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藏宝图战报+隐藏6F进入方式 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 楼主  发表于: 2008-09-07
1F 2F 4F略,省略的3层都是近战打前排。

战报: 潜水艇陆战队

today 07:50 - 藏宝图
层 3    =Back= =Next=





Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 9 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 39 2 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 37 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 3 left side 33 4 in perfect health
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 45 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 45 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 城门 1 front 55 5 无法通行
2 鼠人奴隶 3 left side 10 10 ready
3 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 3 center 10 10 ready
4 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 center 10 10 ready
5 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 3 center 10 10 ready
6 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 3 center 10 10 ready
7 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶5 3 center 10 10 ready
8 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 3 back 10 10 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  themselves


  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 鼠人奴隶 attacks (匕首格斗/28) boboo (盾牌格挡/27/简易的 小型 木制 盾): success
0 [+8] piercing damage


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 ranged attacks (投石攻击/1) boboo (远程回避/23): failed


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 ranged attacks (投石攻击/27) drowdancer (9): critical success
5 [+1] crushing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 ranged attacks (投石攻击/32) lhao2 (13): critical success
10 crushing damage


Initiative 23
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/32/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 城门 (3): critical success
14 cutting damage


Initiative 18
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/17/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 (远程回避/22): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 ranged attacks (投石攻击/8) boboo (远程回避/17): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 ranged attacks (投石攻击/19) drowdancer (18): success
0 [+4] crushing damage


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/34/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 鼠人奴隶 (远程回避/16): good success - struck down
16 piercing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶5 ranged attacks (投石攻击/11) lhao2 (14): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/30/尖头矛) 城门 (3): critical success
12 piercing damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/36/比赛用剑) 城门 (2): critical success
10 crushing damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/24/短柄斧) 城门 (3): critical success
8 cutting damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/11/魔法杖) 城门 (3): critical success
5 crushing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖) 城门 (3): success - 被毁
9 crushing damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/15/魔法杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 (近程闪避/17): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +4 HP


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/22/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶5 (近程闪避/9): critical success - struck down
19 cutting damage
0 holy damage


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/5/祝福之杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 (近程闪避/19): failed


层 3    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 4 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 38 2 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 27 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 33 4 in perfect health
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 45 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 45 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 城门 1 front 0 5 被毁
2 鼠人奴隶 3 left side 0 10 struck down
3 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 3 center 10 10 ready
4 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 center 10 10 ready
5 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 3 center 10 10 ready
6 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 3 center 10 10 ready
7 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶5 3 center 0 10 struck down
8 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 3 back 10 10 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/34/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 (近程闪避/25): success
3 [+4] cutting damage


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 ranged attacks (投石攻击/17) boboo (远程回避/19): failed


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/30/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 (远程回避/27): success - struck down
14 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1
  持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/36/尖头矛) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 (近程闪避/8): critical success - struck down
13 piercing damage


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1
  持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/2/魔法杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/33/短柄斧) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/33): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/15/祝福之杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/23): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/42/比赛用剑) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/46): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/7/祝福之杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/28): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/7/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (远程回避/33): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +7 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/8/魔法杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/15): failed


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/27/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/25): success - struck down
10 [+4] cutting damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 5 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 45 2 slightly wounded
3 lhao2 3 front 27 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 33 4 in perfect health
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 45 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 45 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 3 center 0 10 struck down
2 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 center 0 10 struck down
3 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶3 3 center 7 10 fled
4 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶4 3 center 10 10 fled
5 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶6 3 back 0 10 struck down

The attackers were victorious!



boboo receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 11.
drowdancer receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 27.
lhao2 receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 25.
no limmy receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 20.
-40°C receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 25.
Gold receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 35.
Nana receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 15.
ang receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 26.
lhao receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 31.
lovesandra receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 12.
野火烧不尽 receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 50.
饕餮 receives 94 and 1.3 and finds 35.
drowdancer finds 微弱的 瓶装法力药水
lhao2 finds 乐谱:躲闪之歌
no limmy finds 复印页:新手躲避
-40°C finds 一小瓶水
-40°C finds 小飞刀
ang finds 普通的acres神圣荣誉勋章
ang finds 飞镖
lovesandra finds 小袋霰弹
lovesandra finds 乐谱:躲闪之歌
野火烧不尽 finds 乐谱:躲闪之歌
饕餮 finds 青铜饰有宝石的腰带  



层 3    =Back= =Next=

战报: 潜水艇陆战队

today 07:50 - 藏宝图
层 5    =Back= =Next=

鼠人此刻正在宝藏室内掠夺财宝。 当你打开门,漆黑的鼠人诅咒着你,并向你扔出一把飞刀。


Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 30 9 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 51 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 36 3 in perfect health
4 no limmy 3 left side 33 4 in perfect health
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 13 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 1 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 持矛的鼠人奴隶1 3 front 10 10 ready
2 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 3 left side 10 10 ready
3 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 3 left side 10 10 ready
4 鼠人影子 5 center 20 15 ready
5 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 3 back 10 10 ready
6 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 back 10 10 ready
7 持投射武器的鼠人 4 back 15 15 ready

  boboo uses 小范围保护光环 (6 MP) on  themselves


  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


  鼠人影子 uses 无声行动 (2 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 32
Action 1 of 1 鼠人影子 cunningly attacks (偷袭/49) boboo (6): critical success
drowdancer (10): critical success
lhao2 (6): critical success
no limmy (2): critical success
-40°C (21): critical success
Gold (1): critical success
Nana (13): critical success
ang (2): critical success
lhao (1): critical success
lovesandra (25): good success
野火烧不尽 (5): critical success
饕餮 (2): critical success


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/30/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 鼠人影子 (远程回避/31): failed


Initiative 27
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 ranged attacks (投石攻击/12) lhao2 (6): good success
6 crushing damage


Initiative 25
Action 1 of 1 持投射武器的鼠人 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/33) no limmy (7): critical success
12 piercing damage


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/32/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 持矛的鼠人奴隶1 (近程闪避/26): success - struck down
12 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 ranged attacks (投石攻击/18) drowdancer (6): critical success
10 [+1] crushing damage


Initiative 12
Action 1 of 1 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 attacks (长柄武器攻击/32) boboo (盾牌格挡/36/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/24) lhao2 (近程闪避/20): success
7 [+1] piercing damage


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/8/魔法杖) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/30/尖头矛) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 (近程闪避/30): failed


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/24/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 (近程闪避/12): good success - struck down
13 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/9/祝福之杖) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/27): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/22/比赛用剑) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/25): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/28/短柄斧) 鼠人影子 (近程闪避/19): success
0 [+7] cutting damage


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/15/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 鼠人影子 (远程回避/39): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/17/祝福之杖) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/12): success
4 [+5] crushing damage


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) drowdancer +9 HP


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/38/14 MP) 鼠人影子 (抗魔/10): critical success
11 lightning damage


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 4 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 23 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 21 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 5 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 4 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 持矛的鼠人奴隶1 3 front 0 10 struck down
2 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 3 left side 10 10 ready
3 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 3 left side 10 10 ready
4 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶1 3 back 0 10 struck down
5 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 back 10 10 ready
6 持投射武器的鼠人 4 back 11 15 ready
7 鼠人影子 5 behind group 9 13 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


Initiative 32
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/24/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 鼠人影子 (远程回避/24): failed


Initiative 28
Action 1 of 1 持投射武器的鼠人 ranged attacks (投掷攻击/36) no limmy (9): critical success
6 piercing damage


Initiative 15
Action 1 of 1 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/40) drowdancer (近程闪避/41): failed


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 attacks (长柄武器攻击/32) boboo (盾牌格挡/37/简易的 小型 木制 盾): failed


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/43/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/26): good success
6 [+2] cutting damage


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1
  持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 is a coward and flees due to a lack of hitpoints.


Initiative 11
Action 1 of 1 鼠人影子 socially attacks (嘲笑/22/2 MP) lhao2 (4): critical success


Initiative 10
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/15/尖头矛) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/40): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/12/魔法杖) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/35): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/19/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/23): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/34/短柄斧) 鼠人影子 (近程闪避/41): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/8/祝福之杖) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/19): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/17/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 鼠人影子 (远程回避/46): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/18/比赛用剑) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/33): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) lhao2 +3 HP


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks (杖击/3/魔法杖) 持投射武器的鼠人 (近程闪避/31): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) no limmy +5 HP


层 5    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 5 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 23 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 11 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 23 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 7 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 3 left side 10 10 ready
2 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 3 left side 10 10 ready
3 持弹弓的鼠人奴隶2 3 back 4 10 fled
4 持投射武器的鼠人 4 back 11 15 ready
5 鼠人影子 5 behind group 9 11 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


Initiative 34
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/19/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 鼠人影子 (远程回避/31): failed


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1
  持矛的鼠人奴隶3 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1
  鼠人影子 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 22
Action 1 of 1
  持投射武器的鼠人 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/18/尖头矛) 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 (近程闪避/25): failed


Initiative 13
Action 1 of 1
  持矛的鼠人奴隶2 is a coward and flees due to the amount of companions that have been struck down.




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 6 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 26 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 26 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 17 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 10 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 持矛的鼠人奴隶2 3 left side 10 10 fled
2 持矛的鼠人奴隶3 3 left side 10 10 fled
3 鼠人影子 5 center 9 11 fled
4 持投射武器的鼠人 4 back 11 15 fled

The attackers were victorious!



boboo receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 72.
drowdancer receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 52.
lhao2 receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 46.
no limmy receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 63.
-40°C receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 72.
Gold receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 86.
Nana receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 66.
ang receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 24.
lhao receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 47.
lovesandra receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 68.
野火烧不尽 receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 61.
饕餮 receives 92 and 1.3 and finds 21.
no limmy finds 简易 珍珠臂章
no limmy finds 简易的 魔法盾牌头巾
Gold finds 岩石王冠  
Nana finds 简易 青铜臂章
ang finds 青铜饰有宝石的腰带  
lhao finds 简易的 使用吹箭法宝
boboo finds 鼠人弹弓



层 5    =Back= =Next=

战报: 潜水艇陆战队

today 07:50 - 藏宝图
层 6    =Back= =Next=






Round 1



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 6 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 26 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 26 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 17 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 10 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 被激怒的兽人 6 left side 49 21 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


  被激怒的兽人 uses 暴怒 (7 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 24
Action 1 of 2 被激怒的兽人 socially attacks (战吼/32/3 MP) drowdancer (17): good success
lhao2 (5): critical success


Initiative 21
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/18/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 被激怒的兽人 (18): failed


Initiative 17
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/9/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/31): failed


Initiative 16
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/26/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 被激怒的兽人 (17): good success
0 [+2] crushing damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks (杖击/11/魔法杖) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/34): failed


Initiative 12
Action 2 of 2 被激怒的兽人 attacks (斧技/32) lhao2 (近程闪避/34): failed


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/20/尖头矛) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


Initiative 6
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP) lhao2 +3 HP


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/23/14 MP) 被激怒的兽人 (6): critical success
11 lightning damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/18/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/29): failed


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/29/短柄斧) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


Initiative 3
Action 1 of 1 lhao attacks (杖击/10/祝福之杖) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/38): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/6/祝福之杖) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/18): failed


Initiative 1
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/22/比赛用剑) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/24): failed


层 6    =Back= =Next=


Round 2



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 32 7 in perfect health
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 29 3 slightly wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 9 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 13 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 被激怒的兽人 6 left side 38 11 ready

  boboo recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


  被激怒的兽人 uses 暴怒 (7 MP) on  themselves


Initiative 29
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/37/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 被激怒的兽人 (16): critical success
12 [+4] piercing damage


Initiative 23
Action 1 of 2 被激怒的兽人 attacks (斧技/50) boboo (盾牌格挡/15/简易的 小型 木制 盾): critical success
26 cutting damage


Initiative 14
Action 1 of 1 drowdancer attacks (斧技/8/敏捷的 普通短柄斧) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


Initiative 11
Action 2 of 2 被激怒的兽人 attacks (斧技/42) lhao2 (近程闪避/28): good success
10 cutting damage


Initiative 9
Action 1 of 1 lovesandra attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/39/14 MP) 被激怒的兽人 (21): good success
4 lightning damage


Initiative 8
Action 1 of 1 -40°C ranged attacks (投石攻击/28/学者投石环索,大袋石块) 被激怒的兽人 (8): critical success
2 crushing damage


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 no limmy attacks (剑术/23/比赛用剑) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/35): failed


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 Gold heals with 急救 (1 MP/绷带) boboo +12 HP


Initiative 7
Action 1 of 1 饕餮 attacks (斧技/21/短柄斧) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/43): failed


Initiative 5
Action 1 of 1 ang attacks with magic (魔法飞弹/34/14 MP) 被激怒的兽人 (15): critical success
8 lightning damage


Initiative 4
Action 1 of 1 boboo attacks (剑术/25/古斯塔夫切肉刀) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/39): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 Nana attacks (杖击/4/祝福之杖) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


Initiative 2
Action 1 of 1 lhao heals with 急救 (1 MP) boboo +2 HP


Initiative 0
Action 1 of 1 lhao2 attacks (长柄武器攻击/8/尖头矛) 被激怒的兽人 (盾牌格挡/30): failed


层 6    =Back= =Next=


Round 3



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 20 8 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 19 3 wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 25 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 1 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 23 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 2 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 被激怒的兽人 6 left side 12 4 ready

  boboo heals 2 hp and recovers 1 mp.


  Gold recovers 1 mp.


  ang recovers 6 mp.


  lhao recovers 1 mp.


  lovesandra recovers 3 mp.


Initiative 26
Action 1 of 1 野火烧不尽 ranged attacks (十字弓射击/21/轻型绑腕弩,改良的 矢) 被激怒的兽人 (9): critical success - struck down
14 [+4] piercing damage




Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 boboo 3 front 22 9 slightly wounded
2 drowdancer 3 front 50 2 in perfect health
3 lhao2 3 front 19 3 wounded
4 no limmy 3 left side 20 4 slightly wounded
5 -40°C 3 center 6 27 in perfect health
6 Gold 3 center 12 26 in perfect health
7 Nana 2 center 14 26 in perfect health
8 ang 3 center 6 7 in perfect health
9 lhao 3 center 23 24 in perfect health
10 lovesandra 3 center 8 5 in perfect health
11 野火烧不尽 3 center 12 13 in perfect health
12 饕餮 3 back 52 2 in perfect health



Name Level Position hitpoints manapoints Condition
1 被激怒的兽人 6 left side 0 4 struck down

The attackers were victorious!




boboo receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 17.
drowdancer receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 7.
lhao2 receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 7.
no limmy receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 8.
-40°C receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 7.
Gold receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 11.
Nana receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 14.
ang receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 11.
lhao receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 9.
lovesandra receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 4.
野火烧不尽 receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 17.
饕餮 receives 20 and 1.3 and finds 14.
drowdancer finds 一小把 石块
drowdancer finds 改良的 箭
-40°C finds 复印页:新手躲避
Nana finds 简易 白银臂章
Nana finds 曲匕  
ang finds 大袋食物
lhao finds 木棒
lovesandra finds 绷带
饕餮 finds 普通的akbeth神圣荣誉勋章



层 6    =Back= =Next=


只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2008-09-07

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2008-09-07

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2008-09-07
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