
Now that Firefox 3 is approaching the home stretch it is important thatMozilla starts to throw in performance improvements to really make thebrowser purr. Over in our forum xpgeek pointed out that aProfile-Guided Optimization (PGO) build of Firefox 3 had been createdwhich greatly improved the performance of JavaScript in the browser.While PGO itself hasn’t yet landed in the nightly builds there havebeen some significant improvements to the JavaScript engine.
I’m sure what most of you care the most about are the facts, and soI’ve compiled the results of the SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark testfor each of the different browsers. All of the tests below wereperformed on the same Windows machine, and the Firefox 3 nightly buildsdefinitely came out on top. Here are the results sorted from best toworst (each one is hyperlinked to the full stats):
1. Firefox 3 Nightly (PGO Optimized): 7263.8ms 2. Firefox 3 Nightly (02/25/2008 build): 8219.4ms 3. Opera 9.5.9807 Beta: 10824.0ms 4. Firefox 3 Beta 3: 16080.6ms 5. Safari 3.0.4 Beta: 18012.6ms 6. Firefox 29376.4ms 7. Internet Explorer 7: 72375.0msIt’s important to know that every time you run the SunSpiderBenchmark it conducts each test five times, and the result is theaverage of the five tests. So it is a rather thorough test, anddefinitely shows off the speed improvements that Firefox 3 is going tobe bringing to the table.
What does this all mean for you? Depending on what browser youtypically use you may not notice a huge speed difference, but thechange will be the most noticeable on sites that use JavaScriptheavily. With the Web 2.0 era upon us all JavaScript speed enhancementsare welcomed with open arms.
Firefox 3 Beta 4 is expected to be released in the next few weeks,and you can expect to see these (and many more) improvements shiningthrough!