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[EPIC]monk ep 1.5 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2009-12-23
monk們 你一定要做完1.5
好處在 他的eff有2種 第一種 stun +250dd buff持續時間1分recast time 10分
第2樣 減少妳開家傷害的disc到20分 不用拿 你做好就有這個效用
還有stun eff不用拿在手上 放在空格就可以cast
[請仔細對照英文版 我有些只是說個大概]

Step 1: A Fallen Student - Lake Rathetear (1350, 2075)
我們先去找他 胡說八道一番 快速ZONE OGGR >RM >LR

You say, 'Hail, a fallen student'
As you look at this individual, you can tell he has something bothering him greatly. The fallen student says, 'Eh? There is nothing I can help you with. I have nothing for myself anymore. . .except these [cursed dreams].'

You say, 'What cursed dreams?'
a fallen student says 'I pray that they stay locked within my mind for the world as we know it would be changed forever. In my dreams I see sand as red as blood and skies scorched from war. It is a terrible [vision].'

You say, 'what vision?'
a fallen student says 'I have seen visions of a dark foe gaining new strength in a plane unknown to me. It grows stronger with every passing minute. It gathers those that stand for chaos and disorder and is sending them out to search for the ultimate power of the Immortals, but it cannot be real. History reveals that he has been defeated. I see this same dream every night. It haunts me greatly. This dream seems too real, however, to not have some truth to it. If only I knew if this was the gift of foresight, or if I have finally lost my mind. If I only knew, I would be able to rest again.'

You say, 'Hail, a fallen student'
a fallen student says 'In my dreams I see sand as red as blood and skies scorched from war. It is a terrible vision that has haunted me greatly. Please find a way to let me know if this is fact or fiction, Lytic.'

Step 2: Proof of Nightmares - Harbinger's Spire
然後你要去打這個 快速ZONE 在OOW DS>HS
進去後打龍人 直到撿到這種紅色御飯糰 拿回去交差就好 [SOLO]
Random Zone trash in Harbinger's Spire drops Muramite Sand. It is a fairly common drop. It IDs as "Sand that is as red as blood from scorched skies and war." which fits the Fallen Student's description.
You say, 'Hail, a fallen student'
a fallen student says 'In my dreams I see sand as red as blood and skies scorched from war. It is a terrible vision that has haunted me greatly. Please find a way to let me know if this is fact or fiction, Lytic.'

Upon turning in the sand to A Fallen Student:

a fallen student says 'Where did you find this? Could it really be happening now, after all of this time? It couldn't be. He had been defeated. . .there is little [time] left for us now I am afraid.'

You say, 'What time?'
a fallen student says 'Time for what? Time for us to find a way to defeat this menace that threatens our ways of life. Go out and find one that may know more about the [power of the Immortals]. Please do not return until you have found someone to help.'

Step 3: Finding an Expert - Erudin
這個就要回去 伊魯丁城 聽說是啟動MONK EPIC1.0的NPC建築物內(抱歉 我沒做這一部分所以不知道) 在進去成後眼前的第一個建築物 他在2F 去跟他打個招呼
You say, 'hail, Tomekeeper Danl'
Tomekeeper Danl says 'Good day, citizen. Please remember to keep your voice down in our library. Feel free to browse the extensive collection of books we have on display. Learning is all about you. Our library is the greatest collection of educational literature in the world, as you can no doubt see. If you've come across any [rare finds] we may be interested in purchasing them.'

You say, 'What power of the immortals?'
Tomekeeper Danl says 'Power of the Immortals? Hmmm. . .well of course I know about that, but at the moment I have more pressing issues at hand. I'm sorry I could not be of more help, but maybe after my assistant has returned I can help you.'

Step 4: Tomekeeper Danl's Assistant - Researcher Relreom, Shadowhaven (loc 370, 1200)
pok> Nexu>sh 他在水池ne方向的房子內 (體育館的右邊) 門進去右邊的牆角
他也是一隻伊魯丁 房內還會看到 另一隻地精 跟他聊聊 他會請你幫他找4張失落的小澤圓 相片

You say, 'Hail, Researcher Relreom'
Researcher Relreom says 'Hello there. I'm afraid I really don't have time to have a conversation though. I have been sent on a very important task to retrieve some lost pages to a very [important book].'

You say, 'Important book?'
Researcher Relreom says 'Oh dear, I shouldn't have said anything at all. I guess another set of eyes on the look out couldn't hurt though. I have been searching for some pages that were torn from a book in Erudin. These pages are illegible to the untrained eye due to the enchantment we place on them in case of such an occurrence, but I am afraid if the [pages] aren't recovered soon, the enchantment will fade exposing our secrets.'

You say, 'What pages?'
Researcher Relreom says 'The pages are from a very special book. I was not actually told more than that about the book, except that a gang of mercenaries took them. Since they will not be able to read them they probably will just end up tossing them away making it that much harder to locate them. I trust you will be able to locate the four of them though and aid me. Be safe and please return when you have found all four sections of parchment.'

You must now find four ground spawns called Section of Parchment. Respawn is approximately 30 minutes. These sections of parchments are found in the following locations:
該出發去找了 第一張在Loy 在EVIV傳送區 有這一顆石頭 在盡頭
記得別像我沒有漂浮就衝去 (游泳遊的有點賭X) 上岸後 破船看看 裡邊 一隻有站骷鲁頭的破船
Gunthak: -730, -340
The ground spawn in Gunthak looks like [img=http://www.project68.com/eq/monk2/Gunthak_parchment.jpg]THIS[/img] (thanks Jolo).

這個SHAM EPIC ZONE (ZZZZ) 最好帶縮小藥水去以防萬一 上次去沒縮小擠不進去 進去一直衝 道都是鬼的廢墟 (反正你往塔的方向跑就會經過他)
The Hole: +65, +90
The ground spawn in the Hole looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

當然首先你要有HS KEY 進去後先測依下LOC 往靠近P100 N20的方向跳下去找依下就會發現 (別說你沒帶GATE 藥水)
Howling Stones: +100, -20
The ground spawn in Howling Stones looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

你真的要很有[腫] 先通知ㄧ下ZONE的人有個心理準備 SV的房間你知道吧 這玩意在SV房間外邊 右側的通道 (反正大火車跑不掉)
Akheva Ruins: +711 -1426
The ground spawn in Akheva Ruins looke like THIS (thanks Jolo)

Return to Researcher Relreom, and hand in the parchments:

Researcher Relreom says 'I'm sorry you seem to still be missing at least one of the parchments I am looking for Gekob.'
Researcher Relreom says 'I'm sorry you seem to still be missing at least one of the parchments I am looking for Gekob.'
Researcher Relreom says 'I'm sorry you seem to still be missing at least one of the parchments I am looking for Gekob.'

Researcher Relreom says 'You have returned with the pages but I am afraid I have nothing to reward you with but my thanks. I am sure Tomekeeper Danl will be able to give you something though if you want to bring them to him. Yes! That is what we will do. Take the pages back and give them to Tomekeeper Danl he will be overjoyed to have them back!'
給他相片後後他會很高興的給你星崎位來的寫真本 (他師父要的) 趕快幫他送回去給伊魯丁城2F的老大 他會告訴你 其實LR那一個NPC是GAY
You get Danl's Missing Book.

Step 5: Back to Danl - Erudin
給老大寫真本 他會透漏秘密
Turn in Danl's Missing Book to Tomekeeper Danl.

Tomekeeper Danl says 'What's this? How did you know I was missing these pages? I still do not know how you always find a way to help but you have again. Now what is it you came to ask me before? Ah yes, it was regarding the Immortals. It is no coincidence that the pages you just brought me came from the very book you are referring to. Tomekeeper Danl mumbles a few words you do not understand and the pages magically are inserted back into the book and become legible again.'

Tomekeeper Danl says 'Well I suppose I do owe you the information you had come here seeking. Unfortunately, I do not know much more than what is in this book already. The other references I have found do speak of another [disciple of Kaiaren].'

You say, 'Another disciple of kaiaren?'
Tomekeeper Danl says 'It is unknown to many that Kaiaren had another student before Vorash. He was a disciple that wanted to learn the true power of mind and body. Sage Kaiaren had so much respect for him that he decided that he was going to take Kaiaren's place among the Order of the Celestial Fists when it was his turn to choose a new member. This disciple's name was [Vortix].'

You say, 'Who is Vortix?'
Tomekeeper Danl says 'When Vortix was training with Kaiaren, he learned many techniques that Vorash never had time to learn because of Kaiaren's suspicions of him. The only soul that may know of these lost disciplines is Vortix. Unfortunately, he went into hiding shortly after Kaiaren's battle with Vorash. He became a coward hiding from the public and began to write himself out of history to live the life of an outcast. If he cannot be found you can also find his [book].'

You say, 'What book?'
Tomekeeper Danl says 'Well I shouldn't say book. It was really a diary of sorts. Kaiaren wrote a diary and it contained all of his disciplines. There may also be a way to reverse the effects of Vorash's attacks located within it. Unfortunately, Vortix would also be the only one that would know the diary's location. Go now and try to locate Vortix and ask him [where Kaiaren's diary] may be. Who referred you to me in the first place? Maybe he knows more than he appears to. I remember that Vortix will only address those that call to him by name.'

Step 6: Vortix - Lake Rathetear

Vortix is actually the Fallen Student from Part 1:

You say, 'Are you Vortix?'
a fallen student says 'I see you know who I truly am now. It does not matter though. There is nothing I can help you with. Danl should have been able to help you more than I could.'

Vortix regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say?

You say, 'Where is kaiaren's diary?'
Vortix says 'Kaiaren's Diary? I haven't seen it in some time now. If I were not such a coward, I would have kept it. I have heard rumors of it being torn in half. Some students that wanted to learn the ways of the Celestial Fists were looking for it a while back. One was a pirate that wanted to only learn the Path of the Silent to gain more treasures than he had. The other, wanted to become the most powerful fighter alive. You may want to seek them out and see if they have located pieces of it. I am sorry I could not be of more help. If you do happen to locate the two pieces, bring them back to me and maybe I will be able to aid you further. Now that you know my secret, there is no reason to remain hidden from the world. You will be able to find me resting in the Plane of Tranquility. Be safe, Yonkec.'

Step 7: Kaiaren's Diary
Kaiaren's Diary is in 2 parts.
他坐在往WW半路上水池邊 往水妖的入口前方 (你上岸後往右邊看)
SHAM加MONK就OK 記得準備好再說 你依說完他就會站起來打你
The first part drops off of Wygresh in Sirens Grotto (loc -140, -215).

Wygrish looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

You say, 'Hail, Wygrish'
As you approach Wygrish you can see him meditating with a small ripped book in his grasp. As you pass him by he raises his eyes and stares at you before going back into meditation.

Wygrish says 'I see you wear the Celestial Mark! I know why you are here and you can't have it back! I will fight you with all that I am to prevent losing the diary!'

Wygresh is a single group encounter. If you have done all of the steps for the quest, he aggros you when you hail him. He quads for 1500 and rampages. He does not summon, is snareable and slowable. Maxes for 1550, doubles, AE Rampages, enrages, snarable, slowable, runs at 4%, has about 150,000 hit points.

If you kill Wygresh, you get 1/2 of Kaiaren's Diary, which identifies as "Right Half."

The second part of the diary drops off of Quigli in Dulak Harbor.
這個傢伙在LOY 有點麻煩 最好帶牧師去+SLOWER 如果你要清光再打也可以不過他是可以被拉到IZ的
把要說的話作成熱鍵 一到他前面 快說然後開始拉火車 過ZONE 運氣好他就會停留
SLOWER 隱形看機會拉出來 或你回ZONE拉也可 記得要隱形
Quigli looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

Quigli is a single group encounter. He hits for around 600 and spawns 4 adds during the course of the battle that are not mezzable. Quigli is slowable. Upon hailing Quigli, you get the following text:

You say, 'Hail, Quigli'
Quigli says 'I have nothing for you unless say you have the [right price]. . .'

You say, 'what right price'
Quigli says 'I have just placed my 'ands on this 'ere book and I'd be willin to part with it for a mighty price else you could try and [defeat me crew].'

You say, 'i will defeat your crew'
Quigli says 'Good. . .good. I 'aven't 'ad much change to stretch me arms in a while.'

Quigli says 'You sorry sacks of vermin come aid me now!'

a scallywag of Quigli says 'Your attack on me is an attack on Windscorn! You will not make it far.'
a scallywag of Quigli says 'Your attack on me is an attack on Windscorn! You will not make it far.'
a scallywag of Quigli says 'Your attack on me is an attack on Windscorn! You will not make it far.'
a lackey of Quigli says 'Your attack on me is an attack on Windscorn! You will not make it far.'

If you kill Quigli, you get 1/2 of Kaiaren's Diary, which identifies as "Left Half."

Step 8: Vortix Revealed - Plane of Tranquility.
他在POD洞口的後方大石頭上面思春 他會告訴你去宰 3個MOB
Turn in both of the 1/2 of Kaiaren's Diary to Vortix in Plane of Tranquility.

Vortix in the Plane of Tranquility looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

You say, 'Hail, Vortix'
Vortix says 'It is good to see you Aragmar, but I have no new information to share with you. If you have anything to show me, please do.'

After hand in:

Vortix says 'You still seem to be missing part of the Diary, Aragmar.'
Vortix says 'You have found it. Let me look at it for a minute. Ah yes, it has been a while but it is all coming back to me. What's this though? It seems like [what I was searching for] is located elsewhere.'

You say, 'Is this what I was searching for?'
Vortix says 'Long ago, Kaiaren wrote down all of his teachings in this book. It was in case anything ever happened to him the teachings would not be lost forever. These are those teachings. There are several [techniques] missing though that I had hoped to find in this book. Kaiaren had once told me that there was a way to retrieve someone's memories using a similar technique that originally caused his memory loss.'

You say, 'What techniques?'
Vortix says 'The only other place the techniques that we seek could be retained would be within the Celestial Order itself. Yes. . .the [Celestial Guardians] should be safekeeping the sacred techniques.'

You say, 'Who are the Celestial Guardians?'
Vortix says 'They are the keepers of the disciplines. They are the ones that guard all that is right and balanced in this world. They are the enlightened and their faith is unwavering.'

You say, 'How can I find the celestial guardians?
Vortix says 'You can find them within their essences. The names you will most likely find them by are the [Disciples] of [Sun], [Moon], and [Order]. Hopefully you will be able to locate them and help retrieve the techniques we need.'

You say, 'What disciple of sun?'
Vortix says 'The Disciple of Sun represents all that is pure. There is nothing stronger than the leadership of the sun. The energy that we draw from it powers everything in this world. The plants we use as herbs draw strength for it. The animals we eat grow by it and we use it to guide us. You will find him where his reign is the most apparent. He is strong and proud, so you may need to use ingenuity to draw him out.'

You say, 'what disciple of moon'
Vortix says 'The Disciple of Moon represents all that is pure. How can two disciples represent the same essence? It is simple. How can you have day without night. You cannot understand right without knowing wrong as well. How can you say you understand true happiness without ever feelings the depths of despair. You can find this Disciple where the soul is the closest to the elements.'

You say, 'what disciple of order'
Vortix says 'The Disciple of Order represents what we all try to follow as close as possible as children of the Celestial Order. Order is what we live by. It helps to keep our senses pure and strong. It makes us understand what steps we must take to become enlightened. This Disciple will be found where Order is upheld at all times. Be careful however, if you hesitate in any way you will be found flawed in his eyes. You should prepare to be tested to the limits of your capabilities. This disciple resides upon the highest of councils. He is the only member that resides upon another plane and does the bidding of a group that is the Tribunal.'

Step 9: Killing the Disciple of the Sun - Scarlet Desert
他在CAMP VP KEY的高地上 在建築物內 (SHAM +MONK)
The Disciple of the Sun looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

You say, 'Hail, Disciple of Sun'
Disciple of Sun says 'I see you come in search of our ways. How can one such as yourself think that you have the power and pureness to challenge a Disciple of the Celestial Order? Very well though, if you wish to [challenge] me I shall enlighten you.'

You say, 'I challenge you.'
Disciple of Sun says 'I didn't know Slime could speak common..go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.'

Upon his death, the Disciple of the Sun mutters:

Disciple of Sun's corpse says 'You have done well. May you continue to prosper through your trials.'

After killing the Disciple of the Sun, you recieve a Symbol of Sun.

Step 10: Disciple of the Moon - Western Wastes
這隻龍 你要說關鍵字 他才會出來 到P3300, P2800,這跟小柱子 然後一直喊' I seek to prove myself to the order'
他就會出來 (SHAM+MONK)
The Disciple of the Moon looks like THIS (thanks Jolo)

Run to location 3300, 2800, and see the following emote:

You hear a faint voice in your mind, 'The Moon guides us as we are in darkness. If the Sun is bright and bold, the Moon will be the reasoning. If you seek to [prove yourself] to the Order speak it now."

Then say the following:

You say, 'I seek to prove myself to the order'The Disciple of Moon says, 'Very well then. Prepare your soul to be cleansed.'

A dragon will spawn. Upon his death, you recieve a Symbol of Moon. After you defeat him, he says:

Disciple of Moon's corpse says 'You have done well. May you continue to prosper through your trials.'

Upon his death, you recieve a Symbol of Moon.

Step 11: Disciple of Order - Seventh Hammer, Plane of Justice
7槌尊者 你要靶POJ6個任務都打過 才能見到他 之前sweeperx 他知道如何拉到IZ 只需要依個有FLAG的MONK就可以 現在不了 他一直是1.5最麻煩的一部份
After flagging yourself to get to the 7th Hammer's room, you will see the following emote:

As you enter the area you can see the great figure known as The Seventh Hammer standing before you. The Seventh Hammer says, 'I can see you have come from the Celestial Ones. If you wish to seek [judgement] from the Order, speak the phrase now.'

You say, "I wish to seek judgement from the Order"

The Seventh Hammer spawns.

Upon killing the spawned version of the 7th Hammer, you will recieve a Symbol of Order.

Step 12 - Vortix's Letter - Plane of Tranquility
當你幫他把3個情敵都掛了後他會給你一張情書 要你拿給躲在BAZ馬房裡邊的情人Eryke Stremstin
After having killed the Disciples of Sun and Moon, return to Vortix in the Plane of Tranquility.

You say, 'Hail, Vortix'
Vortix says 'Ah, I see you have seen a Disciple. The tokens you now possess are used to represent status among the Order. There used to be a tradesman that would fashion them into sashes for us but I'm afraid he has since passed on. I believe there may be another that has learned his trade. His name is Eryke Stremstin, and you should be able to find him peddling his wares across the land. Take this and give it to him. He should be able to tell you of what you will need to fashion your new sash. Once you have fashioned it please bring it to me.'

You recieve A Letter to Stremstin.

Step 13 - Eryke Stremstin - Bazaar
給她情書後 在聊聊 他會說缺1000PP 如果你給他她會給你針線包
Hail, Eryke Stremstin
Eryke Stremstin says 'Hello there Alamma. I am sorry I have nothing to offer or trade since moving to these charming 'accomodations'.'

Hand him the Letter to Stremstin

Eryke Stremstin says 'What's this? A note from Vortix. . .I have not made anything in a long while. I am afraid I cannot be of much use to you except to sell you the required materials. I suppose I could also 'guide' you by telling you what you need to make the garment yourself. . .but that's if the [price] is right.

You say, 'what price'
Eryke Stremstin says 'I would be willing to part with the information and items for a meager amount of 1000 platinum pieces.'

Hand Eryke Stremstin 1000 platinum pieces.

Eryke Stemstin says "Ah, very good then. What you will need to make your sash is the Celestial Thread I have handed you, as well as a Belt Pattern, and your three [polished] symbols in a sewing kit.

Eryke Stremstin gives you Celestial Thread.

How are they polished?
Eryke Stemstin says "You mean you haven't polished them yet. Must I teach you everything? You will need to plish each one by using some Divine Crystalline Glaze with your symbol in a kiln. Good luck and I wish you much success.

To polish your symbols, you will need to combine each of the Symbol of Sun, Symbol of Moon and [presumably] Symbol of Order with a Divine Crystalline Glaze in a pottery kiln.
[上面這個東西BAZ有人在賣 大約500PP]買3個回來]
To make Divine Crystalline Glaze, you must combine:

iron oxide (mob drop)
permafrost crystals (mob drop)
water flask (purchased)
white lead (tradeskilled, see below)

Combine the above in a glaze mortar container (purchased in Plane of Knowledge)

To make White Lead, you must combine:

lead sulphide (purchased in Abysmal Sea)
limestone (purchased in Abysmal)

Combine the above in a mortar and pestal container (purchased in Abysmal Sea)

After combining each of the symbols with a divine crystalline glaze in a kiln, you now have.
把Divine Crystalline Glaze跟 SUN MOON ORDER 一個對一個 合成 下列3樣 嗯嗯 好像需要烹飪技能 所以 FALL 你就是又要花錢
你也可以自己做 上面有方法 你還要製陶技能  
Polished Symbol of Sun
Polished Symbol of Moon
Polished Symbol of Order
嗯嗯完成後 你還要買一個腰帶模組 然後3樣sun Moon Order 加針線包放到才縫盒 做出愛的腰帶
Combine the three Polished Symbols (Sun, Moon, Order) and the Celestial Thread and a belt patter into a sewing kit and make the Initiate's Sash of the Celestial Order.
功喜你 得到愛的腰帶

Step 14 - Back to Vortix - Plane of Tranquility
回到pot 給他看你做好的腰帶 他會說還有3個更強的情敵 你必須宰了他們才可以得到monk愛的3p拳套
[Handing in the Initiate's Sash of the Celestial Order]

Vortix says 'I see you have gained great strength during your journey as you now wear the Sash of the Celestial Order. I am glad you have made it this far. You will need that for the next steps of your [journey].'

You say, 'what journey?'
Vortix says 'The steps that you have taken thus far have been to prepare you for the next step. I must apologize for not telling you sooner but I had to make sure I knew you were worthy. Kaiaren's diary did contain the way to unlock his mind again. To do so, you must travel back to the land that you brought the sand from. There you will have to battle the two halves of [Kaiaren's being]; his mind and body.'

You say, 'Kaiaren's being?'
Vortix says 'He has entered a [place] where chaos rules and his mind has separated from his body. His consciousness has taken the form of beings of another plane. Only after you have retrieved both essences of his mind and body, will we be able to free him again.'

You say, 'what place?'
Vortix says 'This place is not something I know much about. It seems as though discord runs free there. You must be careful while you are there. There are many things we still do not yet fully understand unfolding before our eyes.'

You say, 'Hail, Vortix'
Vortix says 'It is good to see you Secret, but I have no new information to share with you. If you have anything to show me, please do.'

後面這3部份 最好都用2+group
oow ds>hs
Step 15 - Windrush - Harbinger's Spire
他在最裡邊塔上面 4f 最後一間房間.這房間內都是 可愛的大屁股 這隻龍人 他躲在房間最裡邊 一個大時頭後面
清光房間 然後說key 拉出來玩死他
You say, 'Hail, Windrush'
As you look at Windrush's face you can feel that you share a common bond with it. You can hear a faint voice in your mind that says, 'Speak the words of the Master. [I am of the body]. Windrush says, 'Leave before I send you to your god.'

You say, 'I am of the body.'
Windrush says 'As you speak you can see that you have stirred something from within this creature.'

Windrush says 'I will teach you to disturb what you cannot change!'

Windrush (Harbinger's Spire) drops Body of Kaiaren. He is up the spiral ramp at the end of the first hall. Go to the top, go up the wooden ramp, down the hall at the top and he is in the back of the platform.

His is a hard hitter, so bring a group.

[後面這2mob 可以一次做 先掛Kragsmash 然後你趕快gate到pok 在去pot找Vortix 馬上給他血 然後再跑回來 或是dru tp也好 反正port點剛好在 The keeper 可以馬上接著打他 記得你要先去找Vortix 不然他不會理你]
oow ds>hs>bf
Step 16 - Kragsmash- Bloodfields (loc -500, -1200
這傢伙在 bf地圖右下角 他站在一塊大時頭上面
你要快速的殺掉他 然後清光 pop的 mob
mob pop時要有人 kite走 跟root
(注意 如果之前有人fall 會把這些mob留著 你要清光他們在打)
You say, 'Hail, Kragsmash'
Kragsmash says 'I know what you seek and you will have to go through me to get to it. This feat will be your undoing but if you [insist] I will provide you a quick demise.'

You say, 'i insist'Kragsmash says 'Prepare to meet your god, fool!'
Kragsmash says 'Oh look..a talking lump of refuse..how novel!'

When spawning adds:
Kragsmash says 'You shall never retrieve that which you search for!'
Kragsmash says 'There is much more to fear other than me!'
Kragsmash says 'Fools! You have tried my patience!'

Kragsmash drops Kaiaren's Mind.

Kragsmash does not regen. He summons. He is perma-rooted. He hits for 1200. He Rampages. He does not Enrage. He procs Bazu Grip right at the start. He also Spawns 2 adds (lvl 68-69) named 'strength of body', at each of 75% / 50% / 25% health. Somewhere in there, he spawns a 7th add, called 'speed of body'. Adds hit for 800ish. Not mezzable, but will split. They are kitable. They spawn off to the nw side of Kragsmash. It's possibled to not agro them at all with careful melee / caster placement. If his agro list is cleared, he just hangs out until attacked again.

Step 17 - Vortix takes the Body and Mind

Turn in the Body and Mind of Kaiaren to Vortix in the Plane of Tranquility:

Vortix says: You have proven time and time to be very courageous, Shmoogie. Let us hope that lasts for the final issues we must resolve. The Order has seen that Kaiaren will not be ready in time to battle the evil which is growing stronger with every passing day. You must return to the land of Discord and find Vorash. He must be stopped now before he returns to full strength.

Step 18 - The Keeper - Bloodfields
他剛好在TPER的PORT點 人到了 就可以開打 血很長...

After turning in the Body and Mind of Kaiaren to Vortix, going to the Keeper yeilds the following text:

You say, 'Hail, The Keeper'
The Keeper says 'I see you have found me once again. I have grown in strength since the last time the Order tried to defeat me. When the final blow was struck I was reborn in this world. The hatred within my heart gave me newfound strength. There was another far more powerful than the great Rallos Zek. He provided me this new shell and capabilites far superior than that which I could imagine. I am everlasting. If you wish to meet your god prepare to [die].'

You say, 'You are the one who shall die'
The Keeper says 'It is useless to try and challenge me. Kaiaren will forever be lost within this land of discord!'

The Keeper says 'I didn't know Slime could speak common..go back to the sewer before I lose my temper.'

You must kill the Keeper in Bloodfields and get a Scribed Note. Bring lots of friends.

Step 19 - Complete the Epic 1.5

Return the Scribe Note to Vortix in the Plane of Tranquility, and recieve our epic 1.5:

Vortix says 'I can see that you are truly a great member of the Celestial Order now. You have helped the Order when it was needed and have helped me regain the honor which I had lost. The Order has given me the privilege now to bestow upon you the Fistwraps of the Celestial Disciple. May you enjoy your new ranking within the Order. Kaiaren will be pleased to speak to the person responsible for his saving. You may find him wandering the lands with his newfound well-being. I believe the last place he was seen was travelling in the Ocean of Tears. Be safe Shmoogie and thank you again.'
功喜你得到 3p拳套1.5版

以上情報來源 http://p201.ezboard.com/fmonklybusiness43508frm7
感謝 Device sweeperx Eelleex 提供小道消息

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2010-06-06
虽然好久没玩了 但是一直忘不了EQ
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2010-06-09
虽然好久没玩了 但是一直忘不了EQ
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2011-04-04
只看该作者 粪坑  发表于: 2013-06-04
只看该作者 粪坑边缘  发表于: 2013-06-04
Fist又蛋疼了                               .
只看该作者 前排围观  发表于: 2013-06-04
X,原来是有人挖坟                    .
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