experience!!

Kerzar Clawtore roars flashing glistening fangs that are sharper and longer than the average Vah Shirs!

Kill Kerzar. He will fight till the bitter end but not die, instead submitting
to questioning.

Kerzar Clawtore crouches to the ground cowering. 'Enough, you have proven your might. I will talk! Just cease your assault!'

Kerzar Clawtore says 'What knowledge do I have that the Validus Custodus is so eager to obtain? If you spare me I assure you I will answer truthfully.'

You say, 'Who is Valdanov?'

Kerzar Clawtore says 'I have not seen Valdanov Zevfeer in many years. He came to me once when I was still newly reborn wanting to extract a vial of my blood. When I refused he attacked me and extracted it against my will. I was still new and unfamiliar with my vampyric powers, Valdanov's [abilities] were far more developed than my own.

You say, 'What abilities?'

Kerzar Clawtore says 'His vampyric abilities of course. Valdanov had either been reborn in undeath far before myself or had a powerful mentor and the time and facilities in which to train. I did my best to resist his attack but I was still subdued by his superior skills and strength. He dropped this key in the struggle. I have no use for it, consider it yours. I must be going before I'm seen by the others. Oh no! It's too late! We've been spotted! May you continue your investigations in the afterlife!'

Kerzar Clawtore rapidly transforms into swirling mist indistinguishable from the wind swept mountain fog as other forms begin to solidify from the fog nearby.

At his point Kerzar will disappear and you will get a Bone Key.

4 coterie generals will spawn.

a coterie general hisses revealing menacing fangs and lunges ferociously at its prey!
a coterie general says 'It's Wizards like you that insult all of Norrath!'

Fight the battle or evacuate, but either way, once you're done, take the key to Nathyn's house and just inside to the right on the bottom floor through a hidden wall, is "a locked chest."

Give the Bone Key to the chest.

You gain party experience!!

Private Sentinel Frieza says 'Fool!! You know not what you have released upon us!! Nathyn will have your heads for this!!'
Private Sentinel Tozza says 'Fool!! You know not what you have released upon us!! Nathyn will have your heads for this!!'
an imprisoned shade begins to cast a spell.
Private Sentinel Frieza says 'You have trespassed where you are not welcome! Prepare to face your punishment!'

At this point, the whole house will go after the key giver, but have someone tag the shade and pull it away and zone. Otherwise you will have a minimum of 6 guards on you.

Come back from zone and kill the shade.

An imprisoned shade's skin is rent by massive shards of deadly ice. You have slain an imprisoned shade!

Your faction standing with Order of Autarkic Umbrage got worse.
Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse.
Your faction standing with Valdanov Zevfeer got worse.
Your faction standing with Akheva got better.
Your faction standing with Shak Dratha got better.
You gain party experience!!

--You have looted a a worn research book.--
--You have looted a Autarkic Shade Lord Belt.--

Give the worn research book to Phenic Dionicas.

Phenic Dionicas listens to your account of the events that have occurred since last you spoke and reads through the journal. 'This investigation is getting more and more baffling the further we delve. Among other things, I am wondering if the shade that was imprisoned in the chest is the same that was providing Valdanov with the blood for his research. Take the belt that the shade was wearing with these instructions to Governor Lathin at the Magus Conlegium. In the meantime I will pay a visit to Nathyn Illuminious.'

Your faction standing with Concilium Universus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got worse.

Find Lathin Firetree on the third floor of the Magus Congilium building, at -950, -255.

You say, 'Hail, Lathin Firetree'

Lathin Firetree says 'Well met brave Human. I am Lathin Firetree, Governor of Wizardry here at the Magus Conlegium. I have an abundance of research and experimentation to attend to so unless you have an issue of importance to present or are going to assist me with the research I must get back to my studies.'

Give Lathin the instructions and the Shade Lord Belt.

Lathin Firetree says 'I require the instructions from Phenic and the Autarkic Shade Lord Belt.'

Lathin Firetree says 'Phenic wishes me to summon the Shade that is the owner of this belt for questioning. That is quite a dangerous request but it is not uncommon of Phenic to be a risk taker when it comes to his plots against the Coterie of the Eternal Night. Take this sketch and find a skilled potter to craft you a likeness of a shade from a large block of clay as a focus item for the ritual. When you have the unfired figurine fire it in a kiln with this special glaze on a High Quality Firing Sheet and return to me.'

Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.

You gain party experience!!

Combine sketch water and large block of clay in a pottery wheel. Was not trivial at 250 skill but sketch is returned when you fail.

Combine unfired figurine with a High Quality Firing Sheet and glaze in a kiln.

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

Hand Figurine to Lathin Firetree.

Lathin Firetree says 'Excellent, this figurine will work wonderfully. A group of my best summoners is gathering on the first floor at the largest of the summoning circles to call forth the shade. Please take the figurine to Theurgus Ajeea Polaja immediately.'

Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.

Go back down to first floor of the building. The three casters will be waiting for you. Give the figurine to Ajeea.

Theurgus Ajeea Polaja says 'Perfect. We shall begin the summoning and questioning. This enchanted scroll will magically scribe all that transpires within its radius of perception. Take it to Magistrate Phenic after the summoning and questioning are completed.'

Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'Meddling fleshlings! Why have you pulled back to this forsaken castellum? Do you fear that I will seek vengeance on Nathyn Illuminious and the city that shelters him for my years of captivity here? Or do you seek something more dangerous, knowledge of the dark path of shadows?'

Incantator Jak Masric says 'We neither fear you nor seek to be drawn into your dark ways, Lord Sfarosh. You will provide us some information as demanded by the Magistrates of the Loyalist Empire. The questions are simple, answer quickly and the sooner you shall be freed from this summoning. What is your history with the alchemist Valdanov Zevfeer?'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'A simple question indeed. I simply supplied him with Akhevan blood for his experimentation, that is all. The Order of Autarkic Umbrage is no friend of the Akheva and it was possible that his research could uncover some useful information for my order. Valdanovs own motivation for his experimentation was none of my concern, but the outcome is quite fascinating I must admit.'

Praecantor Selis Dawneyes says 'So it seems you are aware of the outcome of his hidden experimentation. Care to enlighten us as to what that outcome was?'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'I am amazed at how little you fleshlings know of what occurs within the very walls of your own castellum. It is known by my Order that Akhevan blood has strange mutagenic effects on the bodies of non-akheves if introduced to their circulatory systems. The process by which the Shadow Tegi are infused with the blood is quite complicated and painful but I would deduce that a vampyre like Valdanov merely had to ingest the blood for the mutagenic agents to effect his physiology, causing the permenent change into what I believe you call a Vampyre Volatilis. I have no dealings with Valdanov since his mutation as I was imprisoned in Nathyns mansion until freed by these foolish fleshings.'

Theurgus Ajeea Polaja says 'How was it that you came to be imprisoned in the mansion of Nathyn Illuminious?'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'I was paying a visit to Valdanov with more Akhevan blood, not knowing he had already been banished by Nathyn from Katta Castellum for becoming the monster that he became. I must admit, Nathyn is a powerful and cunning creature. He was prepared for my arrival, captured me with his sorceries, and imprisoned me in that enchanted chest. I was not offered an explanation, nor do I know how he discovered my dealings with Valdanov, I assume he obtained that knowledge from questioning Valdanov about his mutation.'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'It seems some allies are arriving! Foolish fleshlings, run while you have the chance!'

Praecantor Selis Dawneyes says 'Ajeea! What's happened?! I sense there are dark powers at work here!'

Incantator Jak Masric says 'The circle of containment is breaking down without Ajeea! Prepare yourselves!'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'Your feeble fleshling magic has failed you! Your souls shall be slaves of the Order of Autarkic Umbrage!'

Praecantor Selis Dawneyes rushes to Ajeea, lifts her comotose body with a magical force and they both vanish is a flash of light.

Incantator Jak Masric says 'Eliminate the shades! Selis and I will get Ajeea to safety and concentrate on a ward to prevent any further intrusion and stifle the shades power! Seek me out and bring me the robes of these shades when they have been slain so that we may research placing a more permanent ward against such creatures on the Conlegium.'

Autarkic Lord Sfarosh says 'Attempt to slay me if you so desire, and if you succeed it matters not. I will return as I am a creature of shadows and shadows never die, merely slumber!'

Kill Autarkic Lord Sfarosh and three Autarkic Umbrage Shades. Loot the robes from them and give the robes to Jak Masric, found at -680, -225 on the third floor of the Magus Conlegium building..

You have slain Autarkic Lord Sfarosh!
You have slain An Autarkic Umbrage Shade!
You have slain An Autarkic Umbrage Shade!
You have slain An Autarkic Umbrage Shade!

Your faction standing with Order of Autarkic Umbrage got worse
Your faction standing with Coterie of the Eternal Night got worse
Your faction standing with Valdanov Zevfeer got worse
Your faction standing with Akheva got better
Your faction standing with Shak Dratha got better

Incantator Jak Masric says 'I require the three autarkic shade robes and the robe of the autarkic shade lord.'

Incantator Jak Masric says 'I require the three autarkic shade robes and the robe of the autarkic shade lord.'

Incantator Jak Masric says 'I require the three autarkic shade robes and the robe of the autarkic shade lord.'

Incantator Jak Masric says 'Hopefully these robes still contain enough of a magical imprint from the shades to be useful in successfully warding the Magus Conlegium from their kind. Thank you for you assistance. Keep this token as a symbol of your allegiance to the Magus Conlegium.'

Your faction standing with Magus Conlegium got better.
Your faction standing with Katta Castellum Citizens got better.
Your faction standing with Validus Custodus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Eye of Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Hand Legionnaries got worse.

You receive an Enchanted Record of Events. Give the scroll to Phenic Dionicas.

Phenic Dionicas says 'There is much that is disturbing about these revelations. I will make sure the Validus Custodus is alert than they already are to the presence of powerful vampyre among our citizens. If you can find this Valdanov Zevfeer slay him and bring me his ashes your Katta Castellum Badge of Service, and your Magus Conlegium Token I will bestow upon you an honorable reward.'

Your faction standing with Concilium Universus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got worse.

Find Heratius Grolden in the Vampire Castle in the Tenebrous Mountains, he spawns on the balcony on the top floor. He is level 58. Kill him and immediatly Valdanov Zevfeer Spawns, he is level 62 and immune to melee damage unless it has Bane:Vampyre.

Valdanov Zevfeer's corpse screams inhumanly as he falls and bursts into a cloud of ashes blacker than the darkest night.

Loot Vampire Volatilis Ashes (identifies as "Ashes of Valdanov Zevfeer") from Valdanov and return to Phenic.

Hand Phenic the Ashes, your Badge of Service and your Magus Conlegium Token.

Phenic Dionicas says 'I require the Ashes of Valdanov Zevfeer, the Magus Conlegium Token, and the Katta Castellum Badge of Service in order to reward you the honor you strive for.'

Phenic Dionicas says 'I require the Ashes of Valdanov Zevfeer, the Magus Conlegium Token, and the Katta Castellum Badge of Service in order to reward you the honor you strive for.'

Phenic Dionicas says 'You have done a great service for Katta Castellum and the Loyalist Empire. I award you for your honorable Services. Know that you will be remembered for your deeds.'

Your faction standing with Concilium Universus got better.
Your faction standing with Seru got worse.
Your faction standing with Heart of Seru got worse.
You gain experience!!

You receive the Loyalist Shield of Honor.


只看该作者 9 发表于: 2012-04-28
应该是 vampyres

和npc说/h,npc就会告诉一些关于任务的提示,里面有[xxxx]样的关键字,然后用这些关键字组成句子继续问npc,就会给出具体的任务。如果有2个以上的[xxx],只要把几个接起来就行了,比如npc告诉你[xxx]和[yyy],那你只要打/say xxxyyy就可以

比如切换到说的频道,输入 what is xxx 或者who is xxx 或者 I am xxx 或者 I will xxx 或者 i have  xxx 等等。


EQ 龙族 精灵 洛奇 仙境传说
DNF 洛奇英雄传
游戏 电脑 动漫 音乐
只看该作者 10 发表于: 2012-04-29
光之追随者 cle
Vybr nec
shoobind shd

只看该作者 11 发表于: 2012-05-02
只看该作者 12 发表于: 2012-05-02
限300 字节
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