Q: Why does it rain so much in the Karanas?
A: Because everytime a ranger dies, Tunare sheds a tear.
Q: How can you tell a ranger tried to break into your house??
A: Your cat is camping his corpse.
Q: Why don\'t rangers get FD?
A: Because the fall to the ground would kill them.
Q: What do you call a Warrior with no arms and no legs?
A: I don\'t know, but it\'s better than a Ranger.
Q: How do you know when a ranger has been tanking?
A: They\'re ususally standing naked at their bind spot.
Q: Why do Rangers get some of the best haste items in the game?
A: So they can die faster.
Q: Why is ranger armor green and brown?
A: Green so they can find their corpse in the dirt and brown so they can find their corpse on the grass.
Q: Why is a Ranger like a cheap $20.00 whore?
A: They go DOWN on anything and everything
Q: Whats the shortest Ranger joke ever?
Q: What do you call a druid that doesnt have any spells and thinks he can melee?
A: A Ranger!
Q: What is the difference between a ranger and a corpse?
A: 30 seconds of combat!
Q: What did one ranger say to the other at the soulbinder?
A: Do you come here often?
Q: Why did the Ranger cross the road ?
A: Because the chicken got him down to half a bub !
Q: What\'s the difference between an Orc Pawn and a Ranger?
A: An Orc Pawn doesn\'t get teased as much as the Ranger.
Q: What did Emperior Crush say when the 100th Ranger tried to solo him?
A: DING...!!!!!
Q: What\'s the difference between a Ranger and the security detail that accompanies James T Kirk on away missions?
A: Rangers don\'t have red shirts.
Q: What inspired Absor to come up with the Ranger class?
A: By watching Kenny in the various South Park episodes.
Q: What\'s the difference between a Ranger and Harry Potter?
A: One of them is a scrawny, 125lb weaking nerd that couldn\'t fight his way out of a paper bag and the other is a wizard.
Q: Why did Absor create the PoP expansion set with so many portal books?
A: To help Rangers reach their corpses faster.
Q: What name did Absor gave to forest warriors in EQ2?
A: Rangers 2.0
Q: What do you call a level 60 Ranger?
A: Blessed
Q: What do you call a level 65 Ranger?
A: Gifted
Q: What do you call a Ranger with over 356 days of play time?
A: Masochistic
Q: What\'s the only difference between Wild E Coyote and a Ranger?
A: A Ranger\'s death is usually not the result of items ordered from Acme.
Q: Why do Clerics not heal Rangers?
A: It\'s more mana-efficient to res a ranger then to heal one.
Q: Why do Necros alway follow Rangers around?
A: There\'s always a body available for them to cast Wake the Dead.
Q: What are 3 things to ask rangers?
1. ) Ask if they need to get Aego before going in out door zones just in case it rains and they start losing HP.
2.) Ask them if they\'ve made a \"/consent\" hotkey yet to save time.
3.) Ask them why they came to this raid, since there will be no need for them to eat any DT\'s.
Ranger = Tank Simulator
A_Random_Guildie says, \"What does this MOB drop?\"
You say, \"RANGERS!\"
A Ranger walks into a bar.... LOADING PLEASE WAIT.
My Personal Favorite
Just after Kunark was released and epic discusions were rife. General consensus was that the ranger epic should of proc \"resurrection\".
Monk (pulling): \"Incoming, random_mob_o1 times three!!\"
Raid Leader: \"Off yer butz! Meleers to the front, casters step
back....rangers....try to look as if you are contributing.\"