http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=1572§ion=News&locale=en_USPurchase Authorization
为了保护玩家利益,避免黑卡交易,以及被误认为黑卡自动BAN号的情况发生,SOE近日准备升级所有的在线支付系统,增加VISA和MASTER卡的认证功能。 To provide our customers with increased credit card security, Sony Online Entertainment will be partnering with Visa and MasterCard. In a few weeks SOE will add Verified by Visa and MasterCard Secure to our Station store purchase flow.
Q. How will this affect an SOE customer?
问:认证是怎样保护SOE的用户呢?A. When adding new subscriptions, changing a subscription or purchasing software from the station store you, the customer, will be prompted to join Verified by Visa or MasterCard Secure. An application will pop up and prompt you to join the security program.
答:在对SUBSCRIPTIONS做改动或是在线商城中准备结帐时,系统会弹出一个窗口,邀请您使用VISA或是MASTER卡的认证功能。Q. How much does it cost to join Verified by Visa or MasterCard secure?
问:安全认证需要额外的费用么?A. It is completely free to join Visa and MasterCard's security for online purchases.
答:这种安全认证对于客户而言是完全免费的,没有任何额外手续费。Q. Why should I give Sony Online entertainment my personal information?
问:为什么我要把自己的私人信息给SOE呢?A. The information requested for these programs is not stored on any SOE servers. These programs are provided by Visa and MasterCard. Only Visa and MasterCard will retain the information you provide for your security.
http://www.mastercard.com/us/personal/en/cardholderservices/securecode/index.htmlVISA CARD 安全中心
http://eq2players.station.sony.com/news_archive_content.vm?id=1579§ion=News&locale=en_US Maintenance Notice: Tuesday, March 4, 2008
SOE系统维护通知Beginning at 9am PST/5pm GMT on Tuesday, March 4, 2008 all SOE Account and Commerce flow, the Station Store and the CSG Store with be unavailable for the purpose of adding Payer Authentication (Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode Programs).
We expect this maintenance to take approximately 4 hours. During this maintenance period game servers will still be accessible. Please watch the forums for further updates regarding this maintenance.
We apologize for this interruption and will resume the affected services as soon as the maintenance is completed.
北京时间2008年3月5日凌晨1点,SOE所有的支付平台将暂停使用,此次维护预估将持续4个小时,并不影响各个游戏的服务器。 维护的主要目的是增加VISA和MASTER的安全认证功能。