The Ink of the Dark
In Qeynos, talk to Reania Jukle
You: 'what is the ink of the dark?'
Reania Jukle: 'Ink of the Dark, you say? That isn't an everyday item, you know. In fact i can't remember the last time someone requested it. I have given up keeping any here with me. You are going to need to find your own supply now. Sorry.'
You: 'where can I find the ink of the dark?
Reania Jukle says: 'The ink is the blood of a dark scribe. Tempt him and give him this vial. He should cooperate.'
You recieve an Empty Ink Vial.
If you charm the Ghoul Scribe in Lower Guk, and hand him the vial, you will recieve the Ink of the Dark.