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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2008-09-06

战报: 潜水艇陆战队

today 17:35 - 酒吧地下的洞穴
层 3    =Back= =Next=



Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 9 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精1 2 front 10 10 ready
2 地精2 2 front 10 10 ready
3 地精3 2 front 10 10 ready
4 地精4 2 front 10 10 ready
5 地精5 2 front 10 10 ready
6 地精6 2 front 10 10 ready
7 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
8 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
9 兽人首领 5 right side 50 22 ready
10 地精7 2 right side 10 10 ready
11 地精8 2 right side 10 10 ready
12 地精9 2 right side 10 10 ready
13 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
14 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
15 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
16 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
17 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 35 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  themselves


  boboo recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 attacks (钝器攻击/27) boboo (盾牌格挡/47/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 uses 恢复的旋律 (3 MP) on  地精5


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 socially attacks (战吼/12/4 MP) boboo (13): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精4 attacks (剑术/1) boboo (盾牌格挡/10/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精8 attacks (剑术/13) boboo (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精9 attacks (剑术/32) boboo (盾牌格挡/19/简易的 小型 木制 盾): good success
0 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/26) boboo (远程回避/7): critical success
6 piercing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/16) boboo (远程回避/26): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/39) boboo (盾牌格挡/40/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 地精5 attacks (剑术/19) boboo (盾牌格挡/16/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+1] cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 地精7 attacks (剑术/24) boboo (盾牌格挡/31/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精6 attacks (剑术/4) boboo (盾牌格挡/42/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/16) boboo (远程回避/24): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/25/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 地精9 (11): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 地精3 attacks (剑术/9) boboo (盾牌格挡/19/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精2 attacks (剑术/1) boboo (盾牌格挡/17/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/24) boboo (远程回避/17): success
0 [+8] piercing damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精1 attacks (剑术/19) boboo (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/19/短柄斧) 地精1 (1): critical success - struck down
10 cutting damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/23/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精6 (9): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/9/祝福之杖) 地精4 (7): success
6 crushing damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 26 4 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精1 2 front 0 10 struck down
2 地精2 2 front 10 10 ready
3 地精3 2 front 10 10 ready
4 地精4 2 front 4 10 ready
5 地精5 2 front 10 10 ready
6 地精6 2 front 0 10 struck down
7 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
8 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
9 兽人首领 5 right side 50 18 ready
10 地精7 2 right side 10 10 ready
11 地精8 2 right side 10 10 ready
12 地精9 2 right side 0 10 struck down
13 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
14 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
15 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
16 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
17 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 32 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  地精4 heals 4 hp.


Initiative 31
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/25/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 兽人首领 (29): failed


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/16) boboo (远程回避/19): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精8 attacks (剑术/25) boboo (盾牌格挡/41/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/25) boboo (远程回避/32): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/11) boboo (远程回避/26): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 uses 恢复的旋律 (3 MP) on  地精2


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/28/短柄斧) 地精5 (1): critical success - struck down
10 cutting damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 地精4 attacks (剑术/13) boboo (盾牌格挡/33/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 地精7 attacks (剑术/4) boboo (盾牌格挡/30/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精3 attacks (剑术/3) boboo (盾牌格挡/26/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/7) boboo (远程回避/30): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/7) boboo (远程回避/19): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 socially attacks (战吼/57/4 MP) boboo (16): critical success


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精2 attacks (剑术/16) boboo (盾牌格挡/27/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/42) boboo (盾牌格挡/26/简易的 小型 木制 盾): good success
0 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/9/祝福之杖) 地精4 (6): good success
6 crushing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/12/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精4 (1): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage
0 holy damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 28 5 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精2 2 front 10 10 ready
2 地精3 2 front 10 10 ready
3 地精4 2 front 0 10 struck down
4 地精5 2 front 0 10 struck down
5 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
6 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
7 兽人首领 5 right side 50 14 ready
8 地精7 2 right side 10 10 ready
9 地精8 2 right side 10 10 ready
10 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
11 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
12 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
13 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
14 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 29 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 socially attacks (战吼/24/4 MP) 野火烧不尽 (15): good success


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/17) boboo (远程回避/23): failed


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/2) boboo (远程回避/25): failed


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/19) boboo (远程回避/29): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精3 attacks (剑术/24) boboo (盾牌格挡/36/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/38) boboo (盾牌格挡/12/简易的 小型 木制 盾): critical success
6 cutting damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/11) boboo (远程回避/13): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/35/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 地精7 (8): critical success - struck down
14 piercing damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精2 attacks (剑术/11) boboo (盾牌格挡/20/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精8 attacks (剑术/25) boboo (盾牌格挡/32/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/10) boboo (远程回避/24): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 socially attacks (嘲笑/21/2 MP) lhao (22): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/11/祝福之杖) 地精2 (2): critical success
9 crushing damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/16/短柄斧) 地精2 (5): critical success - struck down
17 cutting damage


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/6/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精3 (6): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 4



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 24 6 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精2 2 front 0 10 struck down
2 地精3 2 front 10 10 ready
3 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
4 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
5 兽人首领 5 right side 50 10 ready
6 地精7 2 right side 0 10 struck down
7 地精8 2 right side 10 10 ready
8 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
9 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
10 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
11 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
12 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 27 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  themselves


  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/43/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/33/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/19) boboo (远程回避/24): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 地精8 attacks (剑术/28) boboo (盾牌格挡/31/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/8) 野火烧不尽 (远程回避/20): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/4) boboo (远程回避/12): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/22/短柄斧) 地精3 (2): critical success - struck down
15 cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/36) boboo (盾牌格挡/25/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+6] cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/6) boboo (远程回避/22): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/4) boboo (远程回避/23): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/13) boboo (远程回避/31): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖) 地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/13): failed


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/0/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/22): failed


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/40/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 地精8 (11): critical success - struck down
12 piercing damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 5



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 26 1 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精3 2 front 0 10 struck down
2 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
3 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
4 兽人首领 5 right side 50 8 ready
5 地精8 2 right side 0 10 struck down
6 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
7 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
8 地精弓箭手3 1 center 10 10 ready
9 地精弓箭手4 1 center 10 10 ready
10 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 27 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/20/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/22/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/35/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人首领 (11): critical success
7 piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手3 ranged attacks (箭术/12) boboo (远程回避/12): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/15) boboo (远程回避/12): success
0 [+8] piercing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 attacks (钝器攻击/32) boboo (盾牌格挡/25/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
2 [+11] crushing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手4 ranged attacks (箭术/2) boboo (远程回避/30): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/9) boboo (远程回避/12): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/42) boboo (盾牌格挡/34/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+7] cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 uses 恢复的旋律 (3 MP) on  地精领袖


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/44/短柄斧) 地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/23): good success
7 cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/11/祝福之杖) 地精弓箭手3 (近程闪避/17): failed


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/27/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精弓箭手3 (近程闪避/23): success
9 cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 6



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 26 2 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 43 6 ready
4 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手2 1 center 10 10 ready
6 地精弓箭手3 1 center 1 10 ready
7 地精弓箭手4 1 center 3 10 ready
8 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 24 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 attacks (钝器攻击/15) boboo (盾牌格挡/27/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/20/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/9/简易的 小型 木制 盾): good success
6 [+3] cutting damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手2 ranged attacks (箭术/25) boboo (远程回避/13): good success
3 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/13) boboo (远程回避/29): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/14) boboo (盾牌格挡/23/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1
  地精弓箭手3 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/19/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人首领 (7): critical success
14 piercing damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/21/短柄斧) 地精弓箭手2 (近程闪避/1): critical success - struck down
13 cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/33/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精弓箭手4 (近程闪避/7): critical success - struck down
14 cutting damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 uses 狂怒的旋律 (5 MP) on  地精领袖


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 boboo +1 HP


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 7



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 20 3 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 40 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 29 4 ready
4 地精弓箭手1 1 center 10 10 ready
5 地精弓箭手2 1 center 0 10 struck down
6 地精弓箭手3 1 center 1 10 fled
7 地精弓箭手4 1 center 0 10 struck down
8 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 19 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/22/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人战士 (16): success
8 [+3] piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 2 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/31) boboo (远程回避/26): success
0 [+6] piercing damage


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/39/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/28/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
3 [+6] cutting damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 地精弓箭手1 ranged attacks (箭术/5) boboo (远程回避/23): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/5) 野火烧不尽 (远程回避/16): failed


Initiative 12
Action 2 of 2 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/15) boboo (远程回避/18): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/28/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 地精弓箭手1 (近程闪避/20): success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/15/短柄斧) 兽人战士 (16): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 boboo +1 HP


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/37) boboo (盾牌格挡/25/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+5] cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 8



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 20 4 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 32 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 29 2 ready
4 地精弓箭手1 1 center 0 10 struck down
5 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 10 19 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/40/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人战士 (15): critical success
7 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/34/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/36/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 2 地精领袖 attacks (钝器攻击/33) boboo (盾牌格挡/28/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+9] crushing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/40) boboo (盾牌格挡/30/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/34/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/39): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 狗头人游吟诗人 uses 恢复的旋律 (3 MP) on  兽人战士


Initiative 7
Action 2 of 2 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/20) boboo (远程回避/30): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/27/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 狗头人游吟诗人 (近程闪避/15): good success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖) 兽人战士 (16): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 9



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 22 5 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 15 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 25 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 29 0 ready
4 狗头人游吟诗人 3 back 0 16 struck down

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  地精领袖 suffers 2 hp damage.


  兽人战士 heals 4 hp.


  兽人首领 heals 4 hp and recovers 4 mp.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/33/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人战士 (16): good success
14 piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/50/2 MP) boboo (盾牌格挡/18/简易的 小型 木制 盾): critical success
11 cutting damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/21) boboo (盾牌格挡/36/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 2 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/24) boboo (远程回避/32): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/17/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/24): failed


Initiative 5
Action 2 of 2 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/25) boboo (远程回避/10): critical success
7 piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/9/祝福之杖) 兽人战士 (8): success
4 [+3] crushing damage


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 boboo heals with 饮用治疗药剂 (小型治疗药水) themselves +5 HP


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 10



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 11 6 wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 13 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 11 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 33 2 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  themselves


  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  兽人战士 heals 4 hp.


  兽人首领 heals 4 hp and recovers 4 mp.


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/19) boboo (远程回避/28): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/34/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人首领 (5): critical success
8 piercing damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/23/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/36) boboo (盾牌格挡/42/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/55) boboo (盾牌格挡/10/简易的 小型 木制 盾): critical success
10 cutting damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/8/祝福之杖) 兽人战士 (16): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 boboo heals with 饮用治疗药剂 (小型治疗药水) themselves +6 HP


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 11



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 9 1 severely wounded
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 14 24 slightly wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 1 13 severely wounded
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 13 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 15 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 29 6 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  兽人战士 heals 4 hp.


  兽人首领 heals 4 hp and recovers 4 mp.


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/28/重型决斗弩枪,子弹) 兽人首领 (13): good success
8 piercing damage


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 兽人战士 attacks (斧技/32) boboo (盾牌格挡/6/简易的 小型 木制 盾): critical success - struck down
11 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/46/2 MP) lhao (杖击/9/祝福之杖): critical success
4 cutting damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 attacks (钝器攻击/31) 野火烧不尽 (24): success - struck down
2 [+5] crushing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/20/短柄斧) 兽人战士 (5): critical success
16 cutting damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 themselves +1 HP


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 12



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 11 24 wounded
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 13 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 3 10 ready
3 兽人首领 5 right side 25 8 ready

Initiative 20
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/33/2 MP) lhao (杖击/7/祝福之杖): critical success
8 cutting damage
祝福之杖 -1 HP


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 地精领袖 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/18) lhao (5): critical success - struck down
3 piercing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 兽人战士 (7): critical success - struck down
14 cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 13



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 13 10 ready
2 兽人战士 3 right side 0 10 struck down
3 兽人首领 5 right side 25 6 ready

Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/37/2 MP) 饕餮 (近程闪避/13): critical success
6 [+1] cutting damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1
  地精领袖 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/38/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/36): success
5 [+3] cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 14



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 46 2 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 地精领袖 3 left side 13 10 fled
2 兽人首领 5 right side 20 4 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/40) 饕餮 (近程闪避/37): success
8 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/28): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 15



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 39 2 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 20 4 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/40/2 MP) 饕餮 (近程闪避/27): success
9 [+2] cutting damage
野蛮人腰布 -1 HP


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/28/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/28): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 16



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 31 2 wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 20 2 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (旋风斩/25/2 MP) 饕餮 (近程闪避/43): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/38/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/54): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 17



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 32 2 slightly wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 20 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/35) 饕餮 (近程闪避/31): success
17 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/36): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 18



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 16 2 wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 20 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/39) 饕餮 (近程闪避/13): critical success
7 [+1] cutting damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/20/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/34): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 19



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 10 2 severely wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 20 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/30) 饕餮 (近程闪避/40): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/25/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/23): success
7 [+3] cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 20



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 11 2 severely wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 13 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/16/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/53): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/28) 饕餮 (近程闪避/41): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 21



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 12 2 severely wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 13 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/20) 饕餮 (近程闪避/17): success
6 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/32/短柄斧) 兽人首领 (盾牌格挡/22): success
7 [+3] cutting damage


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 22



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 7 2 severely wounded



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 6 0 ready

  饕餮 heals 1 hp.


Initiative 19
Action 1 of 1 兽人首领 attacks (斧技/24) 饕餮 (近程闪避/19): success - struck down
8 [+2] cutting damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 0 2 struck down
2 drowdancer 3       struck down
3 lhao2 3       struck down
4 -40°C 3       struck down
5 Gold 3       struck down
6 Nana 2       struck down
7 ang 3       struck down
8 lhao 3 center 0 24 struck down
9 lovesandra 3       struck down
10 野火烧不尽 3 center 0 13 struck down
11 饕餮 3 back 0 2 struck down



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 兽人首领 5 right side 6 0 ready

The defenders were victorious.



boboo receives 24 and finds 7.
lhao receives 24 and finds 6.
野火烧不尽 receives 24 and finds 5.
饕餮 receives 24 and finds 6.



只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2008-09-06
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2008-09-06
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2008-09-06
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