Aino 机敏的Elevent 玛格-莫精灵 射手 等级3 160 767 282 02:50
城镇传报员: "LV2 射手 找工作中... 請各位大爺賞口飯吃吧XD 意者請留訊息給我 → 悠風"
城镇传报员: "轻短铁链拍卖中,只卖一天哦"
城镇传报员: "4级团招人3级左右诗人或者学者1名,有的直接密我 卡瑞特·洪水"
城镇传报员: "蜥蜴的邪教护身符恢复法力+2!只卖一天,明晚到期!"
城镇传报员: "【只限中长期】【幻想鄉旅人】7人2级团招1~3级 祭司炼金吟游圣武士萨满 请密赤原獵犬"
城镇传报员: "清仓,新货上架,需要请搜索 菲恩"
战报: 鹰之团
today 02:48 - 第一份工作
层 6 =Back= =Next=
突然,你们听到一阵尖厉,刺耳的尖叫从灌木丛后传来: 救命!救命啊! 你匆忙跨灌木丛,却发现你面前的竟然是一大群地精。太阳的!这样的陷阱明显只是为些菜鸟准备的!
Round 1
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 XiazhiTank 3 front 31 8 in perfect health
2 mofamao/DS/ 3 left side 23 4 in perfect health
3 stanpede 3 left side 42 3 in perfect health
4 非 3 right side 26 5 in perfect health
5 Elevent 3 center 12 7 in perfect health
6 Akilan 3 back 10 26 in perfect health
7 Gravee 3 back 13 27 in perfect health
8 Griffith 3 back 9 47 in perfect health
9 Seiren 3 back 12 33 in perfect health
10 Vash 3 back 12 32 in perfect health
11 xada 3 back 39 5 in perfect health
12 黑莲 3 back 12 18 in perfect health
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精1 2 front 10 10 ready
2 地精2 2 front 10 10 ready
3 地精3 2 front 10 10 ready
4 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
6 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
7 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
8 地精弓箭手5 1 center 10 10 ready
9 地精弓箭手6 1 center 10 10 ready
10 地精影子战士1 3 center 15 10 ready
11 地精影子战士2 3 center 15 10 ready
12 地精弓箭手7 1 back 10 10 ready
13 地精弓箭手8 1 back 10 10 ready
14 地精弓箭手9 1 back 10 10 ready
15 地精弓箭手10 1 back 10 10 ready
16 地精弓箭手11 1 back 10 10 ready
17 地精弓箭手12 1 back 10 10 ready
18 地精弓箭手13 1 back 10 10 ready
19 地精弓箭手14 1 back 10 10 ready
20 地精掷刀者1 2 back 10 5 ready
21 地精掷刀者2 2 back 10 5 ready
Gravee uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on XiazhiTank
Griffith uses 豪饮 (一小瓶水) on themselves
Akilan uses 智慧之语 (4 MP/复印页:新手躲避) on XiazhiTank
XiazhiTank uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on themselves
XiazhiTank recovers 1 mp.
Akilan recovers 2 mp.
Gravee recovers 1 mp.
Griffith recovers 3 mp.
Vash recovers 2 mp.
地精影子战士2 uses 无声行动 (2 MP) on themselves
地精影子战士1 uses 无声行动 (2 MP) on themselves
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 stanpede attacks (斧技/51/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 地精1 (4): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手13 ranged attacks (箭术/29) XiazhiTank (远程回避/34): failed
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精影子战士1 cunningly attacks (偷袭/5) XiazhiTank (5): failed
mofamao/DS/ (3): good success
stanpede (1): critical success
非 (8): failed
Elevent (9): failed
Akilan (6): failed
Gravee (5): failed
Griffith (24): failed
Seiren (5): failed
Vash (1): critical success
xada (3): good success
黑莲 (12): failed
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/21) XiazhiTank (远程回避/13): good success
6 [+2] piercing damage
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手5 ranged attacks (箭术/20) XiazhiTank (远程回避/34): failed
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/3) XiazhiTank (远程回避/23): failed
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精掷刀者1 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/16) Elevent (远程回避/39): failed
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手14 ranged attacks (箭术/12) XiazhiTank (远程回避/9): success
0 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精掷刀者2 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/11) Elevent (远程回避/33): failed
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/23) XiazhiTank (远程回避/13): good success
7 [+2] piercing damage
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 Gravee uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on Elevent
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手10 ranged attacks (箭术/7) XiazhiTank (远程回避/28): failed
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手8 ranged attacks (箭术/21) XiazhiTank (远程回避/25): failed
Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手12 ranged attacks (箭术/14) XiazhiTank (远程回避/33): failed
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手11 ranged attacks (箭术/13) XiazhiTank (远程回避/11): success
3 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/6) XiazhiTank (远程回避/34): failed
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精3 attacks (剑术/7) XiazhiTank (盾牌格挡/54/简易的 小型 铁制 盾): failed
Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 mofamao/DS/ attacks (肉搏/55/皮绑带) 地精3 (1): critical success - struck down
15 crushing damage
Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 Elevent ranged attacks (箭术/28/轻短弓,地精箭) 地精弓箭手10 (4): critical success - struck down
11 piercing damage
2 poison damage
Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手9 ranged attacks (箭术/19) XiazhiTank (远程回避/9): good success
4 [+2] piercing damage
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Seiren heals with 急救 (1 MP) XiazhiTank +9 HP
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Griffith attacks with magic (寒冰飞弹/11/11 MP/冰晶) 地精影子战士1 (10): success
10 ice damage
Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手7 ranged attacks (箭术/21) XiazhiTank (远程回避/19): success
1 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/13) XiazhiTank (远程回避/11): success
2 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 xada attacks (钝器攻击/24/巨锤) 地精2 (10): critical success - struck down
15 crushing damage
Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 地精影子战士2 cunningly attacks (偷袭/12) XiazhiTank (3): critical success
mofamao/DS/ (1): critical success
stanpede (4): critical success
非 (10): success
Elevent (22): failed
Akilan (12): failed
Gravee (5): critical success
Griffith (16): failed
Seiren (10): success
Vash (14): failed
xada (4): critical success
黑莲 (12): failed
Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 黑莲 heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) XiazhiTank +16 HP
Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 非 uses 烟雾弥漫 (上了年头的黑火药) on themselves
Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Akilan uses 智慧之语 (4 MP/复印页:新手躲避) on Elevent
Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Vash attacks with magic (火箭术/20/10 MP/硫磺灰) 地精弓箭手3 (1): critical success
8 fire damage
Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 XiazhiTank attacks (剑术/14/火焰短剑) 地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/22): failed
层 6 =Back= =Next=
Round 2
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 XiazhiTank 3 front 33 4 in perfect health
2 mofamao/DS/ 3 left side 23 4 in perfect health
3 stanpede 3 left side 42 3 in perfect health
4 非 3 right side 26 5 in perfect health
5 Elevent 3 center 12 7 in perfect health
6 Akilan 3 back 10 20 in perfect health
7 Gravee 3 back 13 22 in perfect health
8 Griffith 3 back 12 39 in perfect health
9 Seiren 3 back 12 32 in perfect health
10 Vash 3 back 12 24 in perfect health
11 xada 3 back 39 5 in perfect health
12 黑莲 3 back 12 17 in perfect health
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精1 2 front 0 10 struck down
2 地精2 2 front 0 10 struck down
3 地精3 2 front 0 10 struck down
4 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
6 地精弓箭手3 1 center 2 10 ready
7 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
8 地精弓箭手5 1 center 10 10 ready
9 地精弓箭手6 1 center 10 10 ready
10 地精影子战士1 3 center 5 8 ready
11 地精影子战士2 3 center 15 8 ready
12 地精弓箭手7 1 back 10 10 ready
13 地精弓箭手8 1 back 10 10 ready
14 地精弓箭手9 1 back 10 10 ready
15 地精弓箭手10 1 back 0 10 struck down
16 地精弓箭手11 1 back 10 10 ready
17 地精弓箭手12 1 back 10 10 ready
18 地精弓箭手13 1 back 10 10 ready
19 地精弓箭手14 1 back 10 10 ready
20 地精掷刀者1 2 back 10 5 ready
21 地精掷刀者2 2 back 10 5 ready
Gravee uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:法力恢复歌谣,普通木笛) on Griffith
Akilan uses 阅读 (1 MP/复印页:法力回复技巧) on themselves
XiazhiTank recovers 1 mp.
Akilan recovers 3 mp.
Gravee recovers 1 mp.
Griffith recovers 7 mp.
Seiren recovers 1 mp.
Vash recovers 4 mp.
黑莲 recovers 1 mp.
地精弓箭手3 suffers 2 hp damage.
Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 Elevent ranged attacks (箭术/42/轻短弓,箭) 地精掷刀者2 (7): critical success - struck down
17 piercing damage
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手8 ranged attacks (箭术/8) XiazhiTank (远程回避/31): failed
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 非 attacks (击剑/20/普通格斗用军刀) 地精影子战士1 (近程闪避/16): success
2 [+4] piercing damage
Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/18) XiazhiTank (远程回避/31): failed
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/14) XiazhiTank (远程回避/8): good success
6 [+2] piercing damage
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手9 ranged attacks (箭术/23) XiazhiTank (远程回避/25): failed
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 xada attacks (钝器攻击/27/巨锤) 地精影子战士2 (近程闪避/18): good success
14 crushing damage
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1
地精影子战士2 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.
Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手11 ranged attacks (箭术/26) XiazhiTank (远程回避/28): failed
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 Gravee uses 勇气之歌 (3 MP/乐谱:躲闪之歌,普通木笛) on Akilan
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/4) XiazhiTank (远程回避/16): failed
Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手7 ranged attacks (箭术/7) XiazhiTank (远程回避/20): failed
Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手12 ranged attacks (箭术/16) XiazhiTank (远程回避/27): failed
Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 stanpede attacks (斧技/48/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/20): critical success - struck down
15 cutting damage
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手13 ranged attacks (箭术/12) XiazhiTank (远程回避/22): failed
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Vash attacks with magic (火箭术/27/10 MP/硫磺灰) 地精弓箭手5 (5): critical success - struck down
11 fire damage
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精影子战士1 attacks (匕首格斗/3) XiazhiTank (盾牌格挡/25/简易的 小型 铁制 盾): failed
Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 Akilan ranged attacks (投石攻击/19/鼠人弹弓,一小把 石块) 地精弓箭手13 (3): critical success
5 crushing damage
Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手14 ranged attacks (箭术/20) XiazhiTank (远程回避/33): failed
Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/20) XiazhiTank (远程回避/31): failed
Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Seiren heals with 急救 (1 MP) XiazhiTank +7 HP
Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 mofamao/DS/ attacks (肉搏/46/皮绑带) 地精弓箭手1 (近程闪避/19): critical success
5 crushing damage
Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精掷刀者1 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/15) Elevent (远程回避/41): failed
Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 黑莲 attacks (匕首格斗/8/普通的手术刀) 地精影子战士1 (近程闪避/16): failed
Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 Griffith attacks with magic (寒冰飞弹/15/11 MP/冰晶) 地精弓箭手4 (3): critical success
7 ice damage
Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 XiazhiTank attacks (剑术/28/火焰短剑) 地精弓箭手1 (近程闪避/17): good success - struck down
10 cutting damage
层 6 =Back= =Next=
Round 3
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 XiazhiTank 3 front 34 5 in perfect health
2 mofamao/DS/ 3 left side 23 4 in perfect health
3 stanpede 3 left side 42 3 in perfect health
4 非 3 right side 26 5 in perfect health
5 Elevent 3 center 12 7 in perfect health
6 Akilan 3 back 10 22 in perfect health
7 Gravee 3 back 13 17 in perfect health
8 Griffith 3 back 12 35 in perfect health
9 Seiren 3 back 12 32 in perfect health
10 Vash 3 back 12 18 in perfect health
11 xada 3 back 39 5 in perfect health
12 黑莲 3 back 12 18 in perfect health
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精弓箭手1 1 center 0 10 struck down
2 地精弓箭手2 1 center 0 10 struck down
3 地精弓箭手3 1 center 0 10 struck down
4 地精弓箭手4 1 center 3 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手5 1 center 0 10 struck down
6 地精弓箭手6 1 center 10 10 ready
7 地精影子战士1 3 center 3 8 ready
8 地精影子战士2 3 center 1 8 fled
9 地精弓箭手7 1 back 10 10 ready
10 地精弓箭手8 1 back 10 10 ready
11 地精弓箭手9 1 back 10 10 ready
12 地精弓箭手11 1 back 10 10 ready
13 地精弓箭手12 1 back 10 10 ready
14 地精弓箭手13 1 back 5 10 ready
15 地精弓箭手14 1 back 10 10 ready
16 地精掷刀者1 2 back 10 5 ready
17 地精掷刀者2 2 back 0 5 struck down
Akilan looks around in boredom and waits.
XiazhiTank uses 小范围保护光环 (5 MP) on themselves
Gravee looks around in boredom and waits.
XiazhiTank recovers 1 mp.
Akilan recovers 3 mp.
Gravee recovers 1 mp.
Griffith recovers 7 mp.
Seiren recovers 1 mp.
Vash recovers 4 mp.
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手7 ranged attacks (箭术/16) XiazhiTank (远程回避/13): success
0 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精影子战士1 attacks (匕首格斗/22) XiazhiTank (盾牌格挡/33/简易的 小型 铁制 盾): failed
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手12 ranged attacks (箭术/6) XiazhiTank (远程回避/17): failed
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精掷刀者1 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/10) Elevent (远程回避/37): failed
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手8 ranged attacks (箭术/10) XiazhiTank (远程回避/26): failed
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手13 ranged attacks (箭术/12) XiazhiTank (远程回避/25): failed
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手14 ranged attacks (箭术/17) XiazhiTank (远程回避/29): failed
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 mofamao/DS/ attacks (肉搏/51/皮绑带) 地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/4): critical success - struck down
15 crushing damage
Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手11 ranged attacks (箭术/8) XiazhiTank (远程回避/28): failed
Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手9 ranged attacks (箭术/14) XiazhiTank (远程回避/10): success
4 [+5] piercing damage
Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手6 ranged attacks (箭术/15) XiazhiTank (远程回避/37): failed
Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 非 attacks (击剑/17/普通格斗用军刀) 地精弓箭手6 (近程闪避/5): critical success
8 piercing damage
Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 Akilan ranged attacks (投石攻击/10/鼠人弹弓,一小把 石块) 地精弓箭手14 (3): critical success
7 crushing damage
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 Elevent ranged attacks (箭术/31/轻短弓,箭) 地精弓箭手8 (1): critical success - struck down
13 piercing damage
Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 stanpede attacks (斧技/13/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 地精弓箭手6 (近程闪避/1): critical success - struck down
14 cutting damage
Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 xada attacks (钝器攻击/21/巨锤) 地精影子战士1 (近程闪避/21): failed
Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Griffith attacks with magic (寒冰飞弹/14/11 MP/冰晶) 地精影子战士1 (9): good success - struck down
5 ice damage
Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Seiren heals with 急救 (1 MP) XiazhiTank +4 HP
Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 黑莲 attacks (匕首格斗/7/普通的手术刀) 地精弓箭手14 (近程闪避/1): critical success - struck down
3 cutting damage
Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Vash attacks (杖击/4/火箭之 野榉坚固手杖) 地精弓箭手9 (近程闪避/4): failed
Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Gravee attacks (剑术/23/突刺剑) 地精弓箭手12 (近程闪避/27): failed
Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 XiazhiTank attacks (剑术/12/火焰短剑) 地精弓箭手9 (近程闪避/16): failed
层 6 =Back= =Next=
Round 4
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 XiazhiTank 3 front 34 1 in perfect health
2 mofamao/DS/ 3 left side 23 4 in perfect health
3 stanpede 3 left side 42 3 in perfect health
4 非 3 right side 26 5 in perfect health
5 Elevent 3 center 12 7 in perfect health
6 Akilan 3 back 10 25 in perfect health
7 Gravee 3 back 13 18 in perfect health
8 Griffith 3 back 9 31 in perfect health
9 Seiren 3 back 12 32 in perfect health
10 Vash 3 back 12 22 in perfect health
11 xada 3 back 39 5 in perfect health
12 黑莲 3 back 12 18 in perfect health
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精弓箭手4 1 center 0 10 struck down
2 地精弓箭手6 1 center 0 10 struck down
3 地精影子战士1 3 center 0 8 struck down
4 地精弓箭手7 1 back 10 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手8 1 back 0 10 struck down
6 地精弓箭手9 1 back 10 10 ready
7 地精弓箭手11 1 back 10 10 ready
8 地精弓箭手12 1 back 10 10 ready
9 地精弓箭手13 1 back 5 10 ready
10 地精弓箭手14 1 back 0 10 struck down
11 地精掷刀者1 2 back 10 5 ready
Gravee looks around in boredom and waits.
Akilan looks around in boredom and waits.
XiazhiTank recovers 1 mp.
Akilan recovers 3 mp.
Gravee recovers 1 mp.
Griffith recovers 6 mp.
Seiren recovers 1 mp.
Vash recovers 4 mp.
Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 Elevent ranged attacks (箭术/33/轻短弓,箭) 地精弓箭手11 (5): critical success - struck down
12 piercing damage
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 stanpede attacks (斧技/26/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 地精弓箭手7 (近程闪避/27): failed
Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手7 ranged attacks (箭术/12) XiazhiTank (远程回避/23): failed
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手13 ranged attacks (箭术/25) XiazhiTank (远程回避/12): good success
4 [+2] piercing damage
Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手12 ranged attacks (箭术/22) XiazhiTank (远程回避/6): critical success
8 piercing damage
Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 非 attacks (击剑/21/普通格斗用军刀) 地精弓箭手9 (近程闪避/17): success - struck down
11 piercing damage
Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精掷刀者1 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/12) Elevent (远程回避/38): failed
Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 Gravee attacks (剑术/22/突刺剑) 地精弓箭手7 (近程闪避/16): success - struck down
10 cutting damage
Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 Seiren heals with 急救 (1 MP) XiazhiTank +8 HP
Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 mofamao/DS/ attacks (肉搏/31/皮绑带) 地精弓箭手12 (近程闪避/1): critical success
5 crushing damage
Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 Griffith attacks with magic (寒冰飞弹/35/11 MP/冰晶) 地精弓箭手13 (11): critical success - struck down
8 ice damage
Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 黑莲 heals with 急救 (1 MP) XiazhiTank +4 HP
Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Akilan ranged attacks (投石攻击/12/鼠人弹弓,一小把 石块) 地精掷刀者1 (1): critical success
8 crushing damage
Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 xada attacks (钝器攻击/31/巨锤) 地精弓箭手12 (近程闪避/17): good success - struck down
10 crushing damage
Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 Vash attacks (杖击/10/火箭之 野榉坚固手杖) 地精掷刀者1 (近程闪避/19): failed
Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 XiazhiTank attacks (剑术/25/火焰短剑) 地精掷刀者1 (近程闪避/5): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 XiazhiTank 3 front 34 2 in perfect health
2 mofamao/DS/ 3 left side 23 4 in perfect health
3 stanpede 3 left side 42 3 in perfect health
4 非 3 right side 26 5 in perfect health
5 Elevent 3 center 12 7 in perfect health
6 Akilan 3 back 10 28 in perfect health
7 Gravee 3 back 13 19 in perfect health
8 Griffith 3 back 9 26 in perfect health
9 Seiren 3 back 12 32 in perfect health
10 Vash 3 back 12 26 in perfect health
11 xada 3 back 39 5 in perfect health
12 黑莲 3 back 12 17 in perfect health
Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精弓箭手7 1 back 0 10 struck down
2 地精弓箭手9 1 back 0 10 struck down
3 地精弓箭手11 1 back 0 10 struck down
4 地精弓箭手12 1 back 0 10 struck down
5 地精弓箭手13 1 back 0 10 struck down
6 地精掷刀者1 2 back 0 5 struck down
The attackers were victorious!
XiazhiTank receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 7.
mofamao/DS/ receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 20.
stanpede receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 21.
非 receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 22.
Elevent receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 15.
Akilan receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 21.
Gravee receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 13.
Griffith receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 18.
Seiren receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 25.
Vash receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 15.
xada receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 15.
黑莲 receives 90 and 1.3 and finds 19.
XiazhiTank finds 乐谱:躲闪之歌
stanpede finds 一小把 石块
非 finds 标枪
Seiren finds 大袋食物
Seiren finds 渡鸦堡的 轻型决斗弩
Seiren finds 简易 镶嵌小钻石的 青铜饰有宝石的腰带
Vash finds 普通的akbeth神圣荣誉勋章
xada finds 渡鸦堡的 轻型绑腕弩
黑莲 finds 微弱的 瓶装治疗药水
层 6 =Back= =Next=
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