每个AA技能有有它的代码,包括天生神力天生耐力等,使用AA技能的宏格式:/alt activate +代码
如诗人褪色:/alt activate 199
DS序列 中文 英文
14 天生重生 Innate Regeneration
18 Healing Adept
19 Healing Gift
20 Spell Casting Mastery
21 Spell Casting Reinforcement
22 纯净心智 Mental Clarity
23 Spell Casting Fury
24 Channeling Focus
25 隐秘魔法 Spell Casting Subtlety
26 魔力无误 Spell Casting Expertise
27 快速施法 Spell Casting Deftness
29 自然治疗 Natural Healing
30 狂暴格斗 Combat Fury
31 防御恐惧 Fear Resistance
32 夺命一击 Finishing Blow
35 团队增援 (CLR, DRU, ENC, MAG, NEC, PAL, RNG, SHM) Mass Group Buff
36 神圣复活 (CLR) Divine Resurrection
37 天生亡灵隐形术 (CLR, NEC) Innate Invis to Undead
38 神力重生 (CLR) Celestial Regeneration
39 赋予圣之光环 (CLR) Bestow Divine Aura
40 驱散亡灵 (CLR) Turn Undead
41 净化灵魂 (CLR) Purify Soul
42 Quick Evacuation
43 大逃亡 (DRU, WIZ) Exodus
44 Quick Damage
45 Enhanced Root
46 邪恶魅惑 (DRU, ENC, NEC) Dire Charm
47 同类相残 (SHM) Cannibalization
48 快速援助 Quick Buff
49 炼金术大师 Alchemy Mastery
50 狂暴之熊 (SHM) Rabid Bear
51 魔力燃烧 (WIZ) Mana Burn
52 增强友谊术 (WIZ) Improved Familiar
53 那科萨之门 (WIZ) Nexus Gate
54 永久隐形 Permanent Illusion
55 珠宝制作大师 Jewel Craft Mastery
56 汲取魔力 (ENC) Gather Mana
57 同伴疗伤 (BST, MAG, NEC) Mend Companion
58 快速召唤 Quick Summoning
59 狂暴之击 (MAG) Frenzied Burnout
60 变身为:火元素 (MAG) Elemental Form: Fire
61 变身为:水元素 (MAG) Elemental Form: Water
62 变身为:土元素 (MAG) Elemental Form: Earth
63 变身为:风元素 (MAG) Elemental Form: Air
64 高级回收魔力 Improved Reclaim Energy
65 驱赶召唤 (MAG) Turn Summoned
66 元素契约 Elemental Pact
67 燃烧生命 (NEC) Life Burn
68 亡灵催眠 (NEC) Dead Mesmerization
69 恐惧风暴 (NEC) Fearstorm
70 化肉为骨 (NEC) Flesh to Bone
71 召唤尸体 (NEC) Call to Corpse
72 神力昏晕 (PAL) Divine Stun
73 高级手到病除 Improved Lay on Hands
74 毁灭亡灵 Slay Undead
75 英勇献身 (PAL) Act of Valor
76 神圣战马 (PAL) Holy Steed
77 无所畏惧 Fearless
78 双手冲击 2 Hand Bash
79 随意隐形 (DRU, RNG) Innate Camouflage
98 横冲直撞 (WAR) Rampage
99 区域嘲笑 (WAR) Area Taunt
100 战争怒吼 (WAR) Warcry
101 包扎伤口 Bandage Wound
102 Spell Casting Reinforcement Mastery
103 狂暴魔法大师 (Passive) Spell Casting Fury Mastery
104 宏亮歌声 Extended Notes
105 龙拳 Dragon Punch
106 牢固之根 (WIZ) Strong Root
107 歌曲大师 Singing Mastery
108 身心俱强 (Passive) Body and Mind Rejuvenation
109 体能增加 (Passive) Physical Enhancement (Passive)
110 高级陷阱拆除术 Adv. Trap Negotiation
111 杂技 Acrobatics
112 记忆歌曲 Scribble Notes
113 混乱之刺 Chaotic Stab
114 宠物戒律 Pet Discipline
115 神勇宠物 (BST) Hobble of Spirits
116 精神暴怒 (BST) Frenzy of Spirit
117 典范精神 (BST) Paragon of Spirit
118 Advanced Innate Strength
119 Advanced Innate Stamina
120 Advanced Innate Agility
121 Advanced Innate Dexterity
122 Advanced Innate Intelligence
123 Advanced Innate Wisdom
124 Advanced Innate Charisma
125 Warding of Solusek
126 Blessing of E'ci
127 Marr's Protection
128 Shroud of The Faceless
129 Bertoxxulous' Gift
130 Planar Power
131 Planar Durability
132 Innate Enlightenment
133 Advanced Spell Casting Mastery
134 Advanced Healing Adept
135 Advanced Healing Gift
136 Coup de Grace
137 Fury of the Ages
138 Mastery of the Past
139 Lightning Reflexes
140 Innate Defense
141 光辉治疗 (CLR, DRU, SHM) Radiant Cure
159 德鲁兹丰收 (WIZ) Harvest of Druzzil
160 埃尔德奇秘文 (ENC) Eldritch Rune
161 忠实奴仆 (MAG) Servant of Ro
162 复活亡灵 (NEC) Wake the Dead
163 冻结宠物 (BST, ENC, MAG, NEC, SHM) Suspended Minion
164 召唤灵怪 (SHM) Spirit Call
165 天空更新术 Celestial Renewal
166 忠实魔宠(WIZ) Allegiant Familiar
167 虔诚之手 (PAL) Hand of Piety
168 梅特尼包扎 Mithaniel's Binding
169 静谧疗伤 Mending of the Tranquil
170 狂暴连击 Raging Flurry
171 森林守护者 (RNG) Guardian of the Forest
172 荒野之灵 (DRU) Spirit of the Wood
173 野兽狂暴 Bestial Frenzy
174 和谐攻击 Harmonious Attack
175 骑士之力 Knight's Advantage
176 怒火连击 Ferocity
177 粘液之根 Viscid Roots
178 索来切之音 Sionachiea's Crescendo
179 乐器宗师 Ayonaea's Tutelage
180 宠物装死 Feigned Minion
181 无尽之法 Unfailing Divinity
182 召唤移神 Animation Empathy
183 Rush to Judgment
184 Living Shield
185 Consumption of the Soul
186 傲慢咆哮 (BRD) Boastful Bellow
187 热切祝福 Fervent Blessing
188 邪恶之触 Touch of the Wicked
189 麻木之刃 Punishing Blade
190 骑士之速 Speed of the Knight
191 迷踪术 Shroud of Stealth
192 快速隐蔽 Nimble Evasion
193 吴尔大师之力 Technique of Master Wu
194 元素之主 (MAG) Host of the Elements
195 召唤责尔拉 (WIZ) Call of Xuzl
196 快速躲藏 Hastened Stealth
197 Ingenuity Ingenuity
198 神行术 Fleet of Foot
199 褪色记忆 (BRD) Fading Memories
200 战术大师 Tactical Mastery
201 偷取生命 Theft of Life
202 Fury of Magic
203 Fury of Magic Mastery
204 Project Illusion(ENC)
205 爆头 Headshot
206 诱陷 (RNG) Entrap
207 Unholy Touch Unholy Touch
208 Total Domination Total Domination
209 Stalwart Endurance Stalwart Endurance
210 快速召唤 Quick Summoning
PS:英文版可以用/alt 查询AA技能的序号。
[ 此帖被plwar在2010-07-24 16:17重新编辑 ]