Command | Description | Usage | what it does or is displayed |
%T | Will return current target | /say <<<< %T >>>> INCOMMING!! | Player says <<<< Monster_01 >>>> INCOMMING!!! |
%S | Will return subject gender | /say <<<< %S >>>> is INCOMMING!! | Player says <<<< he/She/it >>>> is INCOMMING!!! |
%O | Will return object gender | /say <<<< %O >>>> is INCOMMING!! | Player says <<<< Him/Her/it >>>> is INCOMMING!!! |
%P | Will return object gender | /say <<<< %P >>>> is INCOMMING!! | Player says <<<< His/Hers/Its >>>> is INCOMMING!!! |
%R | Will return race gender. Only on players. | /say <<<< %P >>>> is INCOMMING!! | Player says <<<< Human >>>> is INCOMMING!!! |
;tell . | Sends a cross server tell | ;tell TallonZek.Lovesit | would send a tell to a character named Hazimil on Antonius Bayle.Note: servers with 2 names in them (Antonius Bayle for instance) use only the first name of the server. |
/adriver | tech stuff | /adriver | writes sound card information to a file. |
/afk | Puts AFK tag up | /afk making coffee | Lets others know you are Away From Keyboard making coffee. |
/alt activate ### | Activates AA | /alt activate 46 | Would Cast Dire Charm |
/alternateadv or /alt (ON, OFF, or LIST) | Lists AA's | /alternateadv List | Allows you to turn AA XP, and also list all AAs available to you. |
/anon or /a | Puts anon tag up | /anon | Toggles the ability for others to see your race,class, location. |
/assist | Assists others | /assist [player] | Will target the NPC that Player has got targeted. |
/assist on/off | Toggles auto attack | /assist [on/off] | Toggles your auto attack when using /assist RECOMMENDED OFF |
/assist group | Assists group MA | /assist group | This will assist the player who is assigned as Group MA by using the Group Leader Leadership AA (DMA). |
/assist raid | Assists Raid MA | /assist raid | This will assist the player who is assigned as Raid MA by using the Raid Leader Leadership AA (DMA). |
/auction | Auctions out items in current zone. | /auction Lavastone Ring | Player Auctions Lavastone Ring. |
/autoinventory or /autoinv | Auto Inventory | /autoinv | Places the item on your cursor into the first slot available in your inventory. |
/autosplit | Splits cash lewt with your group | /autosplit | Allows you to share cash lewted from NPC's with your group. |
/betabuff or /beta | Beta Server ONLY | /beta | If you are on a beta server, levels your character and gives you a set of items. |
/Baz | Opens Bazaar Window | /baz | Opens up the bazaar browsing window to search for items that are for sale in the Bazaar (Bazaar zone only). |
/book | Opens spell book | /book [1-50] | Opens Spell book at page 25. |
/bug | Opens bug reporter | /bug | Use when you have found a bug. |
/camp | Camps Player | /camp | Exits game in a safe manner. |
/cast 1-8 | Casts spells you have on your spell list | /cast [1-8] | Will cast spell in slot 5. |
/channel | Toggles chat channels | /channel [gsay/ooc/shout/guild/auction] | Sets default chat channel. |
/charinfo or /char | Tells you your bind spot | /charinfo | You are currently bound in: Zone name. |
/chatfontsize | changes font size | /chatfontsize [0-5] | Highlight window you wish to change font size in. |
/claim | Free Item | /claim | Command to allow you to claim in-game prizes for various reasons. Usually when purchasing Box Sets instead of downloaded expansions from SoE. |
/consent | allows others to drag your corpse | /consent [player] | You have given permission for player to drag your corpse in [Zone Name] |
/clearchat | Clears chat | /clearchat | Clears the Chat Window's scrollback buffer. |
/clearhits | Clears window | /clearhits | Will clear the current setting for the M2-M5 modes of the /hitsmode command. |
/consider | display details or character selected | /con [player - NPC] | displays rough guide on targets level compared with your own and how that target feels about you. You can also use right click with your mouse on a target. |
/consent | player name, group, guild, raid | /consent [player name - group - guild - raid] | Gives or your group, guild, or raid permission to drag your corpse. |
/combatmusic | Toggles in game music | /combatmusic [ON - OFF] | Turns on/off the playing of combat music. |
/corpsedrag | Start draging a corpse | /corpsedrag [corpse name] | You target a corpse and use this command, then when you move the corpse is automatically moved with you. Note: It is possible to have 2 corpses linked to you using this, and also possible to use /corpse to drag a third! |
/corpsedrop | Stop draging a corpse | /corpsedrop [corpse name] | You use this to stop dragging a corpse you where dragging with the /corpsedrag command. |
/corpse | Drags corpses | /corpse [players corpse] | using while targeting a corpse with drag it close behind you. You must have permission to do so, also see /consent. |
/clearmarks | Clear markers | /clearmarks | Removes all current NPC marks. |
/decline | Turn down a dual | /decline | You decline Player's invitation to a dual. |
/deny | player name, group, guild, raid | /deny [player name - group - guild - raid] | revokes the permission previously given toor your group, guild, or raid to drag your corpse. |
/deletepetition | | | Allows you to delete you current /petition. |
/disband | Disband from group | /disband - also found on actions menu | You disband from the group. |
/discipline or /disc | Activates a discipline | /dics shield [Player name] | Allows you to run a discipline from the command line, for example /disc fearless. |
/dismount | Get of your horse | /dismount | Lets you get off of a horse or drogmor. |
/doability | Performs the ability | /doability [1-10] | Info required. |
/dopropertinting | | /dopropertinting | Turns on/off "proper tinting," which will tint only clothes instead of skin. |
/duck | Ducks player | /duck | Character ducks allowing to get through smaller spaces |
/dual | Challenge a Player | /dual [Player] | You have challenged [Player] to a dual to the death |
/dynamiclights | Toggles Light effects | /dyn | Toggles light effects such as light stones. RECOMMENDED ON |
/emote | Used to display feelings or actions | /em rubs O% hands | [Player] rubs her hands. Also check Everquest Emotes |
/facepick | | | Brings up the face customization screen. Luclin only command. |
/exit | Exit from game | /exit | Makes character go Link Dead. Only use in safe situations or if you know what you are doing. Otherwise use /camp. |
/fastdrop | Toggles Drop ability with prompt | /fastdrop | toggles a prompt so you don't accidentally drop an item. RECOMMENDED ON |
/feedback | opens feedback | /feedback | Use this to report feedback on items,quests etc |
/filter | Channel filter | /filter [badword /ooc /badword /say /group /guild /shout /tell] [on/off] | Toggles the various filters on and off. |
/find | | /find [NPC name] | Brings up the find window for specific NPCs in certain zones. |
/findpc | | /find [PC name] | Uses the leadership command "Find PC" which displays a trail to the PC you specify. |
/follow | Follows a grouped player | /follow [Player] | Will follow a grouped / Targeted player. |
/fontface | | /fontface | Changes the fond of the chat window to |
/gmarknpc (1, 2 or 3) | | | Uses the Group Mark NPC leadership ability, to mark 1, 2, or 3 NPCs depending on how many levels the Group Leader has. |
/friend | Toggle a player on your friends list | /friend [player] | Adds Player to your friends list, type again to remove them. |
/gsay or /g | Group say | /g hello all | You tell the group hello. |
/gems | Plays gems | /gems | Another form of tetris. |
/guidehelp | | | Please note the /guidehelp command is for quest/event feedback, wedding requests, questions regarding quests/events. Please be aware that all Customer Service issues must go through /petition for resolution. |
/guilddelete | Used by Guild Leaders | /guilddelete | Your Guild has now been Disbanded. |
/guildinvite | Used by Guild Officers | /guildinvite [player] | Invited player into your guild. |
/getguildmotd | Used by guild officers | /getguildmotd [message] | This will show up after Sony's Message of the Day. |
/guildpeace | Used by Guild leaders | /guildpeace [Guild Name] | Declares peace with an enemy guild. Turns of PVP tag with enemy guild. |
/guildleader | Used by Guild leaders | /guildleader [player] | Transfers guild leadership to another. |
/guildremove | Used by Guild officers | /guildremove [player] | Removes player from your guild. You can also target yourself and remove yourself. |
/guildsay | Talk in Guild chat | /gu Hi all | You tell your guild Hi all |
/guildstatus | Display player guild info | /guildstatus [player] | Player is not in a guild. Player is an Officer of Human Retribution. |
/guildwar | Used by Guild leader | /guildwar [guild name] | Declares war on an enemy guild. |
/help | Lists some help features | /help [class, normal, emote, guild, voice, chat] | displays most commands. |
/hidecorpse | Hide corpses | /hidecorpse [all, none, allbutgroup] | gets ride of unwanted corpses, almost a must for arena dueling. |
/ignore | Ignores a player | /ignore [player] | ignores player. |
/hotbutton | Create new Hotbutton | /hotbutton | Executes the action on the hotbutton you specify. |
/inspect | Inspects an object you have targted | /inspect [target] | Was used for player item inspects, now used for Lost Dungeons of Norath items. See /toggle inspect for new inspect command. |
/inspectbuffs | | /inspectbuffs [PC Name] | Uses the Inspect Buffs Leadership ability to tell you what buffs has (either in group or raid). The second level of this Leadership AA, also tells you how long is left on the buff. |
/indicator | | /indicator [On - Off] | Turns on/off the target indicator reticle. |
/invite | Invites players to your group | /invite [player Name] | Also found on the Actions menu. |
/keys | | | Lists the keys on your keyring. |
/invwinlabels | toggles descriptions | /invwin | Toggles descriptions for full screen inventory. |
/language | Displays current language | /lang [#] | Sets language. Use /lang help for language numbers . |
/lfg | Toggles Lfg | /lfg [on-off] | Puts LFG on so players know your "Looking for a Group" |
/log | Toggles Log file | /log [on-off] | Writes all text from windows to log.txt in your Everquest directory. |
/loadskin | | /loadskin <1/0> | The 'foldername' is the name of the folder where the skin you want to load is (that folder MUST be in the UIFiles folder). The last argument should be 1 if you want to use your current INI settings for the new skin, or 0 if you want to load the positions/sizes from the XML (and then appropriately modify them for your resolution). |
/loc | Displays location in alpha numeric format | /loc | Your Location is X, Y, Z. can cross ref this with a map to get a clue or your location in the zone. |
/loot | Loots a corpse | /loot [target corpse] | Great for corpses in water, Lava or if they are stuck in a wall |
/makeleader | | /makeleader [player name ] | Using this command allows you to change the leader of your group. |
/lootnodrop | Toggles ability to loot NODROP items | /lootnodrop [always,sometimes,never] | Sets message for lewting NOFROP items. RECOMMENDED ALWAYS |
/mcicontrol | tech stuff | /mcicontrol [file,driver,device] | Specifies CD players or MP3 players. |
/memspellset | | /memspellset [name] | Memories the current spell set, and saves it as [name]. |
/marknpc | | /marknpc [NPC] | Uses the leadership command "Mark NPC" which gives an NPC a special target reticle. |
/mixahead | | /mixahead (1 to 100) | Sets the amount of sound to pre-mix, default = 8. The lower the number the better. |
/mousespeed | changes mouse speed | /mousespeed [0-3] | Change mouse sensitivity. |
/msg | Sends a message | /msg [player] hello | You told [player] Hello. Same as /tell |
/mp3 | | | Opens up the in game mp3 player window. |
/movelog | | | Using /movelog with a parameter of yes will tag your characters to be permanently moved to another server. Normally only when SoE announce a server move. |
/motd | | | Displays the Message of the Day for your server. |
/note | Write a note | /note | Adds notes to the notes.txt file in your Everquest directory |
/open | | | Opens a door your mouse is hovering over. Attempts to open LDoN traps and chests etc |
/outputfile | | /outputfile (guild or raid or spellbook or inventory) (optional filename) | Outputs a list of the relevant section to a text file in your EverQuest folder. |
/ooc | Out Of Character | /ooc How do you use tells? | [Player] says out of character, How do i use tells? used for none-game related things. |
/particledensity | | | |
/pet as you were | Pet forget | /pet as you were | Makes pet forget previous commands. |
/pet attack | Send pet in to attack | /pet attack [target] | Your pet will attack your target. Also in the pet box. |
/pet back off | Stand down | /pet back off | Your pet will stop attacking. Also in the pet box. |
/pet follow me | follow's master | /pet follow me | Your pet will follow you everywhere. |
/pet get lost | Suicide | /pet get lost | Can also invis yourself |
/pet guard here | Guard this spot | /pet guard here | Tells pet to stand on same some and will attack hostiles close by |
/pet guard me | Defends master | /pet guard me | Tells pet to defend master |
/pet health report | Reports Hit points | /pet report health | Gives max HP of pet |
/pet who leader | Reports Master | /pet report leader | Tells everyone else around pet who's its master is |
/pet report health | Report Health | /pet report health | Gives % of HP left in form of a tell |
/pet sit down | Sit's pet | /pet sit down | Pet will sit down, this helps regen its HP |
/pet stand up | Stand's pet | /pet stand up | Pet will stand |
/pet target | Target your pet | /pet target | Targets your pet, cycling F1 also does this |
/pause | | | Inserts a pause in a macro /script command. See Everquest Macro/scripts for more information. |
/pet taunt | Toggles pet taunt | /pet taunt | Increases mob agro towards pet. Also in the pet box. |
/petition | Get GM assistance | /petition [message] | Use to ask a GM or guide fro assistance |
/played | Get played time | /played | Will display time you have been playing EQ. |
/quit | Quit EQ | /quit | Instant exit, will make you go Link dead. use carefully |
/random | Random's a number | /random [number] | used like rolling a dice |
/reply | Reply's to a tell | /reply | Can also use 'R' key |
/report | Reports local text | /report [name] | send the local text on screen to the GM named |
/resetwindows | Set default | /resetwindwos | Set back to default window size's and positions |
/reverb | Toggles reverb | /reverb [on/off] | Turns the reverb effect on/off |
/reversesound | Swaps speakers | /reversesound | Swaps left and right sound channels over |
/roleplay | Toggles play type | /roleplay or /role | Toggles your level and race |
/rmarknpc (1, 2 or 3) | | | Uses the Raid Mark NPC leadership ability, to mark 1, 2, or 3 NPCs depending on how many levels the Raid Leader has. |
/rtarget or /rt | | | Automatically targets the player who just sent you a tell, and places them in the Target Window. NOTE: This ability is subject to the range to the target. |
/rewind | | | Helps to free your character if it has become stuck in the geometry (i.e. Tree, Floor, Door, etc!). Need to stand still for 30 seconds before using. |
/say | Player talks | /say [message] | People close to you will see your text/say. handy for talking to close people |
/sdriver | Tech stuff | /sdriver [file name] | writes sound card info to file. default adriver.txt |
/serverfilter | Info filter | /serverfilter [on/off] | Turns messages on/off from other players. help cut down lag on raid situations. |
/shadow | | | Allows you to turn on & off the shadows from your chat windows. |
/shield | Warrior Skill | /shield [Player name] | activates the shield command on your current target, shileding incomming melee damage. |
/shout | Zone wide message | /shout [message] | Zone wide message meant for in-character messages. |
/showgrass | | /showgrass [On - Off] | Turns on/off the display of grass. |
/shownames | toggles names | /shownames [on/off] | /shownames now works with the following parameters: no parameter = display the current setting, off = don't show player names over their heads, 1 = show only first names of players, 2 = show First and Last Name, 3 = show First, Last, and Guild (if any), 4 = show Title (if any), First, Last, and Guild (if any). |
| | | |
| | | Also, the LFG, AFK and LD tags will always show if names are not off. There will no longer be brackets around them, and LFG will now appear at the end of the name with the AFK and LD tags (instead of being a * at the beginning . A player character will always have a name over its head, even if they are skeletons (unless /shownames is off), with the exception of some rare cases when players are turned into certain NPCs. Red names are PvP, Blue names are not PvP. |
/shownpcnames | toggles NPC names | /shownpcnames [on/off] | Turns just NPC names on/off |
/showspelleffects | Toggles spell effects | /showspelleffects [on/off] | Turns on/off spell effects. ON most of the time, OFF for raids |
/stand | | | Will cause your character to stand. |
/stoptracking | | | Used by tracking classes to stop tracking their current tracking target. |
/stopcast | | | Immediately stops casting a spell, does the same a 'D' duck. |
/stopsong | | | Bards can use this command in their hotkeys to stop singing their songs. |
/sit | Sit and stand | /sit | stand up, sit done |
/split | Split money | /split [ # # # #] | split any money your are carrying with your group. |
/stopsong | Stops songs | /stopsong | Stops all bard songs playing |
/surname | Adds last name | /surename [surename] | Players over level 20 may use this command to assign a last name to their character. This can now be used multiple times, but limited to once per month. |
/tell | Sends tell | /tell [player] | send another player a message |
/target or /tar | | /target [NPC or PC name] | The command can be used to target other Players by name. NOTE: This ability is subject to the range to the target. |
/target pet | | | Allows you to target your pet, handy for those classes which have multiple pet names. |
/time | Displays time | /time | Displays Norath time |
/toggleinspect | Toggle inspect | /toggleinspect [on/off] | Turns ability to inspect other players gear on/off |
/trackfilter | Tracking filter | /trackfilter [red/yellow/white/blue/green] | (Ranger only) - Specify here what NPC /con colors you do not want to see in your tracking display. For example, /trackfilter Red will remove all 'red' (dangerous) NPCs from your tracking display. |
/tracksort | | /tracksort [Normal, Distance, Consider, Rdistance, Rconsider] | (Ranger only) - This is used by Rangers to control how their tracking display sorts targets. Normal is by how long they have been in the zone (oldest NPCs first), Distance will put the closest NPC on top of the tracking list, Consider will put the highest level NPCs on top, Rdistance will have the closest NPC listed last, Rconsider has the tracking list from low level on top to high level below. |
/targetgroupbuff or /tgb | | /targetgroupbuff [on -off] | Allows you to target someone in another group and buff their whole group using a buff that can be cast on a group (brells or HB, for instance) |
/trackplayers | Track players | /trackplayers [on/off] | Removes/add players from your track display. |
/trader or /trade | | | Opens up the bazaar vendor window to set items for sale (Bazaar zone only) |
/testbuffme | | | If you are on the test server, levels your character to level 25 and gives you a set of items. |
/ttell | | /ttell [Target} | Sends a tell to the player you have targeted. Also works when player's corpse is targeted. |
/tracksort | Track sorting | /tracksort [normal/distance/consider/Rdistance/Rconsider] | Yet more filters for rangers to play with, customize to your own preference/situation |
/usecolor | Text color change | /usecolor [chat type] Rvalue Gvalue Bvalue | changes color of chat windows. Rvalue = red, G = green, B = blue. These value are 0 -255 |
/viewport | | /viewport [distance from left, distance from top, width, height] | The viewport command allows you to change the size of the gameplay area on your screen. The 'gameplay area' is the area in which Norrath is displayed. |
/vgroup | | /vgroup # | Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can now play voice number # to your group, via a chat command. |
/viewpetition | | | Allows you to view your current /petition. |
/vrdelay | Used for voice recognition | /vrdelay [0-5] | Changes time delay for voice recognition software |
/vplay # | | | Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # locally, via a chat command. |
/vraid # | | | Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # to your raid, via a chat command. |
/vtell (name) # | | | Using the new OoW voice macro feature you can play voice number # via tell to (name), via a chat command. |
/who | player filter | /who [class, level, friends, race, name] | Displays players by filter name, putting a level range or number will cut down search more. Putting all on end with display everyone on server that matches. |
/who | | | Lists all Player characters in your zone. |
/who all | | | Lists all Player characters in the world. |
/who all Level | | /who all [min lvl] [max lvl] | Lists all players from to that are online. |
/who all | | | Lists all of that are online. |
/who all friends | | | Lists all your friends that are online currently. |
/who all GM | | | Lists all GMs that are online. |
/who all GUILD | | | Lists all Player characters in your guild, even if they have /roleplay command active. |
/who all | | /who all [guildname] | Lists all Player characters online that belong to "guildname". |
/who all lfg | | | Lists all players that are lfg currently. /who all lfg or /who all lfg can narrow this down. |
/who corpse | | | Lists all the corpses a Player has in the current zone. |
/whotarget or /whot | | | Does a "/who" on the player character targeted. |
/wincolor | | /wincolor | /wincolor - This command allows players with the Velious expansion or later, to change the color and transparency of the background for all of the window boxes for the updated user interface. Where,= CHAT, SPELL, PLAYER, PARTY, TARGET, BUFF, DATA, MAIN, INV, TRACK, or HOTBOX, = 0 to 255, = 0 = off, 1 = 25, 2 = 50, 3 = 75, 4 = 100 percent |
| | | To reset a window color use /wincolorreset |
/yell | Yell for help | /yell or /y |